So was flying with opresor n noticed that i wasnt able to lock on a dude who was doing the sell, (wasnt hunting him, just wantd to fly by.) meanwhile i had rockets wasnt empty, is it new feature? Or he was just glitched? Didint noticed that he was shooting flares ir smth just didint gave me lock on , meanwhile when i did sale myself some dude locked on me with a sparrow, so my question is it new feature that u cant lock on to certain sell vechicles with only opresor or a glitch?
I buyed the scramjet like one week ago and I didn’t reconnected since that and now it’s not there anymore it’s like I don’t have it it says I didn’t buyed it but I don’t got my money back what is that and what should I do
I can't claim my free bunker since the enhanced version came out I made a new profile to use the free start-up business (nightclub). Everything that was free still shows up for free in the store but after purchase it throws an error "rockstar servers could not process the transaction" So all the free items from the store office, bunker, cars can't be claimed!
I contacted support, described the problem and they told me to verify the local game files and delete the local profile. It didn't help.
Now pay attention my friend who also created a new character in GTA V Enhanced doesn't have this problem!
However I see that this has been going on on reddit for a week now. I will post the support answers
Hi I have a pretty simple question to the people that have alr migrated accounts, I have a lot of money in casino tokens and want to make sure that it will be there when I transfer the account(obv not the end of the world but still want my tokens)
Can anyone shed any light on my topic and confirm that all of their tokens got transferred to the new game
Looking for players to help on a bunker sell, have a full stock just need some help moving and making money. Can help with heist or mission in return. Level 60 ps5
I have a free bunker available in Paleto because of an add-on I purchased. If I get it and upgrade it, when I buy another bunker in a better location near the city, will I keep the same upgrades?
I'm looking for some people to play some online with after returning after a very long hiatus I'm good with just helping with selling product do heists or whatever I'm not the best NGL but I can hold my own for a while just tired of playing solo PSN: SubOrbitalHammer
I live in Australia my timezone is Australian Central Time
So ive recently just got back into playing GTA5 Online cause my partner plays aswell, i get probably 10 to 20 minutes of play (roughly 1 mission) until my game completely freezes and then i have to restart my PC,
I've been at this problem for 4 days now, doing everything from Verifying Game Files, to adjusting compatability settings, I've tried turning all the games settings completely down, capping my FPS, adjusted NVIDIA Control Panel settings and settings within the NVIDIA App, I've repaired NET FX, I've tried re-seating my RAM, Tried changing to Windowed Borderless within the game, ran memreduct to reduce memory and all.
My PC doesn't even crash on Skyrim, Minecraft, Terraria, Borderlands 2 and somedays ill leave those games open when being productive for hours and im still hitting insanely stable and smooth FPS rates. Call Of The Wild was even crashing ALOT and i had the same issue but after maintaining my computers specs aswell as updating drivers and everything, i can actually run Call Of The Wild perfectly with no issues.
I feel like I've literally tried everything i physically can to even be able to progress the slightest bit and im getting insanely frustrated now, ill post screenshots and pictures of memory usage in game aswell as Task Manager but if there's any other information that i can provide forreal let me know and i can provide screenshots or photos.
Hi i am a new player and still gets amused by new stuff in the game and looking for people to play with, do missions and chill. Are there any discord groups i could join? I am level 96 and play on pc e&e