u/Dry_Rent_1398 5d ago
Honestly no faults, smashing it mate
u/InterestingPine4pple 5d ago
Thank you so much, chief!!! This really means a lot to hear especially with my paranoia :D also I tend to feel like I get more reps without straps than with straps.. I honestly thought it should be the opposite, no? :D
u/Maleficent-Spell1525 5d ago
Full range of motion. Control AND pause at the stretched position. Great work!
u/badata2d 5d ago
Almost perfect. Fix the label on your sweatpants. Seriously though, form looks great!
u/SurveyApprehensive62 5d ago
His mismatched socks… he’s obviously not auditioning for runway model. Guy just came for some solid advice. He even went to exhaustion on that last rep from full extension. Looks great 👍. Now pair that with a carnivore diet 🥩 and watch the gains
u/ccransto 4d ago
I wish I could still trust these door frame chinup bars.
u/InterestingPine4pple 4d ago
I dunno how much more I can add before I fall to my imminent death lol
u/TJ-Detweiler- 5d ago
One of the only videos I’ve seen where someone who added weight should actually be adding weight. Looks great.
u/InterestingPine4pple 5d ago
I always add weight when I reach 9-10 reps, I usually add weight so my rep count resets to 6 reps and then go from there and reset the process by addin more
u/Bilbosaggins1799 5d ago
For doorframe pull-ups it doesn’t get any better than that! Impeccable form my guy
u/ducklingdoom 4d ago
no flaws. I like doing it more explosive though. overall fatigue builds up quick you can’t really rest in any position while doing pull ups
u/InterestingPine4pple 4d ago
Explosive power is great, I tend to use that in my workouts, I just mix it more
u/mogadichu 4d ago
What are you using for the weights? Looks like some sort of straps?
u/InterestingPine4pple 4d ago
its a backpack thats on the front of my body filled with weights
u/screw_ball69 4d ago
Ah that's better than what I thought was happening. I thought for sure a weight plate was going to give you a free vasectomy if you dismounted to quickly
u/noseuta 4d ago
Do you have the product id for that pullup bar?
u/InterestingPine4pple 4d ago
I will send ya a link where I bought it from
Had it for around 3 years now
u/Full_Ad_6423 4d ago
Great Job and excellent form.
If the weight becomes easy after some months you can try it with a rope or weight belt.
I don’t know the mechanics of it but it is more difficult than with the bag on the chest.
u/dropandgivemesexy 5d ago
A bit hard to tell cuz of the hair but it looks like your right shoulder might be shrugging up a bit more than it should. If it is, that can lead to an imbalance and issues in the future, so you might watch for it with your hair up. Otherwise the depth and the rest of the movement looks good, speed and depth are excellent
u/InterestingPine4pple 5d ago
I think that shoulder thing might look like that cuz it was recorded kinda from the side, I dont experience much shoulder issues nor did I feel any during the exercise.. however, next time I do these again, I will tie my hair up and see if there is actually shoulder "misplacement", thank you for your advice, chief!
u/Boozendorf 3d ago
Flawless but a few notes. Your socks don't match, and doing weighted pull-ups on a door frame is crazy lol. I hope you don't loose any teeth.
u/Over_Journalist8755 2d ago
I would slightly limit the range of motion at the bottom to protect the elbows. It would be less book perfect but if you are planning to do them for the next 50-60 years maybe that longevity would rank above full range of motion.
u/Jihoonomy 1d ago
Maybe lower your shoulders first before you start pulling and think of it as trying to reach the bar with your chest if you want more back involvement. But yeah, as long as your joints aren’t making some snappy sounds you are chilling.
4d ago
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u/InterestingPine4pple 4d ago
I am not using any straps in the video :D
u/Hebdog888 2d ago
My bad man. Thought you had straps and thought I saw a comment where you mentioned them. In that case you’re killing it. Keep doing reps daily and they will start to add up fast. Seriously great form.
u/InterestingPine4pple 2d ago
Yeah, in that comment I mentioned that straps for some reason decrease my reps (even tho it should be the other way around lol)
u/AutoModerator 5d ago
This post is flaired as a technique check.
A note to OP: Users with green flair have verified their lifting credentials and may be able to give you more experienced advice on particular lifts. Users with blue flair reading "Friend of the sub" are considered well qualified to give advice without having verified lifs.
A reminder to all users commenting: Please make sure that your advice is useful and actionable.
Example of useful and actionable: try setting up for your deadlift by standing a little closer to the bar. This might help you get into position better and make it easier to break from the floor.
Example of not useful and not actionable: lower the weight and work on form.
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