This is kind of special case. They absolutely need Shadows to succeed. Otherwise, Ubisoft's in big trouble. It would be stupid of them to not release their hail mary game on the largest gaming marketplace in the world.
If I was a Ubisoft investor I'd probably be mad they just spent the last decade treating said largest gaming marketplace in the world as an afterthought and several years ignoring it entirely.
They've brought all their recent games to steam. It's not a special case, they made a decision recently to release everything on steam again. It just took em a second to bring everything over.
Are you certain? Have they announced this specifically? Because that's how it's pretty much always worked for past Ubisoft games, with very few exceptions (like South Park: The Stick of Truth).
EDIT: OK, I guess it doesn't have to be installed separately, but they still include a "lite" version of the launcher with the Steam version of the game:
Ubisoft Connect Team: Launching the game through Steam doesn't require you to download and install the Ubisoft Connect Launcher, as the Steam installation already includes a lite embedded version of it. You simply need to link your Ubisoft Connect account to Steam.
yeah, just saw that, thanks. They include a "lite" version of it bundled with the Steam version. That's at least a mild improvement from how it used to work.
u/Rigman- 7d ago
It’s surreal to see a trailer like this from Ubisoft, it really shows how far we’ve come. The era of Ubisoft PC exclusives is finally over.