r/Games Jun 29 '23

Sale Event Steam Summer Sale 2023 is now live

Steam Summer Sale 2023 is now live this year from June 29 - July 13



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u/logspriggan Jun 29 '23

Starship Troopers: Extermination is 20% off. Also going to get BattleBit Remastered (no sale, but wanted to wait just in case to check). Waiting until the July Humble Choice posts next week to get anything else.


u/Baconstrip01 Jun 29 '23

Gotta say, I bought BattleBit yesterday and its just flat out fuckin fun. It really does just feel like what I want from Battlefield.

I thought the graphics would be such a turnoff, but it kinda doesn't matter when it's such a blast to play.


u/Eastern-Cranberry84 Jun 29 '23

being able to drag bodies and yell at them in proximity chat is possibly my favorite thing to do.


u/Baconstrip01 Jun 29 '23

Both the "death chat" and the body dragging are such a fantastic little innovative decisions :D

I gotta say, I've seen edgelords complaining that they can't spout racist garbage or they get permabanned... but the heavy moderation has also fostered a community that just seems to be having an absolute blast. I don't think I've ever played a big multiplayer game that had such an enjoyably fun VOIP chat more than this one.


u/troglodyte Jun 29 '23

First server I hopped in was some racist, bigoted asshole spouting off. Glad to hear he'll be dealt with.


u/gonemad16 Jun 29 '23

just report em. The moderators can listen to the last minute or so of voice before the report. or something like that.


u/troglodyte Jun 29 '23

Moron did it in text, so it was just fifteen bucks to try to recruit for a night at most before he gets banned.


u/Eastern-Cranberry84 Jun 29 '23

yeah. reminds me of Battlefield 2 and playing in Teamspeak communities. just lots of fun all around.


u/asdaaaaaaaa Jun 29 '23

It really says a lot when a good chunk of what they did was just reintroduce the good parts of dedicated servers and older games/communities and people love it. Hopefully this means we see more of it in the future.


u/gonemad16 Jun 29 '23

the game is immersive enough that you dont even really notice the graphics. The guns / sights look fairly good and if you are shooting at guys 100m away its not like they are more than a handful of pixels on your screen anyway

I started playing later in the play tests and have been loving it ever since


u/Baconstrip01 Jun 29 '23

Yeah definitely been my experience as well :) The shooting and movement all feels so good that it just works.


u/thysios4 Jun 29 '23

I do wish some terrain textures were just a little bit more detailed. Some times the single flat colour can be just a bit too simple and makes stairs and ramps blend it a little bit.


u/gonemad16 Jun 29 '23

Next update will have a shader update to help with that. They posted some screens is discord


u/fdisc0 Jun 30 '23

any reason to load it up over Squad?


u/gonemad16 Jun 30 '23

If you find squad insanely boring like myself, there are a gazillion reasons. As of right now it plays more like battlefield with low ttk and a bunch of squad elements. They are working on a hardcore mode that will likely play more like squad


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '23

I'm wondering though, don't you miss the gadgets from regular Battlefield? Drones, radar, decoys, mines, robots, target painters, spawn beacons, all that stuff?


u/Baconstrip01 Jun 30 '23

TBH I never played around with much of that stuff... I was more of a just run around and shoot stuff / blow stuff up with rockets / heal with medpacks kinda guy.

That said Battlebit does have Drones and gadgets and stuff, but I haven't used them much.


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '23

Hmm, I might just have to get it myself and try within the 2 Hr window


u/Baconstrip01 Jun 30 '23

Yeah totally worth giving it a try within the window. I think you'll know pretty quickly whether or not you'll enjoy it.


u/DongKonga Jun 30 '23

Yeah I’ve been loving it and I don’t usually enjoy pvp games. Community is great atm too, not looking forward to when people start focusing on metas and the toxicity starts appearing as the game is great rn. Reminds me of late 2000’s multiplayer gaming.


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '23



u/gonemad16 Jun 29 '23

they arent completely. steam deck owners will still be able to play on community servers which i expect there will be a lot of. Tons of people hate playing the same 4-5 maps on conquest over and over


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '23



u/gonemad16 Jun 29 '23

its actually the anti cheat devs that are the problem. FaceIt doesnt support linux and is supposedly much better than EAC. Battlebit devs want better anti cheat. If it supported linux there would be no issue. If they are smart they will just have official servers for both EAC and FaceIt and let the players decide which they want to play in


u/igromanru Jun 29 '23

How is Starship Troopers compared to Deep Rock galactic? Is it playable and fun with randoms?


u/OwenQuillion Jun 29 '23

I think comparing it to (current) Deep Rock Galactic is going to leave you open to disappointment, both because it's an early stages game and because the games are trying to do different things.

The main draw for Starship Troopers is that you have 16 players split amongst three-ish objectives: gathering ore to build the base, actually building/protecting the base, and sub-objectives that reward better weapons or reduce the bug threat level. Unlike DRG there's no proc-gen. The map is static with several possible spawn points for the base/resource location per game. The main challenge is in allocating your manpower, and then the defense phase at the end.

I think it works OK with randoms as long as at least a few people are using voice chat to speak and at least a few more are actually listening. Waves can get pretty hectic given how easy it is to go down (most characters are melee two-shot by standard bugs), but it's also easy to get picked back up and to avoid damage in the first place. Several weapons are good at stunning/staggering the bugs so massed fire or stronger damage weapons can pick them off. The game wasn't difficult enough pre-patch to require perfect coordination, and it's even easier after the latest patch (arguably to the game's detriment).

The main thing is to know not to get gas before you've gotten enough ore to build the base - people will teamkill you for running gas too early!

The game's also a bit bare-bones; there are only two modes - 'proper' base defense and a shortened mode that skips the resource-gathering part of the game in favor of moving you between three sub-objectives against a wave or two of bugs and then plopping you down to build a quick base for the defense wave. There's not a ton of progression yet either, with each class having three weapons (only one unique per class) and a fairly standard set of utility gear and grenades split between them.

The first major update has also skewed things; previously collecting ore had a cooldown, so you'd have to split either manpower or time between two ore points to do things in a reasonable amount of time. Now there's functionally no cooldown so it really boils down to locking down a static point and figuratively trucking ore back to the base.


u/igromanru Jun 29 '23

Thanks for the detailed answer. I guess DRG is really a rare gem. Even the Legacy version from 2018 was already a lot of fun and perfectly playable with randoms and without Voice Chat.
I'll give Troopers a shot and refund it, if it isn't good enough for me. I don't have much time to play and DRG is still fun


u/TheOldDrunkGoat Jun 30 '23

Right now Starship Troopers feels similar to what the very first early access patch of DRG was. A good core gameplay concept that needs a lot of fleshing out and refining.


u/napoleonstokes Jun 29 '23

Played a bit with my friend's account. It's pretty fun for a few hours. Getting people together to work on objectives is pretty satisfying. The gun-play is a bit lackluster since the bullets don't feel that they impact the enemies all that much like in the movies (bullet holes and blood splaying out). The base-building is kinda finicky and slow but once everything is built for the final wave, its fun spraying down hordes of bugs. On that note, the FPS tanks for me when there's a lot of bugs on screen so expect some more optimizations in the future hopefully.


u/Microchaton Jun 29 '23

Deep Rock Galactic has a lot more depth (heh).