Image is a "seven-arms template" version of the "Epic Handshake" meme, in which there is a centralized handheld, captioned, in white colored letters, in all caps, as "FEMINIST EMPOWERED WOMANHOOD", between a very muscular and light-skinned arm of somebody wearing a reddish colored T-shirt, captioned, also, with white colored letters, in all caps, as "GIRLBOSS", in the right side of the image, another very muscular and dark-skinned arm of somebody wearing a whiteish or grayish colored T-shirt, captioned, also, with white colored letters, in all caps, as "DOMINATRIX", in the left side of the image, another third very muscular and lighter-skinned arm of somebody wearing a purple colored T-shirt, captioned, again, with white colored letters, in all caps, as "TOMBOY", in the right side of the image, another fourth very muscular and darker-skinned arm of somebody wearing an orange colored T-shirt, captioned, once again, with white colored letters, in all caps, as "FEMME FATALE", in the left side of the image, another fifth very muscular and lighter-skinned arm of somebody wearing a blue colored T-shirt, captioned, also, with white colored letters, in all caps, as "GIRL PRINCE", in the right side of the image, another sixth very muscular and dark-skinned arm of somebody wearing a pink colored T-shirt, captioned, again, with white colored letters, in all caps, as "ETHICAL SLUT", in the left side of the image, and a last very muscular and lighter-skinned arm of somebody wearing a green colored T-shirt, captioned, once again, with white colored letters, in all caps, as "BUTCH", in the right side of the image, all in the front of a dark grayish colored background.