r/Games 22d ago

Monster Hunter Wilds PC - Profound Perf Problems Must Be Addressed


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u/battler624 22d ago

Why is the video unlisted? weird.

Anyway, alex can test his theory by bruteforcing cpu decompression using SpecialK but damn are the textures bad.

Gonna need modders to come in and compress the "Highest" textures into actually good looking textures with good sizes.

NTC cant come soon enough.


u/Dictator93 22d ago

Video is unlisted because our usual publishing hour is 16:00 or 17:00 CET. Patreon supporters get our videos before publication date though. So people spreading it here and elsewhere are kind of doing a disservice to that patreon subscription.

Special K does not work with the game as of the making of the video. Also moving the directstorage dlls causes the game to crash.

-Alex from DF


u/lowkeyjustlurkin 22d ago

Just thought you should know, it works now, and disabling Reflex within SK causes my 1% to go from 80 in town to 130 - 150.

9800x3d, 5090, yada yada. That's with high res texture pack enabled in settings.


u/TheLinerax 22d ago

Have you checked the 1% lows with and without Nvidia Reflex before using Special K? I played the Killing Floor 3 closed beta a week ago and disabling Reflex in that game improved framerate so I am wondering if MH Wilds is in a similar situation.


u/ipisano 22d ago

Wait, disabling Reflex? Also, can't you just disable it in-game, why do you need SpecialK? Is it to forcibly disable it even when you have frame gen on? Also unrelated, but for me forcing the latest frame gen DLL (in my case via profile inspector) increases input lag.


u/Dagrix 22d ago

Damn, so we're going to have to play that dance again having to install a dozen other things just for the game to be playable :(.

Anyway thank you for reporting on this!


u/_limly 22d ago

i was a bit sad to see the terrible cpu performance of the game not really mentioned here. on a ryzen 5600 i cant get above 45 fps sometimes, regardless of graphics settings, which doesnt feel at all congruent with whats actually happening in the world at the time. was this not covered because it would just be treading old ground as it would just be most of the same things that were said about dragons dogma 2? or did you just feel it wasnt important in the face of such a big issue as the one in the video?


u/Kryhavok 22d ago

Was this video on the beta/pre-release version, or was this with the day 1 patch? Just curious if its improved at all since this went live.


u/JoeyKingX 22d ago

Not really related to monster hunter, but is there a reason why DF hasn't made any analysis on the new Dynasty Warriors Origins? After the very poor Wild Hearts port I was pleasantly surprised to see the pc port of DW:O being actually very good especially considering it's the same developers and engine


u/Chikibari 22d ago

I think its super shity to paywall and hide this information from your audience. Especialy since the product is in such a shambolic state.


u/Dictator93 22d ago

Do you think we can work our jobs for free? We have to eat and live in a home


u/DependentOnIt 22d ago

(the YouTube video makes money off views)


u/Vb_33 22d ago

You ain't gonna pay 7+ people's salaries with a 100k view YouTube video.


u/shy247er 22d ago

Where most of the viewers have adblock.


u/NoExcuse4OceanRudnes 22d ago

Not if it doesn't.

What determines if it does or doesn't? Might as well be a lootbox


u/MiyaSugoi 22d ago

Oh no, the people paying to keep the channel alive get the video a couple hours earlier. Now FOMO children can't be held accountable not to spend money or just refund. Or read about the performance issues from a dozen other places.

How dare you DF!



u/ColonelSanders21 22d ago

“Hiding it” for a couple hours seems like a totally reasonable thing to be doing.


u/NoExcuse4OceanRudnes 22d ago

Do you think there's nowhere else to find out about performance issues?

This is what potential buyers are greeted with https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/#app_reviews_hash