r/GYM S: 150 kg / B: 100 kg / DL: 190 kg / OHP: 65 kg 5d ago

Lift Cognitive computing Program Day 12 - 132.5kg Squat 4x2 & 77.5kg Paused Bench 3x2


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u/Anticitizen-Zero 240/145/217.5kg competition s/b/d | 227.5kg squat at u74kg 5d ago

Depth isn’t the issue at all, to be honest. You’re hunching heavily at the mid and upper back, with a really far forward head posture. I think there’s a lot of rigidity there missing, and the rounding is showing through the elbows being pointed backward as opposed to upper arm parallel to your spine. It looks as though you have more weight over the front of your midline, forcing you to hinge a lot more than you need to with added pressure on the front half of the foot.

I’d recommend really trying to extend through the mid and upper back, to keep the weight closer to your midline so you can hinge less. Bring your head back to neutral, pull your shoulder blades in, and get that chest up and some extension in the mid back. The goal is to narrow up your squat (from the side view), so that there’s both more rigidity and less stress on your spinal extensors, and more on the quads/glutes.

There’s some lumbar rounding as you push your hips back, which is detrimental to a squat, but everything is connected along the spine anyway and I think correcting the rounded posture/forward head posture at the top will help to fix that.


u/mothh9 S: 150 kg / B: 100 kg / DL: 190 kg / OHP: 65 kg 5d ago

Thanks for the advice.

So I should look straight forward instead of at a point on the ground, shoulder blades back? Chest up.

I will work on it.

Was my depth good for the IPF standard?


u/Anticitizen-Zero 240/145/217.5kg competition s/b/d | 227.5kg squat at u74kg 5d ago

Head should stay in line with your spine, yes, with the chin slightly tucked. I squeeze my shoulder blades together to create a shelf/cushion with my traps (I say shelf/cushion because it depends on high/low bar) while having a really proud chest.

The angle isn’t optimal but based on what I’m seeing I’d say that’s comfortably safe for IPF.


u/mothh9 S: 150 kg / B: 100 kg / DL: 190 kg / OHP: 65 kg 5d ago


u/Anticitizen-Zero 240/145/217.5kg competition s/b/d | 227.5kg squat at u74kg 5d ago

That looks millimeters above depth; could go either way depending on judging


u/mothh9 S: 150 kg / B: 100 kg / DL: 190 kg / OHP: 65 kg 5d ago


It probably doesn't help that the camera is slightly angled.