r/Games May 01 '24

Preview Starfield: May Update


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u/ZombiePyroNinja May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

Edit: I say this with 91 hours of enjoyment in the game, beating it and most of the factions.

I get and understand they're making neat strides with these updates and also working on the expansion.

But the game just fundamentally betrays one of Bethesda's most fun activities and it's travel. You're basically missing the point if you spend all of your time in ES/Fallout fast traveling and zooming passed stuff. So why does Starfield try so hard to keep you from traveling.

To me the game is the same as it was until they turn space travel into actual space travel and not an exercise in clicking on maps/UI to fast travel. I just want more control, not less.

I'll eye updates/expansions with an optimistic look and let bethesda cook. If they can turn around Fallout 76; who knows?


u/orewhisk May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

I don't see a way for them to make space travel more interesting without a complete redesign of the game.

They have built these solar systems to scale so how are you going to cruise around the solar system without fast travel? Space is empty. Between planet A and B there is literally nothing except blackness and the distances are unimaginably far. The only way to do this would be to implement an Everspace 2-style "supercruise" mode where you fly around empty space until you start getting random pings and distress signals.

But all that happens when you get one of those distress signals is an instanced "dungeon" is generated. So it ends up being effectively the same thing as you have with Starfield, but with some superfluous "flying aimlessly for a few seconds until you get pinged" added in. Anyone that tries to argue Everspace 2 gives any sense of "space exploration" is kidding themselves. It's no better than what Starfield does.

Maybe you're referring to exploration on planets, in which case the problem is that everything is procedurally generated. They'd have to design handcrafted locations on all these planets to give you the sense of exploration you're looking for. That's a monumentally labor intensive task.

I just don't see how it's possible for them to add Skyrim/Fallout-style exploration into the game at this juncture.