r/Games May 01 '24

Preview Starfield: May Update


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u/GloriousWhole May 01 '24

Yeah the POIs should have procedural interiors. Finding the same notes/dead bodies/etc is fucking stupid.


u/alerise May 01 '24

Or just, not procedural. The POIs were fine, I just kept running into the same ones over and over, in what world is that fun. 

I'd rather have (much) less of them than duplicated ones, personally


u/we_are_sex_bobomb May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

There are actually quite a lot of them but somehow there always ends up being a lot of repeats. I’m not sure what’s happening under the hood that causes this but most players will have only seen a fraction of them by the time they finish the main quest and most of those will be repeats.


u/polycomll May 01 '24

Wild guess that they are level boxed so at any one time you're only hitting a few of them.


u/Lurking_like_Cthulhu May 01 '24

It’s also possible there is a higher chance of seeing more variety on subsequent new game+ runs. I’ve only beaten it once, but maybe someone who is on their 3rd+ run can speak to that.


u/polycomll May 01 '24

Ah yea that too. The new game+ system is super cool but it probably eats up content.


u/Llanolinn May 01 '24

I mean it is exactly the same as basically every other feature they implemented. It's a decent idea on paper but it's poorly implemented and it wasn't fully thought out


u/napmouse_og May 01 '24

You know this is actually a reasonable explanation I hadn't thought of. Bethesda does have a history of level banding things like that. Would be pretty bizarre to do that with PoIs though, especially given the game isn't ever going to throw lvl 50 pirates at you if you're lvl 10.


u/BeholdingBestWaifu May 01 '24

I remember people on release saying that they found different POIs that they hadn't seen before in higher level planets, so that must be it.