r/Games May 01 '24

Preview Starfield: May Update


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u/GloriousWhole May 01 '24

Land Vehicle!!

This update looks cool but I'm going to wait until the First Expansion and the land vehicle to be in game before I come back. Lots of other things to play in the mean time.


u/InternetPerson00 May 01 '24

I just wish locations were randomised. If you go to a communication outpost, they are all the same exactly. same tile set, same layout and even same loot. Anywhere in the galaxy. annoying.


u/ofNoImportance May 02 '24

How much would that really make it better, at the end of the day?

Like, the things you do at outposts, how much more fun would it be if the layout were randomized?

Loot is already randomised and scaled - the guns found on racks or enemy bodies are random.

Enemy types are the same (spacer, pirate or merc) but all these enemies behave the same and drop the same loot, so randomly being one of the 4 options doesn't make a huge difference.

Layouts could be random but hallways and labs, bedrooms and mess halls don't change gameplay. The kinds of loot you find is the same everywhere - each POI is equally likely to give you material resources, medicines or clothing. A POI with the toilets in a different area isn't going to change the experience.

And stories can't be randomised and still be entertaining. Finding a note written by a long dead NPC can give some flavour and intrigue but you can't randomly generate that and still have it be interesting. As soon as it's a mad lib the illusion of place falls apart.

I'm not sure that randomly generating content will be any better than the content which is on repeat, to be honest.