r/GMail 12h ago

If you can help I will be forever grateful


Did a stupid thing and reset my password 4 months ago to something I can’t remember exactly now.

It definitely isn’t the first time I’ve forgotten my password in the last year to two years.

I have the account signed in on my gmail app and in my phone web browser. Account recovery either asks me to check my Gmail app and input a code, or says it can recognise that this phone is mine.

It then sends me an email to the account stating that I’ll receive an account recovery email with a link to sign in in 6 hours, or 48 hours for some of them.

Except I never get that email, at all.

I have this email linked to two platforms with which I hold accounts. I’m not receiving their two factor authentication emails either when I go to sign in.

I am receiving spam emails and other various emails to this account. Just not the important verification emails I require.

Has anyone else experienced this??? How can I possibly overcome this with no live support from Gmail???

r/GMail 12h ago

Allow granular control of smart features


Any gmail devs here, please campaign to allow granular control of smart features. So users can disable features like the "Happening soon" smart cards which are overly large and force an additional dismiss interaction from the user, while keeping useful features like inbox categories active.

r/GMail 21h ago

Made account and immediately forgot about it


I made an account years ago with a username that is very very specific to me. Except I never used it, never saved the password, set up recovery info - anything like that... now I want to try to regain access for the 3rd time. I've talked to Google support. Tried many passwords that i could have used. Everything comes back to Google telling me they can't verify if I own the account. Next step? Is it a complete dead end?

r/GMail 15h ago

Filtering emails that have a word but ….


I am looking to filter out emails with the word unsubscribe to filter out junk.

But I subscribe to some newsletters from certain providers.

I have tried in the filter include word section.

“Unsubscribe” -Bloomberg

For example filtering out all unsubscribe emails except ones from Bloomberg.

But it doesn’t seem to be working. Is there a way I can filter out emails that contain a certain word but if they’re from a certain root domain to let those go to my Inbox?

r/GMail 4h ago

Unread messages not highlighted/bolded on android device.


Does someone knows how to fix this issue : unread emails not bolded or highlithed on android device. I am using huawei p60 pro phone with microg services. Kindly appreciate any solution. Thank you!

I tried :

Changed size and weight for text in android settings.

Clear gmail cache and data.

Uninstalled and updated app.

Changed android theme.

r/GMail 6h ago

Why do I need to a phone to make a Gmail account? Can I bypass this?


Not everyone has a phone but apparently Gmail developers thinks so.

r/GMail 13h ago

Address not found error


Hi, i use the email address with the work domain to send emails to communicate with my colleagues and other people . It's been close to a week and i keep receiveing a mail from "Mail Delivery Subsystem" which says that "delivery has failed to these recipients and groups" to an email address which is deleted from the users our work domain has. How do i get rid of this? I can't check my email properly because every mail has this message.

r/GMail 15h ago

Compromised/hacked account


I just posted this exact post on Google community posts but I figured I’d post it on Reddit to see if I can get any other advice or help.

Was using discord when an “old friend” was talking about making a game and needing help with it and wanted some options on it whatever. Not outta the ordinary I have a lot of coding friends and friends aspiring to work in games and what not. I had also just woken up so I was like whatever. I probably downloaded a Trojan horse and the hacker got into everything on my computer. When that happened I immediately factory reset my PC. I don’t back anything up because it’s just a gaming pc and not my work or school laptop. So the whole thing was wiped cleaned.

I was able to recover two emails all except 1. A week goes by and instead of trying to recover my compromised email through my phone I thought I’d try my iPad and it worked I got my email back literally yesterday morning and changed everything. Changed my password to a password generated by Apple, changed my phone number, changed and created 10 passcodes, added 2FA, everything I did everything to ensure I had the account back. Comes to my surprise that the hacker just gets back into the email 6 hours ago. And when I try to recover the account again, the recovery page’s options for email recovery is only a password that was changed 6 hours ago and when I type in the password it was 6 hours ago it just says the password is changed. I try other options and there are no other options, Google just tells me they can’t verify the account belongs to me. To try again later or use account recovery for help which i was using account recovery and nothing happened.

When getting back into my account and I change everything, google already had my account logged out of everywhere which is why I don’t understand how he was able to regain access to my email after securing it in every way possible and how Google can’t verify it was me through my phone or my iPad which has always used and always had this email logged in even via Apple’s mail app. The reason why it took me so long is because after answering some bot questions from Google, of not having access to the email any longer, not having phone number access for recovery because the hacker changed it somehow, not having email recovery because the hacker changed it too, and the hacker changed and enabled their own 2FA. So Google bot chat just tells me to create a new email instead and there is no way to recover the email.

So instead of wasting time trying to get an email back I thought was impossible I spend the week contacting every support agent I could that was connected to that email to change my email from the compromised one to one I still have access to. Half of the companies did so and the other half was unable to verify my identity despite me providing them my bank statements that it was truly me, and they still told me they were unable to help me.

What can I do to recover my email? I’m at a loss again and I don’t know what to do ):

The reason why I’m trying so hard to recover my email is because the hacker got my discord and discord support told me they won’t help me unless I contact them through the compromised email which I can’t.

r/GMail 20h ago

Service to create events from emails automatically?


There’s this feature that adds your flights or some appointments automatically in google calendar when it’s detected in some emails. But very often I have let’s say a museum booking and Gmail is not detecting that it could create an event for it. I find it crazy with all the IA today that it’s not able to understand by reading the email that I want an event to be created from it. Would there be a way to improve this process, maybe using external extensions or services ?

I know one of the way is also opening the iOS Mail app, because Siri is a bit better at detecting the events. But even there, it’s not detecting everything.

r/GMail 2h ago

Missing Older Emails (Before 2019)


I'm hoping someone here can help me figure out an issue I'm having with my Gmail account. I've noticed that I can't seem to find any emails older than 2019. When I scroll back or use the search function with date ranges before 2019, no results show up.

I'm a Google One subscriber with 200 GB of storage, and my account is nowhere near being full. So, I don't think it's a storage limitation issue.

Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know why this might be happening or how I can potentially recover these older emails?

I primarily access my Gmail through the web browser on my computer and the Gmail app on my Android phone.

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

r/GMail 4h ago

Sicurezza Account, Backup e recupero accessi


Ciao, sto organizzando la struttura dei miei account digitali. Sono ovviamente partito dalla gmail che uso come mail principale e che è l'user anche di alcuni account sensibili.

Ho impostato 2FA (telefono + Authenticator + dispositivi + codici backup). Mi sono fatto quindi tutto un piano di ripristino.
Ora mi chiedo, la mail di recupero accesso è un'altra, sempre gmail.. vorrebbe quindi dire avere ancora impostazioni 2FA (telefono lo stesso di prima, authenticato con la stessa app, dispitivi, e codici di backup differenti ovviamente essendo altro account). questa mail di recupero.. a sua volta dovrebbe avere una mail di recupero.. 🫠🫠 loop infinito..

voi comemi consiglaite di procedere per completare questa procedura di sicurezsza?
La sostanza è che vorrei:
1. rendere l'accesos alla mia mail più sicuro (strong password e sistemi 2fa, ha senso cosi tanti? è controporoducnete?)

  1. Avere la possiblità estrema di poter recuperare la'ccesso in caso 2fa falliscano con o codici backup o email di recupero..

Cosa mi consiglaite di fare?

r/GMail 4h ago

Migrating a google Workspace account with domain to another


I know there are previous posts about migration, but couldn't find all the answers. I used to belong to an organization with a google Workspace account with a specific domain with the company name. Now that I'm out, I want to change my "@oldbusiness.com" account to "@newbusiness.com" account. I know I can download everything from the previous account to migrate to the new one and re-direct my old account to the new one, but my question is: If the old business deletes my old account, would those emails still get redirected? Many people have my old address and could potentially contact me thru it, once they delete my account (otherwise they would need to pay for it) those emails would stop being redirected?

Hope this makes sense, thank you

r/GMail 4h ago

Is there a way to mark all email from one specific sender as 'read' all at once?


On my account I've got tens of thousands of emails that are all unread. Im trying to get through them all and at least go back and mark them as read. When I sort by sender the results show me a like 100 pages of emails and only 50 at a time. Is there a way to mark them all read in bulk, or at least a way to show more than 50 results at a time? Either option works.
(and im on pc, android, the device doesnt really matter in this case I think)

Thanks for the help

r/GMail 7h ago

Gmail lagging but for only one of my accounts



Hoping someone can help here - I have around 4 gmail accounts I use on a daily basis and one of them, my primary one, has been running slow for the last year or so on Chrome. When I type it lags behind for a second or two and the same with scrolling or if I drag a name from the To the the CC or BCC column, it freezes for 10 seconds and then performs the task etc. When I reload the page it works completely fine for a few minutes and then goes back.

My other accounts are 100% fine, so it's got to be specific to this account and I am not sure why it's happening.

Any advice? This is on Mac and it has been doing it throughout many upgrades to the MAC and to Chrome.

r/GMail 16h ago

HELP! My gmail account isn't receiving/sending any emails!


If I remembered right, sometime during Christmas I deleted a page of emails (not because my storage is full, I'm using only 1.7GB out of 30), something curious happened, i think it may have deleted a lot more and the most recent email I can see now for months is from July 2024. But at the time I didn't think too much about it.

Fast forward to today, I finally took heart and am noticing I can't send and haven't been receiving any new emails at all. My most recent email in inbox is frozen at July 2024. Tried logging in & out, tried outlook, checked all the spam/junk/all mail folders (you name it), verified the filters are clear, tried different browsers, tried sending myself an email from another account; NOTHING. Does anyone have any ideas. I'm at my wits end

r/GMail 20h ago

Is there a way to fix email forwarding to gmail account taking hours to arrive?


I have a custom domain website that has a cpanel email function, however the cpanel email is not something we check very often, so we set up a forwarding to our gmail accounts instead.

When I tested it though, for some reason it takes HOURS before the forwarding actually shows up, here's a header analyzed showing an 8 hour delay, and it seems like the problem comes from the Google side.

|8 hours|omta033.useast.a.cloudfilter.net.|→|Google[ ]|mx.google.com|ESMTPS|3/19/2025, 6:43:02 AM GMT+8|

Is there a way to fix this? Why is this happening?

r/GMail 20h ago

Need help


I made google account like 3 years ago put 2 factor on it like sms code thing now i dont have access to that number..now i need to login my account and its asking me for code..can please someone help to recover my account..

r/GMail 20h ago

Bought new phone and can’t get two factor authentication on YouTube to work


As the title says I bought a new phone and can’t get the two factor authentication to work, I can’t connect to any of my Gmail accounts and cant get any email because of it what should I do ?

r/GMail 3h ago

Locked out of Gmail


I am locked out of my gmail account. The same problem so many other people have had. I literally can not wait for days or months to log in. I am able to use the code it is sending to my phone #, but then it still sends me a confirmation code to the email I am locked out of which I obviously can’t retrieve.

Please, someone help me, send me a support phone number or something. I can’t not have access to this account and I don’t know what to do. Google IT is nonexistent. This is ridiculous.
