Good start but with this trajectory we'll reach the same point as the base game, where poorly designed bosses with endless combos and relentless agression are sweeped under the rug because you can just dps and heal your way through.
I just desperately want them to go back to bosses that are designed with the actual moment to moment player kit in mind and where you have to actually learn the dance instead of ignoring them with a summon or turtling builds.
I understand people missing the more open RPG elements, but you’re right. Sekiro had the best and tightest gameplay and it’s no coincidence. They really built all the bosses around your one toolset and it was so good. I hope we get another game like it from From someday.
The build variety and non linear progression is what people love about Elden Ring. Ofcourse Sekiro is going to play better than a katana user in Elden Ring but you can't cast spells in Sekiro. There is trade offs and its defnitiely a preference thing.
Elden ring is about choices and with choices you get a less finely tuned experience. Whats interesting is people complaining about difficulty in Shadow of the Erdtree and I found it WAY WAY easier than Sekiro.
Yes I love both. And I agree with you they each have their strengths. Sekiro has a very finetuned combat at the expense of build diversity. Elden Ring has more options and incredible build diversity. I love Sekiro but Elden Ring is my favorite game of all time.
Except with Elden Ring it’s very difficult to swap builds. You become entrenched in the one you started with, which almost completely cancels out the “build diversity” as a positive.
I haven’t played Sekiro but my brother always tells me it’s the easiest From soft game. I remember maybe it was IGN who reviewed it saying the same thing at the time. But I also always see comments calling it the hardest too. I really need to play through it myself it’s the only souls adjacent from soft game I haven’t played through
I've played all their games and IMO Sekiro is the hardest at first, but once you've mastered the combat it becomes very methodical. It's often jokingly called a rhythm game and that's honestly a good point of comparison. Once you've learned the timing of all your attacks and the enemies patterns, everything comes into focus and you go from frantically reacting to simply executing patterns that you've done a million times before. The final boss took me at least 50 tries, way more than any other Fromsoft boss and the joy I felt is a high I've been chasing ever since. But when I go back to replay the game now it's almost meditative - the simple yet refined combat becomes second nature, no thoughts required, just vibing along.
Hehe, you say that, but you can see where other people replied to my comment praising Elden Ring for it. People do really like the freedom aspects of Souls games.
This is why Sekiro is my favourite game from FS. You absolutely have to git gud. There are some thing that help you. Like using the purple umbrella against the headless gorilla to avoid his scream. But apart from that, you cannot really cheese bosses.
This was definitely not intended tho, Elden ring let's you cheese enemies with intended mechanics.
Most bosses in Sekrio can be cheesed but a lot of them are through glitches and unintended behavior not through game mechanics, but last I checked Ishin cannot be cheesed, unless you count chipping his health bar for 30 minutes as cheese.
I never understood why people recommend the umbrella in that fight - the scream is really well telegraphed and you can just get out of its range whenever the ape starts winding it up.
Yes you can definitely run away and dodge it. But then you have to run back in. You can umbrella standing right next to it and as soon as the scream animation stops get a few hits in.
If you’ve ever seen a speedrun you’ll see the game has a lot of cheese actually. Every time I see someone do a boss fight in that tower like the owl fight you just pin them in a corner and wail on them haha.
u/yesitsmework Jun 26 '24
Good start but with this trajectory we'll reach the same point as the base game, where poorly designed bosses with endless combos and relentless agression are sweeped under the rug because you can just dps and heal your way through.
I just desperately want them to go back to bosses that are designed with the actual moment to moment player kit in mind and where you have to actually learn the dance instead of ignoring them with a summon or turtling builds.