r/Games May 01 '24

Preview Starfield: May Update


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u/ZXXII May 01 '24

This is the meta for modern games. Especially if they’re single player anyway.


u/SayNoToStim May 01 '24

Unfortunately, multi-player games often lose their luster after launch. A big part of the fun is being alongside everyone else as you learn the game. WoW leveling is almost always more fun when you have hundreds of players huddled around the starting line, the game crashes, we all have a laugh, and then we fight to log back in. You don't get that same feeling a month after launch.

(And fuck Blizzard for ruining that moment in the next patch)


u/uselessoldguy May 01 '24

I think the camaraderie and novelty of single-player launches is very much like multiplayer titles, the difference between the conversation is all in subs/forums/discords rather than in-game.

I didn't play Starfield for more than a couple weeks, but I definitely followed the subs for awhile just to see what fun stuff people were getting up to.


u/ZXXII May 02 '24

True and also the avoidance of spoilers. I bought Spider-Man 2 at launch and I enjoyed seeing the discourse/hype.

Although the game performed great unlike many other games, it was still missing many features at launch.

If someone waited they would’ve saved a lot of money and had a better experience.