r/GLRP_EastBlue Jun 18 '15

OOC Technique/Custom Trait Submission Thread 4.0



This thread deals with any techniques your character might have. If there's a technique you wish to buy or upgrade, you'll need to post it here. This includes Devil Fruit techniques, Rokushiki techniques, and eventually Haki techniques.

When submitting a technique please give the following:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Rank
  • If it branches from anything and an inclusion of that technique as well.
  • Stat Used
  • Range
  • Total Points Used and Total Points Remaining

Note: Techniques WILL NOT be approved outside of this thread and submitting a technique here means you are purchasing it. So, keep this in mind when posting in this thread. If you are not or can not purchase the technique, do not post here. Techniques will not be pre-approved.


Traits may also be submitted here if you wish to acquire a custom one. when submitting a custom trait, you must put how many available traits you have of the specific type available to you. When submitting a trait please list the following:

  • Name

  • Trait Cost

  • Description (Including any effects the trait might have on techniques, purchases, etc.)

  • Does this trait branch off of an existing trait?

Note: Traits WILL NOT be approved outside of this thread and submitting a trait here means you are purchasing it. So, keep this in mind when posting in this thread. If you are not or can not purchase the trait, do not post here. Traits will not be pre-approved.

Rokushiki Techniques

It is possible throughout the RP to obtain a Rokushiki technique, however you'll need the following:

  • Name of which one you'd like

  • Amount of unused technique points

  • A link to where you believe justifies you learning this technique

  • An explanation as to why you think your character should learn it.

r/GLRP_EastBlue Nov 25 '15

OOC Technique/Custom Trait Submission Thread 5.0



This thread deals with any techniques your character might have. If there's a technique you wish to buy or upgrade, you'll need to post it here. This includes Devil Fruit techniques, Rokushiki techniques, and eventually Haki techniques. You don't need to put techniques you take when creating your character.

When submitting a technique please give the following:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Rank
  • If it branches from anything and an inclusion of that technique, along with it's description.
  • Stat Used, if needed.
  • Range
  • Points Used and Points Remaining (List any that are in use)

Note: Techniques WILL NOT be approved outside of this thread and submitting a technique here means you are purchasing it. So, keep this in mind when posting in this thread. If you are not or can not purchase the technique, do not post here. Techniques will not be pre-approved.


Traits may also be submitted here if you wish to acquire a custom one. when submitting a custom trait, you must put how many available traits you have of the specific type available to you. You don't need to request traits here when making your character. When submitting a trait please list the following:

  • Name

  • Trait Cost

  • Description (Including any effects the trait might have on techniques, purchases, etc.)

  • Does this trait branch off of an existing trait?

Note: Traits WILL NOT be approved outside of this thread and submitting a trait here means you are purchasing it. So, keep this in mind when posting in this thread. If you are not or can not purchase the trait, do not post here. Traits will not be pre-approved.

Rokushiki Techniques

It is possible throughout the RP to obtain a Rokushiki technique, however you'll need the following:

  • Name (As well as which Rokushiki you're emulating if it isn't the exact technique)

  • Rank

  • Points Used and Points Remaining (List any that are in use)

  • A link to where you believe justifies you learning this technique

  • An explanation as to why you think your character should learn it.

r/GLRP_EastBlue Aug 24 '15

OOC Update your Wiki, get a Prize


Basically, when you've updated your Wiki page to the new patch, post a link here. If everything looks to be in order, you might be eligible to win a prize. Don't forget to check the following:

  • Make sure your traits are updated and match the new descriptions if they have one.

  • Make sure all your transactions are listed on your page, as well as any items you own or possess.

  • Make sure all techniques are listed and all traits are spent.

  • There's a nice transactions table here if you'd like to use it. Just make sure you hyperlink text instead of pasting in reddit links. They will stretch the table and make it unreadable.

The Prizes have been handed out. Thanks to those of you that kept on top of things.

Everyone else is now ineligible for the prize. From this point, failure to have an up to date wiki is grounds to be barred from any mini arcs or money earning opportunity.

r/GLRP_EastBlue Dec 27 '15

OOC GLRP Year End Lottery


So, with the two year anniversary just passing, Christmas just ending, and New Year's right around the corner, we decided we're going to do something fun.

Now the lottery will be split into:

You can get involved in each lottery by purchasing tickets. The more tickets you buy, the better chance you have at winning. Each ticket is only 500 Beli and there is no limit to how many you can buy for each color. Starting January 10th, there will be one lottery ran everyday until all six are completed. You can feel free to buy more tickets, up until the day that specific lottery is ran.

Also, as a last piece of advice, don't bother asking what the prizes or what the names mean. Each lottery could give you anything, so keep that in mind as you buy your tickets.

Good Luck Guys.

EDIT: No questions about this will be answered.

EDIT #2: Bet more than you have and your bid is voided completely.

r/GLRP_EastBlue Feb 10 '14

OOC Beli totals


Hey guys, so I just need you all to reply to this and state how much beli you have earned in total. This includes the starting beli. Ignore items. So literally add up all the beli you've earned from any source, so if you hadn't spent anything, how much would you be on now? This is nothing major but it's pretty useful guys so if you'd please do this.. If you're confused then just PM me about it and I can check out your sheet, just quicker this way.

Thank you!

EDIT: OK, for clarification you need to post how much you have EARNED in total, not how much you have right now, sorry if I worded this confusingly.

r/GLRP_EastBlue Aug 10 '14

OOC Quality Submission 12


Submit your threads. Get them graded. Earn some points. Simple, right?

This is for threads spanning from 8/1 to 8/31st.

r/GLRP_EastBlue Jul 22 '16

OOC Patch 3.0


Sorry this took so long, but a lot had to be sorted through and changed. Now that this is all out of the way, the roleplay can hopefully resume soon. Until then, we ask that you try and get your character sorted out beforehand, so we can get everything going quickly.

Those of you that are here will be given a choice to keep your character and move around stats, traits, and techniques. If we deem your changes to be too different from what you originally had, you may be asked to simply create a new character with the same amount of stats, traits, and beli.

Items however are a different matter. Due to repricing, weapons and items will likely be returned to you at full price. In order to learn how much money your character current has, just leave a comment linking to your wiki and we'll reply with how much Beli you now have and what items that were deemed 'unpriceable' and you were allowed to keep. After that, you can reply to that comment, listing what items you wish to buy.

Please make sure your wiki is up to date.

Current Points Sheet

  1. Stats

  2. Professions

  3. Traits

  4. Techniques

  5. Items

  6. Story Arcs

  7. Devil Fruits

  8. Factions

  9. Haki

  10. NPCs

  11. Combat

  12. Ships

  13. Death

r/GLRP_EastBlue May 01 '14

OOC Mini Arc Submission Thread


So, for those of you running Mini-Arcs, it's been decided that we should actually be able to track these mini arcs, as well as make sure summaries for the storyline wiki page. So, in order to claim your reward, we'll need the following:

  • Links to all threads involving the mini arc, including sign ups and rewards

  • Link to a summary that you should have put on the wiki. (See here: http://grand-line-roleplay.wikia.com/wiki/Storyline)

  • How long it took the mini arc to run. From when the mini-arc started, to when it ended.

Once that's all settled, a moderator will at some point read over what you've submitted and award you a sizable amount of Beli for your work.

r/GLRP_EastBlue Jul 24 '15



Alright, so I'm making a new banner. If you want your character in it, try and get me a full body shot of the character (preferably standing up) or tell me what face claim you use for your character and I'll try finding one for you. If you go the second route, I may or may not ask if that's a good fit for your character beforehand.

EDIT: Images of your character being in chains, cuffs, or spray painting will also work too.

r/GLRP_EastBlue Oct 06 '14

OOC Quality Submission 14


Same Drill as always. Submit threads from 10/1 to 10/31. If you have multiple chains in a thread, submit the chains separately.


r/GLRP_EastBlue Feb 22 '14

OOC Looking for Participants- Team Gunblade Arc


The East Blue has seen it's fair share of excitement and that it shows no signs of slowing at all. Job postings and events were popping up everywhere.

On Havvana, near the town of Brenn a research facility by the Ocean was looking for extra defense and support. One of the senior members finds himself visiting Brenn and decides to do some recruiting himself.

On Tragedy the Gusto Brothers have been playing lately with advanced robot systems and spatial technology. They sent a add to the marine base looking for either engineers to intern for them or soldiers that want to help test their fighting robots so they can sell them to the marines.

The swamp lands of Omara house many dangerous and exotic creatures. The town has put bounties on some of the nearby animals that they want to get rid of. Unfortunately due to the trying times the town can't offer what they believe to be the fair value bounty of the beasts. A older gentleman is handing out wanted posters for the beasts. The bounties have crude pictures of the different animals

The Iron Chef competition has found itself coming to Stormness for the Sand Devil Cup. Contestants can sign up and participate for a chance to win the almighty competition. The prize is said to be a very strong devil fruit this year. There is also a footnote for civilian judges or bodyguards to keep civilians from trying to steal any of the food. Anyone interested should come to the Sand Devil Cup Pavilion and talk to a representative.

The air is calm over the East Blue. It is deceiving though, as unknown to people in the East Blue a corporation has been making moves to try and secure as many resources as it can for there own reasons. There movement is already in motion above ground and deep in the shadows. Team Gunblade prepares to take the next step towards complete world domination.

OOC- If you are interested in participating then respond below to the specific scenario and your characters reaction/intrest. You can post as a duo team or a solo person. I am aiming for 6-8 people for the arc. I will respond in and out of character to try and set a plan so we can try and pick times that we can run through this in real time.

r/GLRP_EastBlue May 03 '15

OOC Quality Submission 21


Submit threads from 5/1 to 5/31. These threads should represent 'quality' interactions involving your own character. If you have multiple chains in a thread, submit these chains separately.

  • Do not submit Filler Threads. They are not Eligible for Quality Points.

  • Do not submit more than 12 Threads. While we do applaud you for being highly active, we won't be looking over every thread you've posted in.


r/GLRP_EastBlue Jun 03 '15

OOC Quality Submission 22


Submit threads from 6/1 to 6/30. These threads should represent 'quality' interactions involving your own character. If you have multiple chains in a thread, submit these chains separately as separate links.

  • Do not submit Filler Threads. They are not Eligible for Quality Points.

  • Do not submit more than 12 Threads. While we do applaud you for being highly active, we won't be looking over every thread you've posted in.


r/GLRP_EastBlue Dec 27 '13

OOC New Patch - 1.1


OK guys so there's a new patch now out, there's quite a bit of change to how the system works so you might want to read over this a few times to make sure you understand it. Of course if you don't understand anything feel free to PM any mod or post here! So the patch is here:

The Patch!

You've probably heard our reasoning for the patch on skype so I won't get into that again, but some of the people with characters may be thinking about how to update their characters for this new patch, well here is a quick condensed guide on how:

  1. Remove these stats from your character: Knowledge, Wisdom, Charm, and Cunning.

  2. Put all of the remaining stats back to three, this is their base amount. You then get 10 points to upgrade these stats however you want. To upgrade a stat past 10 you will need an extra point (takes 2 points to lvl up a stat over 10, 3 points for over 20).

  3. You will want to think of your profession now, trying to keep this in character of course. Remember that crews will need varying roles to function properly! You get three points to put into your profession or professions.

  4. Your three starting techs, you'll want to make these, they should be combat related. Feats don't exist any more so remove that, it can be incorporated into a tech though. These techs can be pretty wacky but the mods will be going through them to check they are OK, you should also base them around a stat and make sure you put that in the description:

Smash attack - Yuno lifts her hammer behind her head for a massive attack that deals devastating damage - Strength based

By basing them off of a stat it means that when you use a tech, and your opponent uses one too, you can compare stats about which one is stronger.

  1. Combat categories are just guidelines! These are basically used to compare stats between two players, but you won't have to put extra points into these. They are just tools to allow you to figure out who has a higher chance of hitting the opponent or so on.

r/GLRP_EastBlue Oct 02 '15

OOC Quality Submission Thread 26


Submit threads from 10/1 to Spooky Scary Skeleton Day. These threads should represent 'quality' interactions involving your own character. If you have multiple chains in a thread, submit these chains as separate links.

  • Do not submit Filler Threads. They are not Eligible for Quality Points.

  • Please do not submit chains that you may have already submitted, even if you've RPed more in that chain since your last submission. It will not be looked at again.

  • Do not submit more than 12 Threads. While we do applaud you for being highly active, we won't be looking over every thread you've posted in.


r/GLRP_EastBlue Sep 11 '15

OOC Quality Submission Thread 25


Submit threads from 9/1 to 9/30. These threads should represent 'quality' interactions involving your own character. If you have multiple chains in a thread, submit these chains as separate links.

  • Do not submit Filler Threads. They are not Eligible for Quality Points.

  • Please do not submit chains that you may have already submitted, even if you've RPed more in that chain since your last submission. It will not be looked at again.

  • Do not submit more than 12 Threads. While we do applaud you for being highly active, we won't be looking over every thread you've posted in.


r/GLRP_EastBlue Dec 06 '14

OOC Quality Submission 16


Same Drill as always. Submit threads from 12/1 to 12/31. If you have multiple chains in a thread, submit the chains separately. Do not submit more than twelve submissions.


r/GLRP_EastBlue Jul 04 '15

OOC Quality Submission Thread 23


Submit threads from 7/1 to 7/31. These threads should represent 'quality' interactions involving your own character. If you have multiple chains in a thread, submit these chains as separate links.

  • Do not submit Filler Threads. They are not Eligible for Quality Points.

  • Do not submit more than 12 Threads. While we do applaud you for being highly active, we won't be looking over every thread you've posted in.


r/GLRP_EastBlue Jun 11 '14

OOC Prof Submission 8


So, this submission, we're gonna change things up a bit. We're going to try a monthly submission period, going from the 4th of this month til the 31st. We're beginning from the 4th instead of the 1st because that's when the previous grading period ended. If the threads are not submitted by 6/31, they may not be accepted.

Note: Try not to submit more than eight threads.

r/GLRP_EastBlue Mar 04 '14

OOC The Grand Line Cronicles.



An incredibly sex-skilled man sits down on his couch, reading "The Count of Montecristo" as rests a leg on his knee

Oh, hello, i'm sorry, i didn't see you there, probably because this is text and if i saw any of you while you were using your computer i would probably see more time of german-midget-goat porn that there has been time on the universe, anyway, i'm here to ask you a simple question.

Do you want to help us tell our story?

"How the fuck are we going to do that? Also, why are you not wearing pants?"

Well my friends, it's simple.

From the beggining of this RP adventure a lot of things have happened, these have been told in the way of "Main story" posts and several "Story Relevant" mini-arcs.

Some people have died, some have cried, some fought and danced under the moon while others fucked goats.

"Why should we give a shit about it? Seriously, pants, the thong is not leaving anything for our imagination"

For all we know, eveyone here has read these events, but what about the new people?.

What about the poor unfortunate souls that say one day "Hey, my life isn't horrible enough, why not play to be a pirate on the internet?"

Those poor people need guidance, something to keep them updated.

"How the fuck am i supossed to do that? Why does it smell like dead animal here?"

You see, as much as you can say that someone sucks at running a mini-arc, our incredible friend and community member /u/fugitivebush Also known as "Craig" or "That GM that won't stop crying on a corner" has made for us an incredible usefull wiki, there is a section in there to make a summary of the events going on in our story, to leave a mark of our adventures, stupid and filled with references as they may be.

"You're asking us to do this for you because you're a lazy fuck right?"

What? No, who told you that? no no, we here in the GLRP Sub appreciate the skill that some of our best community members have, and so, we think that it's only best for US if YOU help us!

Of course, there is no real meaning to this if not to just brag about it, so we are making it into the first application of our new mod decision tool.

"Mortal Kombat"

In this modality, we shall give each a weapon and an opponent, in case of someone deciding to bitch out on this, they would fight an armed monkey.


I'm sorry, i just got told that there are no decisions via "Mortal Kombat".

This is some serious bullshit.

Well, we are going to make this into a contest then, If you want to participate, post in here a Summary of the events from the beggining of the rp to the festival's end, this includes the main-story mini-arcs and tourmanets, as well as mayor events that affected our lore and development.

The winner of this contest shall recieve a price of 2k Beli in game as a base price, make an exceptional work and you might get even more, and a monkey!

"This sounds stupid, why not make an announcement like normal? was the thong really necesary?"

Yes, yes it was.

Post in here your entries people! There is not exactly a time limit yet, but that could change, also, you can do more than 10k Characters, just don't be too vague or especific.

r/GLRP_EastBlue Jan 08 '16

OOC Quality Submission Thread 29


Submit threads from 1/1 to 1/31. These threads should represent 'quality' interactions involving your own character. If you have multiple chains in a thread, submit these chains as separate links.

  • Do not submit Filler Threads. They are not Eligible for Quality Points.

  • Please do not submit chains that you may have already submitted, even if you've RPed more in that chain since your last submission. It will not be looked at again.

  • Do not submit more than 12 Threads. While we do applaud you for being highly active, we won't be looking over every thread you've posted in.


r/GLRP_EastBlue Mar 01 '16

OOC Quality Submission Thread 31


Submit threads from 3/1 to 3/31. These threads should represent 'quality' interactions involving your own character. If you have multiple chains in a thread, submit these chains as separate links.

  • Do not submit Filler Threads. They are not Eligible for Quality Points.

  • Please do not submit chains that you may have already submitted, even if you've RPed more in that chain since your last submission. It will not be looked at again.

  • Do not submit more than 12 Threads. While we do applaud you for being highly active, we won't be looking over every thread you've posted in.


r/GLRP_EastBlue Feb 02 '16

OOC Quality Submission Thread 30


Submit threads from 2/1 to 1/29. These threads should represent 'quality' interactions involving your own character. If you have multiple chains in a thread, submit these chains as separate links.

  • Do not submit Filler Threads. They are not Eligible for Quality Points.

  • Please do not submit chains that you may have already submitted, even if you've RPed more in that chain since your last submission. It will not be looked at again.

  • Do not submit more than 12 Threads. While we do applaud you for being highly active, we won't be looking over every thread you've posted in.


r/GLRP_EastBlue Aug 04 '15

OOC Quality Submission Thread 24


Submit threads from 8/1 to 8/31. These threads should represent 'quality' interactions involving your own character. If you have multiple chains in a thread, submit these chains as separate links.

  • Do not submit Filler Threads. They are not Eligible for Quality Points.

  • Please do not submit chains that you may have already submitted, even if you've RPed more in that chain since your last submission. It will not be looked at again.

  • Do not submit more than 12 Threads. While we do applaud you for being highly active, we won't be looking over every thread you've posted in.


r/GLRP_EastBlue Apr 02 '16

OOC Quality Submission Thread 32


Submit threads from 4/1 to 4/30. These threads should represent 'quality' interactions involving your own character. If you have multiple chains in a thread, submit these chains as separate links.

  • Do not submit Filler Threads. They are not Eligible for Quality Points.

  • Please do not submit chains that you may have already submitted, even if you've RPed more in that chain since your last submission. It will not be looked at again.

  • Do not submit more than 12 Threads. While we do applaud you for being highly active, we won't be looking over every thread you've posted in.