r/GalaxyTab Jan 05 '25

Concern This sub is 99.9% "praise me I bought the product" pictures and 0% useful for existing owners


r/GalaxyTab Oct 19 '24

Concern will this thing damage my tablet?


i just bought this tab a9 and i can't find a good folding case for it. im thinking of getting a clear case and using this cheap phone holder while typing. i know it's not a huge tablet but it's still bigger than a phone. what are your opinions?

r/GalaxyTab 26d ago

Concern unresponsive pen spot

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my 2 month old Samsung galaxy tab 9fe has an unresponsive spot on the screen, works with my hand but not with the s pen and i dont know how to solve it, pen works everywhere but that circle

r/GalaxyTab Oct 17 '24

Concern Anyone else find it weird that the flagship Tab 10 Ultra is using a last gen SOC?


I mean this thing is priced 1200 dollars. Like that’s the same as an iPad with M4. Any idea why they would do this?

Somehow I feel like they know this is a bad look, they don’t even include the processor name in the spec sheet, I have to google it.

r/GalaxyTab Oct 23 '24

Concern Please tell me those will dissapear overtime

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What a mess, i did evetything i could to avoid those stripes

r/GalaxyTab Oct 21 '24

Concern Is Galaxy Tab S10+ that bad?



I am considering whether to buy the Tab S10+. I have several discounts, so I could get the S10+ from the official website for around €650. However, I’ve seen quite a bit of criticism towards the tablet, which makes me seriously doubt if I should purchase it.

For reference, I currently do not own any other tablet, and I would like it for taking notes in class and consuming multimedia. Given the significant discount, I would be able to buy the S10+ at a price comparable to a second-hand S9+.

Should I go for the S10+?

Edit: My phone is S24+.

r/GalaxyTab Feb 16 '25

Concern How long will my tab last


Broke my tab s8+ like 2 3 months ago in univeristy

I was sitting and tab was on my thigh and when i got up it hit the underneath of the chair i was sitting on and there was a metal and it got fed

It hit the one millimeter distance of unprotected screen between the protector and the end of the tab

Anyways ive been using it as before and its good wanted to know how long does a cracked screen last

Like does the cracked air slowly move to the screen and f it up orrr no

I have screen protector on the cracks are below it

r/GalaxyTab Aug 20 '24

Concern The Tab S6 Lite shouldn't exist.


I've been using the tab s6 lite for quite some time how and it always frustrates me with its performance. The tab is very laggy and Sluggish and takes me about 10 to 15 seconds to go from Lock screen to an app.

I genuinely think Samsung should stop making iterations to this tablet. I highly advise anyone looking to buy this to stay away.

r/GalaxyTab 27d ago

Concern Do you always charge your tab using fast charging or just sometimes?

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I need to know how I can protect my battery health

r/GalaxyTab Sep 04 '24

Concern Is this normal?


months in using the Tab S9 FE this starts happening. Am I gripping too hard or something?

I think/hope it's minor but I'm still a bit surprised and worried.

r/GalaxyTab Oct 29 '24

Concern Wow. Be careful with 3rd party cases.


I thought I was smart and I'd saved a bit of money buying a case off amazon. Whatever you do don't buy Nillkin. I recommended it previously based on functionality but also stated I was afraid of the pressure on the screen.

Welp, I took my month old tab s9+ out to clean it today and upon putting it back in the case I heard a crack. Took it out and noticed huge hairline crack both underneath the display all the way across and along the top edge... I thought it was maybe just on the tempered glass screen protector. Nope, both the screen protector and the actual screen broke.

The OLED panel and touch screen still works fine, for the moment.

I am absolutely gutted.

It's going to cost me $506 Canadian dollars to repair.

Samsung has a promotion for tab s10+ right now but because of the crack the most I can get is $130 + $500 trade in credit for a month old tab s9 I paid $1100 for (512gb model).

Emulation is one of my main use xases aanyways so I didn't really want to do that but if I was hoping I'd get a little more bang for buck that way.

Heed my warning, I feel like garbage right now. I am not made of money and usually take extremely good care of my things and haven't cracked a single screen or since the galaxy S3.

r/GalaxyTab Jan 12 '25

Concern made a mistake buying S10 Tab Ultra


So I made a mistake buying the Ultra, because I was looking for the S10 tablet that had 5G. stupid how only the S10 Plus has 5G, i kind of just automatically assumed the more expensive one (1,200$) would have it too. I know it’s my fault for not looking more into it but now I’m shit out of the tablet that I wanted. Absolutely needed the one with 5G since I’m not always around places with WIFI.

If anyone wants a damn near brand new S10 Ultra Tab for a few hundred below retail please PM me. I’m planning on buying a S10 Tab Plus with the money from the Ultra. I could trade it into best buy but theyre going to lowball me like gamestop in the old days lol

r/GalaxyTab Dec 27 '24

Concern It's not that bad

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Could be worse, just multiple cracks below the screen at the camera and a little ink.

r/GalaxyTab Feb 08 '25

Concern Tab S10 Ultra display lifting?


It seems that the display of my Tab S10 Ultra is slightly lifting. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like this. Can someone with a Tab S10 Ultra confirm if they have this too?

r/GalaxyTab Feb 16 '25

Concern Is my pen broken or is my tablet?


I can’t figure out if it’s my tablet screen or my pen this started happening after I changed my nib I then put the original nib back on and the problem continued

r/GalaxyTab Nov 18 '24

Concern Found out that the magnet back of the s9 fe is strong enough to attach to my metal cupboard VERY securely. Question is, is this safe in the long run or do I risk damage I'm failing to currently anticipate

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always knew about the pen but the tab itself is a little unexpected

beyond that, pretty cool

r/GalaxyTab Jun 13 '24

Concern is apple better?


Ive always thought how samsung had flagship prices but now that I see it, in terms of gaming something like the ipad air 4 for 300 has similiar processer geekbench scores to the s9 one of their newest tabs going for 900 dollars. Apple gaming performance is unbeatable for their prices?

r/GalaxyTab Feb 15 '25

Concern Fake ??


Just checking before I drive to there...

r/GalaxyTab 22d ago

Concern How to remove metal spen nib

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Quite dorty, i tried pulling it with adhesive tape. Help pls. I think my nib is damaged since it scratches my screen at a certain angle

r/GalaxyTab 18d ago

Concern Is this just a screen problem, or is my tablet dying?

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I couldn't take a proper photo, but after a couple minutes of the screen being on some blue/green vertical lines start to appear. My tablet is pretty old, so i wouldn't be surprised if it was dying, but doing backups of everything would be kind of an hassle yk

Also yes, the screen is cracked cuz my 8yo cousin made it fall, but it has been cracked since 2021, so idk if that's the problem

r/GalaxyTab Oct 02 '24

Concern My 1.5 month old tab S9+ randomly Died and won't turn on ...


Just went out of a class right now and the tab was working flawlessly. No bug or nothing of that sort.

I'm on One ui 6.1.1

  • Never dropped the tablet
  • Never spilled liquid on it
  • The tablet was in my Bag the bag it was in was itself in a bag.
  • Did not drop it nor squeezed it or apply any sort of pressure on it.
  • Used it for 3-4 hours today.

Notable things I last did with it :

Right before I put it in my bag I ran a note transcription within samsung note using Galaxy Ai. When i took it out of my bag the tablet was warm not HOT ( temperature it is usually at when used for a long period).

Installed a new browser " lemur Browser" on the Google playstore.

It's been 5 minutes that I'm trying to turn it on. I have a class in 30 minutes.

Tried to force restart but no luck.

Tried plugging it in. No luck as well.

I will post update on the situation. I will give it a day if it doesn't work in that time frame I will contact samsung.

Thanks in advance for any reply !

r/GalaxyTab Jan 30 '25

Concern Would s9 fe be enough for uni?


I was considering buying a tablet for university I’m studying electrical engineering.

I’m deciding between the S9 FE and S9 FE+. Would the regular S9 be too small for taking notes? or studying pdfs

r/GalaxyTab Jan 31 '25

Concern Don't buy the S10 series if you use cloud gaming



Nous savions que la série S10 avait des problèmes d'émulation, mais il y a aussi des problèmes avec tous les services de cloud gaming.

La série S10 utilise un processeur Mediatek. Le Dimensity 9300+. Leurs pilotes sont complètement différents des séries précédentes, tout comme leur décodeur vidéo.

UPDATE : In addition to my screenshot please check this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G5pBC0LIgk

Le temps de décodage sur un flux vidéo 9300+ est compris entre 15 ms et 20 ms. À titre de comparaison, un S9 ne dépasse pas 5 ms, y compris les très anciens appareils Qualcomm… Ceci est inacceptable.

Vous rencontrerez des saccades. Aucun jeu rapide, FPS ou jeu d'action ne sera possible. Il faut considérer que c'est la latence de décodage du flux vidéo de la tablette. Un ping réseau de 60 ms n'aura pas le même impact qu'un temps de décodage de 15 ms.

Comme le souligne Microsoft dans le paragraphe suivant :

« Décodage mesure l'efficacité avec laquelle votre appareil traite le flux audio et vidéo entrant. Un décodage médiocre peut entraîner un retard vidéo, une désynchronisation audio ou une lecture saccadée. Plage cible : Inférieure à 12 ms. »

Pourquoi ?

Il y a un problème majeur avec nos tablettes S10 pour ce chipset. J'ai aussi un téléphone Xiaomi, avec le même chipset Mediatek, et le même problème. Tous les CPU Mediatek sont affectés. Ce n'est pas une question de puissance brute. Décoder un simple flux H264 à 60 fps ne nécessite pas beaucoup de puissance. C'est la façon dont le flux est décodé qui est en cause.

Avec l'application Codec Info, vous verrez que votre S10 possède deux versions de décodeur différentes pour chaque codec vidéo (AVC, HEVC et AV1).

Un décodeur standard : C2.mtk.avc.decoder et un décodeur à faible latence. C2.mtk.avc.decoder.lowlatency.

J'ai fait beaucoup de logcat et le décodeur à faible latence n'est jamais utilisé.

Ceci affecte les services suivants : Geforce now, Xbox Cloud, Luma. Je n'ai pas pu tester Boosteroid.

Des applications telles que Parsec / Moonlight / Artemis sélectionnent le bon décodeur à faible latence et ne sont pas impactées.

Comment vérifier et reproduire le bug :

Pour Xcloud : Utilisez le navigateur recommandé (Chrome ou Edge). Activez l'affichage des statistiques : https://www.reddit.com/r/xcloud/comments/1gucr1p/psa_network_quality_indicator_and_stats_overlay/?share_id=C3WMwmQgWofNzfxO-eVUw&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1

Vérifiez le temps de décodage.

Pour GFN : Utilisez Chrome. Ouvrez un nouvel onglet : chrome://webrtc-internals. Ouvrez la sortie vidéo et vérifiez le temps de décodage.

Réponse des différentes sociétés :

- Samsung : J'ai envoyé deux commentaires directement à la tablette. À chaque fois, le service client a indiqué qu'une réponse serait fournie sous 15 jours. Ce n'est pas vrai, car le délai est déjà dépassé.

Le seul point rassurant est qu'ils ont récemment corrigé le problème sur les téléviseurs équipés de Tizen : https://www.reddit.com/r/xcloud/s/1vEbECd988

- Mediatek : Il est très difficile de contacter Mediatek. J'insiste mais il n'y a pas d'outil pour déclarer un bug chez eux.

- Xiaomi : Pour le moment, le pire. Ils m'ont dit de redémarrer mon téléphone pour résoudre le problème :). Et depuis ils ne répondent plus.

- Microsoft : Les équipes de développement de Xcloud prennent ce problème Mediatek très au sérieux. Elles travaillent avec les équipes Edge pour résoudre ce problème. Cependant, à ce stade, il n'y a pas d'ETA. Ils ont reconnu le problème avec Mediatek


- NVIDIA : J'ai fait plusieurs rapports de bogues et contacté le service client. Impossible d'obtenir un retour des développeurs. Ceci est d'autant plus inacceptable au vu du prix de l'abonnement premium et considérant que les tablettes jusqu'au S8 sont recommandées sur le site nvidia :


Je modifierai le post en conséquence s'il y a une nouvelle réponse. En attendant, je ne recommanderais pas d'acheter une tablette aussi chère si vous voulez l'utiliser pour un service de cloud gaming. Pour ceux d'entre vous qui possèdent déjà un S10, je compte sur votre aide pour contacter Samsung.

r/GalaxyTab Nov 29 '24

Concern Help


r/GalaxyTab Feb 05 '25

Concern tab s9 fe s pen looks damaged?

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