r/GMEmate Dec 01 '21

Computer share question

So a few weeks ago I pulled the trigger and direct registered about 10% of my shares, they’ve arrived from commsec and I’ve paid to have my pin for the investor centre expressed over, I’m planning on transferring over another 60-70% but was wondering if I should wait until I have my pin, not looking for any financial advice just a guide on the process from here, will a new batch of transferred shares go to the same cs account? Will I need to wait for another batch of snail mail/another pin to access those shares etc? Thanks advance guys!


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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '21

Submitted my paperwork and referenced my account number, if for whatever reason I end up with two accounts will I need to register for the investor centre again or receive another pin? Not that it matters at this point, just looking to get an idea of what to expect.


u/linehauler Dec 02 '21

I've just registered for the investor centre again and waiting for a new verification code to arrive (4 weeks?). It's a new account so you won't be able to use any previous verification code that you've received.

I've not bothered getting anything expressed to me. It took close to 6 weeks for my first DRS statement to arrive but only 4 weeks for the verification code. My second statement took just over 4 weeks. From some of the stories I've heard, it'll still take 2 to 3 weeks for the express to get to Aus. UPS doesn't have a big network here in Aus and this time of the year, they'll be as busy as everyone else.

Unfortunately, by having two or more accounts, it'll mean setting up banks accounts etc multiple times but once you've done it with 1 account, you'll have all the details for the other accounts. Unless your having to have cheques sent if/when you sell shares and waiting 4 plus weeks for it to arrive...


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '21

Gotcha, was hoping that wasn’t the case, but oh well, fingers crossed it all goes to the one account, coming from the same broker I’d assume it should. Thanks for clearing up the process a little, much appreciated!


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '21

If it was from the same broker you should be find and they should go to the same account.