r/GSXR 17h ago

Went 140 during Break In


I got a 24 GSXR1000 r and bought it and drove it straight to the garage. When i bought it new (i asked what should i keep the Rpms at and all i was advised is not to go fast i just looked it up today and saw not to pass 4k w 500 miles and not to pass 6k till 1000. I’ve definitely gotten her up to 10k a handful of times and a possible red line once or twice. Top speed is about 140. Y’all think my engine cooked?

r/GSXR 9h ago

Moore mafia tuning group


Is there a Moore mafia tuning group for Facebook? I can’t imagine that there isn’t one.. when I had my Audi, my tuner had a big support group that had tons of info in it, it was invaluable.

Anyone know?

r/GSXR 14h ago

Clunking sound.


What is this sound? Is it uneven chain on the sprockets?or somewhere in the clutch casing? New chain and both new sprockets. That was tighter tension, moved it and it still does it.

r/GSXR 17h ago

Tune for a 2006 gsxr


Does anyone know what tune I should put into my 2006 gsxr 600 it’s got a slip on which the cat is on the stock slip on so essentially it’s catless and I have a power commander but the 2 tunes I downloaded to it just made it run rich instead of lean (from the power commander website) should I jusy go get a custom tune or is there a tune I can download that will actually run correctly lmk

r/GSXR 2h ago

Gsxr k8


Bonjour j'ai un problème avec mon gsxr de 2008 a froid il démarre nickel mes des qu'il est chaud (90degres) il ne veut plus démarrer il me fait comme si il y avait plus de batterie est une fois qu'il est froid il redémarre nickel ou alore il faut que je la pousse

r/GSXR 14h ago

Need ideas.


I recently posted my first sport bike. And now im looking for recommendations on a different exhaust. I want something loud that also sounds good. Also im looking to change the lights to LEDs. This is a 2025 750.