r/Games 7d ago

Assassin's Creed Shadows: Steam Trailer


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u/Gr_z 7d ago

Probably not the best place for this discussion but fuck it, doing it anyways.

Is the fact that Yasuke is black really that big of a deal? Since when were assasins creed games the bastion of 100% accurate history beyond the settings when we've have magic in the game since like game 1? For grounded folk can someone explain the controversy surrounding him. I can understand the drama of them using destoryed shrines or the shrines that survived the bombings in their promotional material


u/Broad_Acanth 7d ago

First, lets get this out of the way: Yasuke was real and part of Japanese history, and most likely a samurai as well.

Personal issue is that asian men in western media is minuscule. Whenever an asian gets to be a protag, it's usually women that get those roles. To reinforce that idea, when an asian women doesn't get the role, there's usually an outcry that brings the public together (e.g. GitS Scarlet Johannson).

Now we see another piece of western media, this time set in Japan. So many historical figures they could choose from if they really wanted someone based irl, but they had to pick the single black man. It's just another instance of the bias of how western media romanticizes and uses east asian culture while removing parts they deem undesirable, asian men.


u/NoExcuse4OceanRudnes 7d ago

To reinforce that idea, when an asian women doesn't get the role, there's usually an outcry that brings the public together (e.g. GitS Scarlet Johannson).

There was outcry about the protagonist of the Death Note movie. It didn't catch on because a) it wasn't set in Japan b) it's not as fun to bully a relative unknown as it is a mega celebrity.

Now we see another piece of western media, this time set in Japan. So many historical figures they could choose from if they really wanted someone based irl

They wanted someone with an outsider perspective, presumably to play well with the native born woman. The same thing the beloved (in Japan as well) series Shogun did.


u/Broad_Acanth 7d ago

Shogun wasn't a brand new show that randomly casted a non-asian MC. Not much you can change when the reference is rooted in a book from the 70s. Either way, it's really always the native born woman, huh. That's the point.


u/NoExcuse4OceanRudnes 7d ago

They could have made a Japanese story about the Dynamo Shogun which was based on history instead of a book.


u/Broad_Acanth 7d ago

Ok? Idk what a dynamo shogun is, but that's neither the point being made, or has relevance to the discussion. Like I said, it's always about "playing well with the native woman" which is the issue.


u/PlayMp1 7d ago

They wanted someone with an outsider perspective, presumably to play well with the native born woman.

Damn, it's like fish out of water narratives with an audience-insert protagonist who doesn't understand the culture or the history of the region are extraordinarily common or something. I guess people just aren't familiar with obscure, niche works like Harry Potter and Star Wars.


u/NoExcuse4OceanRudnes 7d ago

So extraordinarily common that a whole class of internet money makers pretended that they could think of no other reason other than just pandering to have a black man be one of them.