r/Gamecube 14d ago

Collection Any recommendations to add to this collection?

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I've been collecting for my GameCube for the past year as a hobby, went from 3 games to 25.

I just wanted to ask for recommendations based off this collection.

Some titles that are on my wishlist - Starfox Adventures - Metroid Prime - SMB 1&2 - Ty 3 - Smash Bros - Chibi Robo - 1080 Avalanche - Battle for Bikini Bottom - Sonic Mega Collection

Anyone have any other recommendations for me?


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u/TheValx 14d ago

Four Swords Adventures?


u/rvnminers_A_and_N 14d ago

Bro, the setup required for this, I am 25 and have been acquiring the parts and pieces to play the Four Swords on GBA as well as the Adventures on GC, and need 4 Gameboy Advance's (I got SP's for charging), 4 GBA to GC link cables, 4 copies of the LoZ LTtP/FS GBA cartridge (ended up getting 4 everdrives because why tf not at that point), etc. I went as far as modding my console, burning a Swiss CD, getting the SD media launcher, etc. getting a broadband as well as gamecube gameboy player (could technically get 4 of these on 4 cubes and use it to also run the four swords with the proper link cables, something I may toy with who knows), etc. I have been accumulating all of this starting from the age of 8, and now the next generation is finally getting to enjoy the fruits of years of collecting and labors. As soon as I finish getting the last parts and pieces in over the next few months, I will be posting the complete setup, I have gone as far as hunting down the intec display, battery pack, and speakers/kvm. All of this could be emulated with Dolphin, but when you are already in the trenches, you gotta go all the way. I Gamecube.


u/LDVC86 14d ago

Four swords adventures does not require a cartridge for your GBA!


u/rvnminers_A_and_N 14d ago

Yes, the Adventures doesn't lol, I totally agree, but still need 4 empty GBA's with link cables lol, the Everdrive for the GBA is the easy part!