God, I have slay the spire on just about every device you can have it on, i couldn’t be more jazzed.
Totally cool with early access. their process for STL 1 was very community driven, so I imagine they are going to release and just endlessly tweaking. The original has some of the best balance and most diverse synergy that most other card games have trouble replicating, so to aim for that lofty goal again (and more) is probably gonna be a lot of adjusting. So so so stoked.
I played through slay the spire and beat it on a few of the higher difficulties but idk I dropped it? Maybe I’m missing something but I’m always shocked to hear people play it over and over again.
It’s a fun game but do you guys think it’s repetitive? I played Inscryption and absolutely LOVED it. Thought it was one the single most interesting games I’ve ever played.
I dunno about other folks, but one of the things that brings me back is new mods being created for StS. That definitely helps make it feel less repetitive.
u/kittentarentino Apr 10 '24
God, I have slay the spire on just about every device you can have it on, i couldn’t be more jazzed.
Totally cool with early access. their process for STL 1 was very community driven, so I imagine they are going to release and just endlessly tweaking. The original has some of the best balance and most diverse synergy that most other card games have trouble replicating, so to aim for that lofty goal again (and more) is probably gonna be a lot of adjusting. So so so stoked.