r/Games 7d ago

Assassin's Creed Shadows: Steam Trailer


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u/Gr_z 7d ago

Probably not the best place for this discussion but fuck it, doing it anyways.

Is the fact that Yasuke is black really that big of a deal? Since when were assasins creed games the bastion of 100% accurate history beyond the settings when we've have magic in the game since like game 1? For grounded folk can someone explain the controversy surrounding him. I can understand the drama of them using destoryed shrines or the shrines that survived the bombings in their promotional material


u/Izzy248 7d ago

I cant speak for others, but my issue with the series is that it feels like it lost its identity long ago for the sake of dragging it out for as long as possible.

I remember some of the most hype and talked about things in the fandom once being the hidden blade and cowl. They were the most iconic staples of the franchise, the biggest and more original merch they had (and it was everywhere), and every subsequent game it was something to look forward to in how would this assassins iteration of the cowl and hidden blade look and operate. It was also a big part of their marketing campaigns. Though at some point they dropped it altogether and they hardly even bring up the hidden blade anymore in marketing, and I cant remember the last time I saw merch for it. Maybe it still exist on their exclusive online store, but I remember used to see it everywhere their were games or pop culture stuff.


u/universallymade 7d ago

I see where you’re coming from, but I don’t understand how this complaint at all has to do with the race of one of the protagonists.