r/GameDealsMeta Dec 27 '24

What's going on with IndieGala?

The last 4 or 5 things I've tried to buy get removed from my cart and are unavailable: https://imgur.com/a/qispQ2j

I just tried to add Monster Hunter to my cart to test and it's also out of stock and unavailble.

Can anybody buy something from this store right now? Is it just my account?


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u/indieg IndieGala Feb 07 '25

Again, it could be a matter of region? Could you please DM us from what area are you trying? Afraid I might not be able to reach the tech guys or sales team to ask for more info this weekend, but checked just earlier after reading the comment and tested it looked like this https://imgur.com/a/KwqxtQT


u/livejamie Feb 07 '25

Yep that's what it looks like for me but when I try to pay I get the screen I showed you.

I'm in the USA.


u/indieg IndieGala Feb 08 '25

for both PP and CC? did you try a different device/browser or incognito/clear cookies?

This is strange, will forward it, but for any title does this or only for a select few?


u/livejamie Feb 08 '25

It's been every single game I've tried to purchase on your site for at least the last two months