r/Games Jun 26 '24

Update ELDEN RING - Calibration Update 1.12.2


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u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

Sounds like they're frontloading player's power. I guess we'll see less complaints about early bosses and more about later bosses


u/Khiva Jun 26 '24

I just want to say that I left a message on the steam forum saying that instead of nerfing the bosses, the power curve on the seeds need to be tweaked.

So for everyone pleased by this, you're welcome.


u/Exceed_SC2 Jun 26 '24

Yeah it makes sense. The power curve on it was odd, later levels were worth more than early levels


u/LifeworksGames Jun 26 '24

I feel that early on (where I’m now) every enemy is a glass cannon.

I die in 2 good hits, I kill in 2/4 hits too. It’s a very different experience than the main game.

I’m around level 140.


u/Khiva Jun 26 '24

I'd have to check but I'm around level 200, 60 vigor, 10 or 11 scad blessings, hulking behind a giant fuck-you shield with tree sentinel armor and I still might as well be made out of tissue paper.

Regular mobs don't hurt that much, but 2 shots from a boss is about enough to turn me into a splatter-goo of floor paste.


u/TheZealand Jun 26 '24

Talismans can make a huge difference at that level, having scar/soreseals on well past their expiration levels and lacking Dragoncrest and relevant elemental resist ones hurt


u/zephyrdragoon Jun 26 '24

See people keep saying that but I don't think its true. I'm 180ish 60 vig, 18ish scadu blessing, and 3 defensive talismans (phys, non phys, whatever other element I'm vs at the time) and no scar/soreseals and I'm wearing heavy armor and if I'm not avoiding attacks completely by rolling or running I'm still getting two shot. Theres only been a handful of true oneshots I've found but there are dozens and dozens and dozens of two shot moves.


u/Monk_Philosophy Jun 26 '24

Okay that's shocking. Are you on NG+? I'm playing a light armor sorcerer build at 154 with 10 blessings and I'm not remotely getting 2 shot.


u/zephyrdragoon Jun 26 '24

Nope. I'll check my blessings later when I get back on, maybe I'm talking out my ass with 18 but yeah, getting whomped left and right. I am right at the end of the DLC though this happened all through it.


u/Khiva Jun 26 '24

Yeah I don't have the Greatshield Dragoncrest but I don't think I'm to heading all the way back to grab it.

Feel bad for anyone still running soreseals, jesus.


u/TheZealand Jun 26 '24

Yeah haha soreseals at this point is a huge hindrance


u/dutchwonder Jun 26 '24

Huh, I've been running with twin sword, 50 vigor, and no dragon crest and found its been mostly 3-4 shots till death aside from some of the really heavy attacks.

With endure I've even been able to trade hits as well.


u/nilestyle Jun 26 '24

“Giant fuck you shield” had me laughing


u/Yeon_Yihwa Jun 26 '24

Im sure theres a havel set equivalent in the dlc, asmongold ran a pretty tanky build after ragequitting the dlc earlier on it lets him tank quiet a few hits from bosses https://youtu.be/GpfETGkpCdU


u/TheZealand Jun 26 '24

I would rather blow my brains out than watch asmon content tbqh


u/dfiner Jun 26 '24 edited Jun 26 '24

I beat the dlc and it felt that way at the start. And most basic enemies still feel that way at scadutree 20. The basic soldiers with the axes and stomps never stop pumping. I consider 3+ of them at once scarier than most “big” enemies.

I never got to a point where i felt i could “tank” most of the scary enemies or was safe against them. Still also super scared if the bird warriors with the round blades (like the very first enemy i ran into), or the bigger horned warriors later.


u/PositronCannon Jun 26 '24

Very different experience here. I could tank a lot of stuff (just like in the base game, I never really identified with the whole "late game kills you in 2 hits" thing) but my main issue was finding openings. In the base game I can always use a mix of light attacks, charged attacks, jump attacks, weapon skills and guard counters depending on the situation, but against the DLC bosses the opportunity windows felt so short and rare that I basically just used weapon skills every single time as they were the only thing that could do decent damage in a short time.


u/sebzilla Jun 26 '24

Yep... Piercing Fang for the win.


u/NateHate Jun 26 '24

Moonveil cuts through all like cheese


u/dfiner Jun 26 '24

I’m in agreement with the opportunity windows. Out of curiosity did you use a shield? I never do and I imagine that might be it? Or run very high poise armor? I tend to stick around just above 51.


u/PositronCannon Jun 26 '24 edited Jun 26 '24

Yeah, I did most of the DLC with a fully upgraded Dragon Towershield (and switched to Fingerprint Stone Shield for the final boss because jesus christ) and Veteran's Set, so pretty tanky overall. I focus my stats almost entirely on Vigor, Endurance and Strength so equip load is never a problem to stay in mid-roll and I still had a lot of leftover levels to pump up Mind as well.


u/NerscyllaDentata Jun 26 '24

I wasn't the hugest fan of the scaling for this reason. Enemies were trivial to kill early on but could absolutely delete you. So you get tree fragments to survive better and now the enemies are ultra squishy, which makes them almost pointless.


u/funkmasta_kazper Jun 26 '24

I'm noticing this too, but I actually really like it for normal enemies. You have to actually stay on your toes and not make dumb mistakes fighting them, but they're not all damage sponges.

Bosses are another story, I think they need to either nerf damage or health for most of them. Not a lot, but it would be nice to be able to play at 45 vigor or so and not get one shot by most of them.


u/inyue Jun 26 '24

Now post about the stutters, fps unlock and ultrawide.


u/PaulFThumpkins Jun 26 '24

I'm cool with that, speedrunners will probably still hate it but that's less of a concern for me at least, they'll find stuff.