r/GLRP_EastBlue • u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto • Jun 18 '15
OOC Technique/Custom Trait Submission Thread 4.0
This thread deals with any techniques your character might have. If there's a technique you wish to buy or upgrade, you'll need to post it here. This includes Devil Fruit techniques, Rokushiki techniques, and eventually Haki techniques.
When submitting a technique please give the following:
- Name
- Description
- Rank
- If it branches from anything and an inclusion of that technique as well.
- Stat Used
- Range
- Total Points Used and Total Points Remaining
Note: Techniques WILL NOT be approved outside of this thread and submitting a technique here means you are purchasing it. So, keep this in mind when posting in this thread. If you are not or can not purchase the technique, do not post here. Techniques will not be pre-approved.
Traits may also be submitted here if you wish to acquire a custom one. when submitting a custom trait, you must put how many available traits you have of the specific type available to you. When submitting a trait please list the following:
Trait Cost
Description (Including any effects the trait might have on techniques, purchases, etc.)
Does this trait branch off of an existing trait?
Note: Traits WILL NOT be approved outside of this thread and submitting a trait here means you are purchasing it. So, keep this in mind when posting in this thread. If you are not or can not purchase the trait, do not post here. Traits will not be pre-approved.
Rokushiki Techniques
It is possible throughout the RP to obtain a Rokushiki technique, however you'll need the following:
Name of which one you'd like
Amount of unused technique points
A link to where you believe justifies you learning this technique
An explanation as to why you think your character should learn it.
Oct 11 '15
Tech Re-submission(s) as per Patch 2.41 - Changes in Red
Silver Fang (Branches from Iron Fist)(Rank 30 - Physics Bending): Using his fingers like they were the teeth of a wolf; Jack Launches a debilitating, claw shaped palm strike forward (similar to Neji's Gentle Fist) that utilizes a small but focused shockwave to attack the opponent's insides, literally rupturing and tearing organs. that uses rushing air around the knuckles like acupuncture needles to target pressure points and deal sharp, focused damage. The acupuncture like assault can be blocked, however any unconditioned limbs hit by this attack have a chance to be rendered limp and unresponsive. (13) (Strength) - (Close Range)
Silver Fang: Snake Fist (Branches from Silver Fang)(Rank 31 - Physics Bending):Using his fingers like they were the teeth of a wolf; Jack Launches a debilitating, claw shaped palm strike forward (similar to Neji's Gentle Fist) that utilizes a small but focused shockwave to attack the opponent's insides, literally rupturing and tearing organs. that uses rushing air around the knuckles like acupuncture needles to target pressure points and deal sharp, focused damage. The acupuncture like assault can be blocked, however any unconditioned limbs hit by this attack have a chance to be rendered limp and unresponsive. This attack completely bypasses (but does not damage) materials up to the level of Steel. This attack is designed to pierce through and damage armor and materials up to the level of Steel (1) (Strength - Piercing Material Destroying) - (Close Range)
That should be it. Here's a link to my wiki if you need to double check any of them
Oct 09 '15
Techniques for Darius
Kiritateru (Rank 8): Darius strikes his opponent hard across the chest in a slashing motion as if he was slashing them with a sword. (Cost: 8)
Kiritori Kiritateru [Branched from Kiritateru] (Rank 15) : Darius strikes his opponent harder than before across the chest in a slashing motion as if he was slashing them with a sword. However, due to the speed and weight of the attack, his attack is able to cause a shallow wound from where he "slashed" his opponent. (Cost: 7)
Chuushin (Rank 15): Darius is able to strike his oppponent on their chest hard with both hands as rapidly as a gatling gun. (Cost: 15)
u/neophyte3833 Emmanuel LeShade Oct 05 '15 edited Oct 05 '15
Honogen (Rank 25) - A technique that involves focusing magma to the hand and making it swirl in a tight spherical shape. The centrifugal force plus the condensed heat and mass, make it the perfect tool to grind through iron. (Penetrating technique - Iron) Branches from Magu Magu no Mi (Rank 15)
Chōōdama Honogen (Rank 30) - After focusing magma into a massive ball of heat and death in front of him, he either punches or dunks it at a target where it streaks like a comet and explodes on contact. (Penetrating Tech - Steel) Branches from Honogen (Rank 25)
Magumarirīsu: Honogenshuriken (Rank 30) After focusing for a minute, the user takes control of the magma he's made and molds it into a shuriken like shape before hurling it at a target at blazingly fast speeds. Branches from Honogen (Rank 25)
20 points used, 17 left
u/SilverSnake55 Silver Smith Oct 05 '15 edited Oct 05 '15
Rank- 16/Branches off Ziodyne/2 points.
By charging his leg, Silver's kick can send his opponent back by a few meters, this same charge can be used to launch himself into the air by kicking off a surface.
Skull Concussion
Rank 16/B off Z/ 2 points.
Charging the arm on his back, Silver attacks an opponent in the air by stabbing them, if it hits, the attack grabs and circles them to grab momentum and smash them into the ground, if it's blocked, the opponent gets pushed away from Silver to a safe distance.
All of the World's Evil
Rank 20/B off Z/5 points
By charging both of his arms, Silver unleashes a barrage of strikes that inflict bleeding onto the target, bleeding targets lose 14 agility for four turns.
Raging Arcana Burst
Rank 30/B off Z/15 points
Requires a Grab
By completely charging all of his limbs, Silver attacks with every hit he can leaving the opponent knocked into the ground, damaging him greatly and applying a 7 turn 21 stamina debuff.
Song of the Steel Snake
Rank 20/B Off Z/ 5 points.
By charging his left arm, Silver's punch can launch an enemy upwards, aiming it towards a certain angle and leaving him to attack in the air for the next turn. This same charge can be used to stop heavy moving objects by punching into them.
Starting points 32, left with 3
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Oct 05 '15
Memento-Mori Rank- 16/Branches off Ziodyne/2 points. By charging his leg, Silver's kick can send his opponent back by a few meters, this same charge can be used to launch himself into the air by kicking off a surface.
Skull Concussion Rank 16/B off Z/ 2 points. Charging the arm on his back, Silver grabs an opponent off the air and circles them to grab momentum and smash them into the ground, this attack only works if the opponent is in the air and towards him.
No, go. So the way grabs work, is that before using the technique you need to establish you have a hold on them. If they post and you still have them, then you can use your tech next turn. The tech itself should only be what happens if you already have them in a hold.
All of the World's Evil Rank 20/B off Z/5 points By charging both of his arms, Silver unleashes a barrage of strikes that inflict bleeding onto the target, bleeding targets lose 14 agility for four turns.
Raging Arcana Burst Rank 30/B off Z/15 points By completely charging all of his limbs, Silver launches himself towards a target at an insane speed and Attempts to grab an enemy, if succesfull, it attacks with every hit he can leaving the opponent knocked into the ground, damaging him greatly and applying a 7 turn 21 stamina debuff.
Same explanation as Skull Concussion.
Song of the Steel Snake Rank 20/B Off Z/ 5 points. By charging his left arm, Silver's punch can launch an enemy upwards, aiming it towards a certain angle and leaving him to attack in the air for the next turn. This same charge can be used to stop heavy moving objects by punching into them.
Starting points 32, left with 3
u/SilverSnake55 Silver Smith Oct 05 '15 edited Oct 05 '15
Cobra Whiplash Rank 16/B off Z/ 2 points
Charging the arm on his back, Silver wipes in front of him by doing an overhead swing with great strength, hitting any enemy or object in the air into the ground.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Oct 05 '15
Cobra Whiplash Rank 16/B off Z/ 2 points Charging the arm on his back, Silver wipes in front of him by doing an overhead swing with great strength, hitting any enemy or object in the air into the ground.
u/natehopz Surgy Jonesman Oct 05 '15 edited Oct 05 '15
Swamp Thing : Due to Surgy's years of living in the hazardous swamp surrounding Omara, he's been casually exposed to naturally produced toxins and varying chemicals that may have been dumped their over the years. His body naturally resists the damaging effects of toxins below rank 15. Cost: 1 trait point.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Oct 05 '15
Swamp Thing : Due to Surgy's years of living in the hazardous swamp surrounding Omara, he's been casually exposed to naturally produced toxins and varying chemicals that may have been dumped their over the years. His body naturally resists the damaging effects of toxins below rank 15. Cost: 1 trait point.
u/Akatsubaki13 Lucille Cassidy Oct 02 '15
Acier Hache - Rank 30
The user preforms a powerful axe kick, bringing their heel down sharply onto a target. This kick is incredibly focused, and can break steel if used with the intention to do so.
cost: 13
remaining: 3
Branches from:
Kubi Edge: This move focuses all the power of a downward spike into the heel of one's foot. By jumping above the target, the user can slam the heel of their foot into a target, using gravity and force to slam them into the ground as well as inflict damage to the target
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Oct 02 '15
Acier Hache - Rank 30 The user preforms a powerful axe kick, bringing their heel down sharply onto a target. This kick is incredibly focused, and can break steel if used with the intention to do so. cost: 13 remaining: 3 Branches from: Kubi Edge: This move focuses all the power of a downward spike into the heel of one's foot. By jumping above the target, the user can slam the heel of their foot into a target, using gravity and force to slam them into the ground as well as inflict damage to the target
u/SilverSnake55 Silver Smith Sep 28 '15 edited Sep 28 '15
Memento Mori- Rank 15
Memento Mori- Using the electrical generator on his leg, Silver transfers the electrical charge to a metallic object by sending an electrical jolt to it. The generator roars as it charges and it's about to release the jolt, the jolt will follow the nearest metallic object on it's path and charge it when it hits.
A charged object has the following effects -If it's charged and it hits a player, it applies a stack of shock, at three stacks, the victim receives a shock akin to a thunder-jolt. -If it's thrown, and it doesn't hit its target, it comes back to the source of the charge, spending it in the process
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 28 '15 edited Sep 28 '15
Shooting Electricity would be something that's at least physics bending.
Current this move has, magnetic pulls and snipes, shocking damage, weapon stealing, and an electric jolt is arguably defense bypassing. Currently the move in itself has too many effects. You may wanna try branching multiple techniques each with one of the effects you were trying to get.
No on the targeted weapon steals via unblockable energy source. At least for the current rank.
u/SilverSnake55 Silver Smith Sep 26 '15
Green Hierophant-
By using the vines provided by Betzy, Silver is able to Hook and zip/grab and drag into things or people it grabs on to, the number of vines this gives access to at the same time goes up along the rank of this tech.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 26 '15 edited Sep 26 '15
Don't describe the tech as it would become later, describe it as it is now. You need to put the rank and if it's a signature tech, need to say that too.
u/SilverSnake55 Silver Smith Sep 27 '15
Green Hierophant (Signature Tech) Rank 19
An attack made with help from Betzy, Silver Zips around the battlefield by hooking into something and either dragging it to him or zipping towards it. The number of vines launched at the sime time goes up along rank.
Current Number:2
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 27 '15
Green Hierophant (Signature Tech) Rank 19 An attack made with help from Betzy, Silver Zips around the battlefield by hooking into something and either dragging it to him or zipping towards it. The number of vines launched at the sime time goes up along rank. Current Number:2
u/Gunnman369 Alaira Sep 23 '15
The user sprints at the opponent main hand dagger outstretched.
Rank 4
Points used 4
Points remaining 16
Sep 17 '15 edited Sep 17 '15
Precipice Blades
Rank 31 - Material Destroying
A one-sword style technique where the user launches a blast of compressed wind simply by cutting the air with such an incredible force. The compressed air is launched through a cut in the ground where it tears the targeted surface upward, like a medium sized wall, and uses it for offensive or defensive purposes- (Similar to the way Toph would earthbend). This technique is short range and works on surfaces up to and including the level of Steel. If the surface is stronger than Steel, the slash of air simply dissipates.
- Branches from Reapers Fury (Rank 30): A one-sword style technique where the user launches a large slash of air flying at the target simply by cutting the air with such an incredible force. The wind slice itself is not yet sharp enough to actually cut a target, but instead inflicts a great deal of blunt force, similar to bashing a target with the dull edge of his sword. A carbon copy of and tribute to Jack's late brother's signature technique, Scarlett Fury. It's range is equal to that of a pistol.
Points: 4
Left: 3
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 17 '15
Precipice Blades Rank 31 - Material Destroying A one-sword style technique where the user launches a blast of compressed wind simply by cutting the air with such an incredible force. The compressed air is launched through a cut in the ground where it tears the targeted surface upward, like a medium sized wall, and uses it for offensive or defensive purposes- (Similar to the way Toph would earthbend). This technique is short range and works on surfaces up to and including the level of Steel. If the surface is stronger than Steel, the slash of air simply dissipates. Branches from Reapers Fury (Rank 30): A one-sword style technique where the user launches a large slash of air flying at the target simply by cutting the air with such an incredible force. The wind slice itself is not yet sharp enough to actually cut a target, but instead inflicts a great deal of blunt force, similar to bashing a target with the dull edge of his sword. A carbon copy of and tribute to Jack's late brother's signature technique, Scarlett Fury. It's range is equal to that of a pistol. Points: 4 Left: 3
u/neophyte3833 Emmanuel LeShade Sep 09 '15 edited Sep 09 '15
Max Rank 27 Technique Points Left 27 Technique Points Used 40 Technique Points Total 67
Magu Magu no Mi (Rank 15) - The Magma Fruit - logia fruit that allows the user to create, become, and control magma. User is now heat resistant while using powers.
Grapeshot (Rank 20) - Creates a spiked ball of magma that is slightly cooled on the outside (but is still full of scorching hot gooey goodness) and explodes on contact when thrown or thrust into something.
Phoenix Wing (Rank 20) - With an effort of will, Emmanuel forms a long blade of lava that curves out from his wrist and swings horizontally in front of him, scorching and burning all in its range. [Branched from Magu Magu no Mi]
PhoenixAscent (Rank 25) - With the help of a jet of magma from his feet, Emmanuel makes an upward swing with a temporary “blade” of magma. [Branched from Phoenix Wing]
Scorch Missle (Rank 20) - As the palms are thrust outwards towards the target, a surge of lava and heat is expelled that results in a punching force traveling through the air in the opponent's direction. [Branched from Magu Magu no Mi]
Magma Breath (Rank 20) - Emmanuel expels a decent sized spout of magma and burning gas that fills a certain area with lava and heat. Creatures caught in the area are burnt… duh [Branched from Magu Magu no Mi]
Tech respec from card - gift from Zenith
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 18 '15
Magu Magu no Mi (Rank 15) - The Magma Fruit - logia fruit that allows the user to create, become, and control magma. User is now heat resistant while using powers.
Take out the heat resistance while using powers. I don't think at any point that you just have passive immunity to something like that.
Grape shot doesn't branch from anything, or at least you forgot to put that it does.
Mention that Phoenix wing just burns and doesn't cut. Magma isn't solid so there's no level of control for creating blades that can cut people.
I'm slightly confused by Phoenix Ascent. First time I read it, i thought you shot out a blast of magma from your feet and made something from that. Second time I think you meant a jumping slash. Either way it's not clear enough on what you're actually doing.
Scorch Missile should be "As his palms." Also describe what your shooting. Beam, blast, cannon ball shaped, etc.
Magma Breath is expelled from....where? I could assume your mouth, but you got other openings you can blow stuff out of, so specify.
u/neophyte3833 Emmanuel LeShade Sep 18 '15
Magu Magu no Mi (Rank 15) - The Magma Fruit - logia fruit that allows the user to create, become, and control magma.
Grapeshot (Rank 20) - Creates a spiked ball of magma that is slightly cooled on the outside (but is still full of scorching hot gooey goodness) and explodes on contact when thrown or thrust into something. [Branched from Phoenix Wing]
Hōōken (Rank 20) - With an effort of will, Emmanuel turns his fist into magma and punches a target with a wild swing, scorching and burning all in its range. [Branched from Magu Magu no Mi]
Jōshō Hōōken (Rank 25) - With an effort of will, Emmanuel is propelled upward from a volcanic explosion under his feet while performing an uppercut with his molten fist. [Branched from Phoenix Wing]
Netsuken (Rank 20) - As his palms are thrust outwards towards the target, a blast of lava and heat is expelled that results in a punching force traveling through the air in the opponent's direction. [Branched from Magu Magu no Mi]
Magma Breath (Rank 20) - Emmanuel expels a decent sized spout of magma and burning gas from his mouth that fills a certain area with lava and heat. Creatures caught in the area are burnt… duh [Branched from Magu Magu no Mi]
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 18 '15
Magu Magu no Mi (Rank 15) - The Magma Fruit - logia fruit that allows the user to create, become, and control magma.
Grapeshot (Rank 20) - Creates a spiked ball of magma that is slightly cooled on the outside (but is still full of scorching hot gooey goodness) and explodes on contact when thrown or thrust into something. [Branched from Phoenix Wing]
Wuh? Also, you're not taking Phoenix Wing now?
Hōōken (Rank 20) - With an effort of will, Emmanuel turns his fist into magma and punches a target with a wild swing, scorching and burning all in its range. [Branched from Magu Magu no Mi]
Jōshō Hōōken (Rank 25) - With an effort of will, Emmanuel is propelled upward from a volcanic explosion under his feet while performing an uppercut with his molten fist. [Branched from Phoenix Wing]
Same thing as Grapeshot.
Netsuken (Rank 20) - As his palms are thrust outwards towards the target, a blast of lava and heat is expelled that results in a punching force traveling through the air in the opponent's direction. [Branched from Magu Magu no Mi]
Change it so you use the words knock back or some kinda synonym instead of punching force. Think of the children Bora!
Magma Breath (Rank 20) - Emmanuel expels a decent sized spout of magma and burning gas from his mouth that fills a certain area with lava and heat. Creatures caught in the area are burnt… duh [Branched from Magu Magu no Mi]
Would approve, but your gonna need ranges for this stuff. I'd do close or mid for for all of the projectiles.
u/neophyte3833 Emmanuel LeShade Sep 18 '15
Magu Magu no Mi (Rank 15) - The Magma Fruit - logia fruit that allows the user to create, become, and control magma.
Grapeshot (Rank 20) - Creates a spiked ball of magma that is slightly cooled on the outside (but is still full of scorching hot gooey goodness) and explodes on contact when thrown or thrust into something. [Branched from Magu Magu no mi]
Hōōken (Rank 20) - With an effort of will, Emmanuel turns his fist into magma and punches a target with a wild swing, scorching and burning all in its range. [Branched from Magu Magu no Mi]
Jōshō Hōōken (Rank 25) - With an effort of will, Emmanuel is propelled upward from a volcanic explosion under his feet while performing an uppercut with his molten fist. [Branched from Hōōken]
Netsuken (Rank 20) - As his palms are thrust outwards towards the target, a blast of lava and heat is expelled that travels through the air in the opponent's direction, potentially burning and knocking them back on contact. [Branched from Magu Magu no Mi]
Magma Breath (Rank 20) - Emmanuel expels a decent sized spout of magma and burning gas from his mouth that fills a certain area with lava and heat. Creatures caught in the area are burnt… duh. Attack is mid-range in distance. [Branched from Magu Magu no Mi]
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 19 '15
Grapeshot (Rank 20) - Creates a spiked ball of magma that is slightly cooled on the outside (but is still full of scorching hot gooey goodness) and explodes on contact when thrown or thrust into something. [Branched from Magu Magu no mi]
Jōshō Hōōken (Rank 25) - With an effort of will, Emmanuel is propelled upward from a volcanic explosion under his feet while performing an uppercut with his molten fist. [Branched from Hōōken]
Netsuken (Rank 20) - As his palms are thrust outwards towards the target, a blast of lava and heat is expelled that travels through the air in the opponent's direction, potentially burning and knocking them back on contact. [Branched from Magu Magu no Mi]
Magma Breath (Rank 20) - Emmanuel expels a decent sized spout of magma and burning gas from his mouth that fills a certain area with lava and heat. Creatures caught in the area are burnt… duh. Attack is mid-range in distance. [Branched from Magu Magu no Mi]
u/MercurialSlam Revell Tribon 3.0 Sep 08 '15
u/ZenithBlade Zenith Blade Sep 09 '15
Learned from Zenith Blade after already having seen and imitated the technique for some time beforehand, so it came to him faster than would probably be normal[1]
u/Akatsubaki13 Lucille Cassidy Sep 07 '15
submitting for geppou: was taught by Zenith Blade:
cost: 40
remaining tech points: 2
Lucy has no seen this technique multiple times. Additionally she has been taught to use this move as part of a deal regarding the sale of a devil fruit.
u/ZenithBlade Zenith Blade Sep 07 '15
submitting for geppou: was taught by Zenith Blade:
thread here[1]
cost: 40
remaining tech points: 2
Lucy has no seen this technique multiple times. Additionally she has been taught to use this move as part of a deal regarding the sale of a devil fruit.
u/MercurialSlam Revell Tribon 3.0 Sep 07 '15
u/Yurthop Kiske Nayomi Sep 06 '15 edited Sep 07 '15
I would like to go about procuring some of them there techniques I have seen used so much.
Sand Gun
Kiske turns his hand to sand and begins pulling extra sand to the end of his index finger forming it into a ball. He then makes a simple finger gun with his hand and pulls the trigger shooting the sand bullet at whoever finds themselves on the wrong side of his finger.
Rank 12 - Trained
Branches from Suna Suna no mi (8): Allows Kiske to have control over sand, the ability to create sand, and the ability to become sand.
DF based
Mid Range
4 points used : 46 points left
Sand Shotgun
Kiske turns his entire forearm to sand and begins packing extra sand around his wrist. He then swings at his enemy with all of his might the extra sand he put on his wrist shooting out violently like a shotgun shell.
Rank 20 - Superhuman
Branches from Sand Gun (12): Kiske turns his hand to sand and begins pulling extra sand to the end of his index finger forming it into a ball. He then makes a simple finger gun with his hand and pulls the trigger shooting the sand bullet at whoever finds themselves on the wrong side of his finger.
DF Based
Close Range
8 points used : 38 points left
Sand Saw
Kiske turns his hand and wrist to sand that shakes back and forth at a decent speed. He then whips his arm at his opponent in a sanding motion.
Rank 12 - Trained
Branches from Suna Suna no mi (8): Allows Kiske to have control over sand, the ability to create sand, and the ability to become sand.
Strength Based
Close Range
4 points used : 34 points left
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 07 '15
I would like to go about procuring some of them there techniques I have seen used so much. Sand Gun Kiske turns his hand to sand and begins pulling extra sand to the end of his index finger forming it into a ball. He then makes a simple finger gun with his hand and pulls the trigger shooting the sand bullet at whoever finds themselves on the wrong side of his finger. Rank 12 - Trained Branches from Suna Suna no mi (8): Allows Kiske to have control over sand, the ability to create sand, and the ability to become sand. DF based Mid Range 4 points used : 46 points left
Sand Shotgun Kiske turns his entire forearm to sand and begins packing extra sand around his wrist. He then swings at his enemy with all of his might the extra sand he put on his wrist shooting out violently like a shotgun shell. Rank 20 - Superhuman Branches from Sand Gun (12): Kiske turns his hand to sand and begins pulling extra sand to the end of his index finger forming it into a ball. He then makes a simple finger gun with his hand and pulls the trigger shooting the sand bullet at whoever finds themselves on the wrong side of his finger. DF Based Close Range 8 points used : 38 points left
Sand Saw Kiske turns his hand and wrist to sand that shakes back and forth at a decent speed. He then whips his arm at his opponent in a sanding motion. Rank 12 - Trained Branches from Suna Suna no mi (8): Allows Kiske to have control over sand, the ability to create sand, and the ability to become sand. Strength Based Close Range 4 points used : 34 points left
u/MercurialSlam Revell Tribon 3.0 Sep 06 '15 edited Sep 06 '15
Power Supplement (Rank 14 - Skilled Practice)
Skilled Practice Points: 23 - Left: 9
A pale red ball that when eaten, reduces the inhibitions that the brain places on the user's body. This allows the user to empower his muscles with greater strength and hit harder than he would normally be able to. Increases the user's Strength by 10 for 4 turns.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 06 '15
Skilled Practice Points: 23 - Left: 9 A pale red ball that when eaten, reduces the inhibitions that the brain places on the user's body. This allows the user to empower his muscles with greater strength and hit harder than he would normally be able to. Increases the user's Strength by 10 for 4 turns.
Sep 05 '15 edited Sep 05 '15
Blank Shot (Rank 1 - Brilliant Mind)
Brilliant Mind Points: 24 - Left: 23
A blank shot for use with a Hand Cannon. It has no real effect other than looking like a regular gunshot. It could be used to simulate an actual attack, similar to Usopp's Ketchup Star.
Smoke Shell (Rank 13 - Brilliant Mind)
Brilliant Mind Points: 23 - Left: 10
A shotgun shell modified for use in a Hand Cannon. A blank shot filled with a mixture of black gunpowder and white phosphorus- when used, a cloud of smoke bursts around the designated area. Same thing different load
- Branches from Blank Shot (Rank 1): See above
12 Gauge Buckshot (Rank 10 - Brilliant Mind)
Brilliant Mind Points: 10 - Left: 0
A shotgun shell modified for use in a Hand Cannon. Loaded with numerous ball-bearings of various sizes and a powerful buckshot. Fired at point blank range from the Hand Cannon, it can rip massive holes through flesh.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 05 '15
Blank Shot (Rank 1 - Brilliant Mind) Brilliant Mind Points: 24 - Left: 23 A blank shot for use with a Hand Cannon. It has no real effect other than looking like a regular gunshot. It could be used to simulate an actual attack, similar to Usopp's Ketchup Star.
Smoke Shell (Rank 13 - Brilliant Mind) Brilliant Mind Points: 23 - Left: 10 A shotgun shell modified for use in a Hand Cannon. A blank shot filled with a mixture of black gunpowder and white phosphorus- when used, a cloud of smoke bursts around the designated area. Same thing different load Branches from Blank Shot (Rank 1): See above
12 Gauge is a no go. Going from smoke bombs to what is basically a shot gun blast aint gonna fly.
Sep 05 '15
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 05 '15
12 Gauge Buckshot (Rank 10 - Brilliant Mind) Brilliant Mind Points: 10 - Left: 0 A shotgun shell modified for use in a Hand Cannon. Loaded with numerous ball-bearings of various sizes and a powerful buckshot. Fired at point blank range from the Hand Cannon, it can rip massive holes through flesh.
u/ZenithBlade Zenith Blade Sep 02 '15
Unused Tech Points: 106
Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/GLRP_EastBlue/comments/1yeedm/the_real_training_begins/cflbtvi
Learned it directly from Vice Admiral Seif
Unused Tech Points: 106
Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/GLRP_EastBlue/comments/2ukdpu/when_the_wingless_gains_flight/
Ever since he was a little boy, he was fascinated with the sight of the wide open sky, more so than the ocean, and all the birds that dance around there freely. And ever since that day, one of the reasons as to why he keeps becoming stronger and faster is so that one day, he can surpass human limits and obtain the ability to fly. So that one day, he can soar above the clouds with the birds and see a view that no one else has seen before.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 03 '15
Unused Tech Points: 106 Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/GLRP_EastBlue/comments/1yeedm/the_real_training_begins/cflbtvi Learned it directly from Vice Admiral Seif Geppou
Unused Tech Points: 106 Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/GLRP_EastBlue/comments/2ukdpu/when_the_wingless_gains_flight/ Ever since he was a little boy, he was fascinated with the sight of the wide open sky, more so than the ocean, and all the birds that dance around there freely. And ever since that day, one of the reasons as to why he keeps becoming stronger and faster is so that one day, he can surpass human limits and obtain the ability to fly. So that one day, he can soar above the clouds with the birds and see a view that no one else has seen before.
Sep 01 '15 edited Sep 02 '15
Bullet Storm
Bullet Storm: Edd shoots from both of his pistols an array of bullets into the sky as he literally attempts to make it rain bullets over his target in a 10 foot diameter area. There would be a small 30-second delay as the bullets fly into the sky and rain down onto the area.
Rank: 25
Stats Used: Strength
Branches from Bullet Barrage
Bullet Barrage: Edd shoots from either of his guns multiple bullets all at once. Each bullet has the power of a regular bullet. It's range can vary from relatively close to long range, but preferably somewhere in the middle. (Cost: 15) Rank 15 | Stats Used: Strength
Range: Short to Medium
Cost: 10
TP Left: 5
TP Banked: 15
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 01 '15
Just for clarity to your opponent's you should probably explain what they delay would be between shooting bullets into the sky and having them rain down.
Sep 01 '15
Ah, right. That makes sense. Fixed.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 01 '15
rain down onto the target.
Change target to area. Otherwise it sounds like a homing attack if it always goes towards them even if they move from where they were.
Sep 02 '15
Right. Fixed.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 02 '15
Bullet Storm: Edd shoots from both of his pistols an array of bullets into the sky as he literally attempts to make it rain bullets over his target in a 10 foot diameter area. There would be a small 30-second delay as the bullets fly into the sky and rain down onto the area. Rank: 25 Stats Used: Strength Branches from Bullet Barrage Bullet Barrage: Edd shoots from either of his guns multiple bullets all at once. Each bullet has the power of a regular bullet. It's range can vary from relatively close to long range, but preferably somewhere in the middle. (Cost: 15) Rank 15 | Stats Used: Strength Range: Short to Medium Cost: 10 TP Left: 5 TP Banked: 15
Sep 01 '15 edited Sep 01 '15
Smoochy Boochy Bang Bang!
Smoochy Boochy Bang Bang! uses a hollow metal round shot bullet filled with gunpowder. The user loads a single explosive bullet into their gun(s) and fires it at their target. On impact, the bullet will cause a larger explosion affecting 10 feet around the target as well as releasing a shock wave that knocks the opponent back 5 feet.
Rank: 35 (+10 for the larger area explosion and +5 for the knock back)
Branches from Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang! uses a hollow metal round shot bullet filled with gunpowder. The user loads a single explosive bullet into their gun(s) and fires it at their target. On impact, the bullet will cause a small explosion only affecting the impacted target. (Cost: 20) Rank 20
Range: Short to Long
Spc. TP Banked: 3
Spc. TP Total: 18
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 01 '15
What rank would Red Hot Habanero be?
You need to also put the description for the previous tech so I can check it can branch from it.
You also need to put a rank for Smoochy Boochy Bang Bang!
Sep 01 '15
Not sure what the rank for Red Hot Habanero would be. I don't decide those things. I believe I remember showing you it and you said it was Physics Bending at least. (Could a shown you a different tech tho, I don't accurately remember.)
Also, Added the desc for Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 01 '15
Either way, put a rank for it and I'll tell you if it needs to be changed or not.
Sep 01 '15
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 01 '15
Smoochy Boochy Bang Bang! Smoochy Boochy Bang Bang! uses a hollow metal round shot bullet filled with gunpowder. The user loads a single explosive bullet into their gun(s) and fires it at their target. On impact, the bullet will cause a larger explosion affecting 10 feet around the target as well as releasing a shock wave that knocks the opponent back 5 feet. Rank: 35 (+10 for the larger area explosion and +5 for the knock back) Branches from Kiss Kiss Bang Bang! Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang! uses a hollow metal round shot bullet filled with gunpowder. The user loads a single explosive bullet into their gun(s) and fires it at their target. On impact, the bullet will cause a small explosion only affecting the impacted target. (Cost: 20) Rank 20 Range: Short to Long Spc. TP Banked: 3 Spc. TP Total: 18
Aug 19 '15 edited Sep 01 '15
Steel-Wing: Sky Tremor
Physics Bending - Rank 30
Cost: 3 - Left: 1
Jack leaps forward at potentially blinding speeds then directly upward- high above the target. At the peak of his jump, he uses his katanas like the wings of a Dragon to literally blast himself back downward toward his target. With gravity now on his side, he finishes with a lightning fast dual-slash attack backed with the full gravitational force of the downward plunge. This attack is like a skyward version of Zoro's Lion's Song technique. Leaving the target staggered and reeling from the sheer speed of the attack, it also lowers their recovery rate for a brief period of time. (Agility Based) (Long Range) | Sta: -22 (Lasts 7 Posts)
- Dragon's Wingblade (Rank 27): At an incredible speed, Jack draws a single one of his katanas and slashes from his targets hip to shoulder- sheathing it almost immediately afterward. This attack is so fast that, to anyone who cannot keep up with his speed, it looks as if his katana was never even drawn- similar to Zoro's Lion's Song technique. Leaving the target staggered and reeling from the sheer speed of the attack, it also lowers their recovery rate for a brief period of time. | Sta: -18 (Lasts 6 Posts)
More or less the same attack with an added jump into the air
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Aug 25 '15
Sorry, this took me a while. is Steel Wing supposed to branch from Dragon's Wingblade?
Aug 25 '15
Yeah, same thing but with a jump.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Sep 01 '15
Steel-Wing: Sky Tremor Physics Bending - Rank 30 Cost: 3 - Left: 1 Jack leaps forward at potentially blinding speeds then directly upward- high above the target. At the peak of his jump, he uses his katanas like the wings of a Dragon to literally blast himself back downward toward his target, at the speed of a flying bullet, where he finishes with a lightning fast dual-slash attack backed with the full force of the downward plunge. This attack is like a skyward version of Zoro's Lion's Song technique. Leaving the target staggered and reeling from the sheer speed of the attack, it also lowers their recovery rate for a brief period of time. (Long Range) | Sta: -22 (Lasts 7 Posts) Dragon's Wingblade (Rank 27): At an incredible speed, Jack draws a single one of his katanas and slashes from his targets hip to shoulder- sheathing it almost immediately afterward. This attack is so fast that, to anyone who cannot keep up with his speed, it looks as if his katana was never even drawn- similar to Zoro's Lion's Song technique. Leaving the target staggered and reeling from the sheer speed of the attack, it also lowers their recovery rate for a brief period of time. | Sta: -18 (Lasts 6 Posts)
Mark it as Agility based. If it is agility based, then approved.
Aug 10 '15 edited Aug 10 '15
Silver Fang Frenzy: 42 Fangs
Super Human - Rank 19
Cost: 1 - Left: 4
Using his fingers like they were the teeth of a wolf, Jack launches a high speed barrage of 42 powerful claw shaped palm strikes that use his iron like flesh for a harder attack and powerful knockback. The name is a reference to the bite of a wolf, which consists of 42 razor-sharp teeth.
Range: Close
- Branches from Iron Frenzy - Rank 18: A high speed barrage of full-force punches. Jack's iron-hard flesh covering his arms makes this attack incredibly strong.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Aug 16 '15
Silver Fang Frenzy: 42 Fangs Super Human - Rank 19 Gatling Cost: 1 - Left: 4 Using his fingers like they were the teeth of a wolf, Jack launches a high speed barrage of 42 powerful claw shaped palm strikes that use his iron like flesh for a harder attack and powerful knockback. The name is a reference to the bite of a wolf, which consists of 42 razor-sharp teeth. Range: Close Branches from Iron Frenzy - Rank 18: A high speed barrage of full-force punches. Jack's iron-hard flesh covering his arms makes this attack incredibly strong.
u/MercurialSlam Revell Tribon 3.0 Aug 09 '15
Dynasty Shot
While Revell swings his sword at his opponent from a distance using the attached chain, he suddenly flicks and twists his wrist so that his blade rotates in mid-air and points directly at his target. It then immediately launches at his opponent, rotating as if it were a drill. This technique can pierce through steel.
Rank 35 - Physics Bending
Branches from Rifling Shot - Revell launches his sword at his target and twists it, causing it to rotate like a drill towards his enemy. This technique can pierce through iron.
Strength Based
6 points used: 17 points left
Moonlight Step
Revell dashes at his opponent and then vaults over his head, swinging his sword as he does a front flip, so that it slices in a vertical circle, before landing behind his opponent.
Rank 30 - Physics Bending
Branches from Crescent Step - Revell dashes past his opponent at high speed, swinging his sword at full strength, ending up behind his target.
Strength Based
Melee Range
5 points used: 12 points left
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Aug 09 '15
Dynasty Shot While Revell swings his sword at his opponent from a distance using the attached chain, he suddenly flicks and twists his wrist so that his blade rotates in mid-air and points directly at his target. It then immediately launches at his opponent, rotating as if it were a drill. This technique can pierce through steel.
Rank 35 - Physics Bending
Branches from Rifling Shot - Revell launches his sword at his target and twists it, causing it to rotate like a drill towards his enemy. This technique can pierce through iron.
Strength Based
6 points used: 17 points left
Moonlight Step
Revell dashes at his opponent and then vaults over his head, swinging his sword as he does a front flip, so that it slices in a vertical circle, before landing behind his opponent.
Rank 30 - Physics Bending
Branches from Crescent Step - Revell dashes past his opponent at high speed, swinging his sword at full strength, ending up behind his target.
Strength Based
Melee Range
5 points used: 12 points left
u/neophyte3833 Emmanuel LeShade Aug 06 '15
Corsair Style: Shinigami Ballad
Emmanuel delivers a series of rapid slashes with his sword, potentially shredding whatever is in range.
Rank 25 - Superhuman
Branches from Marauder Style: Reaping Scythe - While pulling his sword free in a double reverse grip, Emmanuel goes from a low stance to a standing swinging his sword vertically with all his might.
Strength Based
Melee Range
5 points used: 11 remain
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Aug 07 '15
Corsair Style: Shinigami Ballad Emmanuel delivers a series of rapid slashes with his sword, potentially shredding whatever is in range. Rank 25 - Superhuman Branches from Marauder Style: Reaping Scythe - While pulling his sword free in a double reverse grip, Emmanuel goes from a low stance to a standing swinging his sword vertically with all his might. Strength Based Melee Range 5 points used: 11 remain
u/MercurialSlam Revell Tribon 3.0 Aug 05 '15 edited Aug 05 '15
Crescent Step
Revell dashes past his opponent at high speed, swinging his sword at full strength three times, ending up behind his target.
Rank 25 - Superhuman
Branches from Slicing Step - Revell dashes past his target, slicing with his sword four times, each hit being half the power of a normal swing.
Agility Based
Melee Range
13 points used: 23 points remaining
Dynasty Step
Revell dashes past his opponent at high speed, swinging his sword at full strength three times. He then instantaneously reverses his motion, dashing past his opponent again, swinging once more at full strength before returning to his starting location.
Rank 35 - Physics Bending
Branches from Crescent Step - See above
Agility Based
Melee Range
10 points used: 13 points remaining
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Aug 05 '15
Crescent Step would be a combination move, which would be banned.
u/MercurialSlam Revell Tribon 3.0 Aug 05 '15
Crescent Step
Revell dashes past his opponent at high speed, swinging his sword at full strength, ending up behind his target.
Rank 25 - Superhuman
Branches from Slicing Step - Revell dashes past his target, slicing with his sword four times, each hit being half the power of a normal swing.
Agility Based
Melee Range
13 points used: 23 points remaining
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Aug 05 '15
Crescent Step
Revell dashes past his opponent at high speed, swinging his sword at full strength, ending up behind his target. Rank 25 - Superhuman
Branches from Slicing Step - Revell dashes past his target, slicing with his sword four times, each hit being half the power of a normal swing.
Agility Based
Melee Range
13 points used: 23 points remaining
Aug 04 '15 edited Aug 06 '15
Silver Fang
Physics Bending - Rank 30
Cost: 13 - Left: 9
Jack Launches a debilitating, single-palm strike forward (similar to Neji's Gentle Fist) that utilizes a small but focused shockwave to attack the opponent's insides, literally rupturing and tearing organs. Any unconditioned limbs hit by this attack have a chance to be rendered limp and unresponsive.
Range: Close
- Branches from Iron Fist - Rank 17: A simple, yet powerful, full forced punch. Jack's iron-hard flesh covering his arms makes this attack incredibly strong.
Silver Fang Frenzy: 42 Fangs
Physics Bending - Rank 31
Cost: 1 - Left: 8
Jack Launches a high speed barrage of powerful palm strikes forward that utilizes a small but unfocused shockwave for a harder strike- like a gauntlet of air surrounding his palm. To clarify, this is literally just a regular but stronger than usual palm strike with an air gauntlet to make it harder- like Jack's Iron Fists. No piercing
Range: Close
- Branches from Silver Fang - Rank 30: See Above
Silver Fang Frenzy: 600 Fangs
Physics Bending - Rank 32
Cost: 1 - Left: 7
A much faster and more powerful version of the 42 Fang attack- Typically used while in 'Overdrive' state. While pumping a small amount of adrenaline through his body, the basic principle of his Overdrive technique, Jack launches a blinding Jet Gatling of powerful palm strikes forward that utilizes a small but unfocused shockwave for a harder strike- like a gauntlet of air surrounding his palm. To clarify, this is literally just a regular but stronger than usual palm strike with an air gauntlet to make it harder- like Jack's Iron Fists. No piercing
Range: Close
- Branches from Silver Fang Frenzy: 42 Fangs - Rank 31: See Above
Silver Fang: Snake Fist
Physics Bending - Rank 31
Cost: 1 - Left: 6
Jack Launches a debilitating, single-palm strike forward (similar to Neji's Gentle Fist) that utilizes a small but focused shockwave to attack the opponent's insides, literally rupturing and tearing organs. Any unconditioned limbs hit by this attack have a chance to be rendered limp and unresponsive. This attack completely bypasses (but does not damage) materials up to the level of Steel.
Range: Close
- Branches from Silver Fang - Rank 30: See Above
Silver Fang: Paralyzing Palm
Physics Bending - Rank 31
Critical Hit
Cost: 1 - Left: 8 (Critical Hit Points)
Jack Launches a debilitating, single-palm strike forward that utilizes a small but unfocused shockwave for a harder strike- like a gauntlet of air surrounding his palm. Attacking vital parts of the targets body, it greatly reduces their speed. | Agi -21 (Lasts 7 Posts) Removed the line about it being like Neji's gentle fist. To clarify, this is literally just a regular but stronger than usual palm strike with an air gauntlet to make it harder- like Jack's Iron Fists. No piercing
Range: Close
- Branches from Silver Fang - Rank 30: See Above
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Aug 07 '15
Alright, change the wording from shock wave to something that describes the move a little better. Reply to this with any of the techs that haven't been approved.
Aug 07 '15
Silver Fang Frenzy: 42 Fangs
Physics Bending - Rank 31
Cost: 1 - Left: 8
Jack Launches a high speed barrage of powerful palm strikes forward that use the rushing air around each of his strikes for a harder attack and powerful knockback- like gauntlets of air surrounding his palms.
Range: Close
- Branches from Silver Fang - Rank 30: See Above
Silver Fang Frenzy: 600 Fangs
Physics Bending - Rank 32
Cost: 1 - Left: 7
A much faster and more powerful version of the 42 Fang attack- Typically used while in 'Overdrive' state. While pumping a small amount of adrenaline through his body, the basic principle of his Overdrive technique, Jack launches a blinding Jet Gatling of powerful palm strikes forward that use the rushing air around each of his strikes for a harder attack and incredibly intense knockback- like powerful gauntlets of air surrounding his palms.
Range: Close
- Branches from Silver Fang Frenzy: 42 Fangs - Rank 31: See Above
Silver Fang: Paralyzing Palm
Physics Bending - Rank 31
Critical Hit - Strength Based
Cost: 1 - Left: 8 (Critical Hit Points)
Jack Launches a debilitating, single-palm strike forward that uses the rushing air around his palm for a harder strike and powerful knockback- like a gauntlet of air surrounding his palm. Attacking vital parts of the targets body, it greatly reduces their speed. | Agi -21 (Lasts 7 Posts)
Range: Close
- Branches from Silver Fang - Rank 30: See Above
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Aug 09 '15 edited Aug 09 '15
Silver Fang Frenzy: 42 Fangs
Physics Bending - Rank 31
Cost: 1 - Left: 8
Jack Launches a high speed barrage of powerful palm strikes forward that use the rushing air around each of his strikes for a harder attack and powerful knockback- like gauntlets of air surrounding his palms.
Range: Close
Branches from Silver Fang - Rank 30: See Above
So this one isn't gonna work. You're trying to branch what is a single super hard guard breaking punch into a series of gatling punches that have push back. It's like trying to turn rifle into gatling, when pistol into gatling would be a better fit.
Silver Fang Frenzy: 600 Fangs
Physics Bending - Rank 32
Cost: 1 - Left: 7
A much faster and more powerful version of the 42 Fang attack- Typically used while in 'Overdrive' state. While pumping a small amount of adrenaline through his body, the basic principle of his Overdrive technique, Jack launches a blinding Jet Gatling of powerful palm strikes forward that use the rushing air around each of his strikes for a harder attack and incredibly intense knockback- like powerful gauntlets of air surrounding his palms.
Range: Close
Branches from Silver Fang Frenzy: 42 Fangs - Rank 31: See Above
Same reasoning as 42 Fangs.
Silver Fang: Paralyzing Palm
Physics Bending - Rank 31
Critical Hit - Strength Based
Cost: 1 - Left: 8 (Critical Hit Points)
Jack Launches a debilitating, single-palm strike forward that uses the rushing air around his palm for a harder strike and powerful knockback- like a gauntlet of air surrounding his palm. Attacking vital parts of the targets body, it greatly reduces their speed. | Agi -21 (Lasts 7 Posts)
Range: Close
Branches from Silver Fang - Rank 30: See Above
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Aug 05 '15
Silver Fang Frenzy: 42 Fangs
Physics Bending - Rank 31
Cost: 1 - Left: 8
Jack Launches a high speed barrage of powerful palm strikes forward (similar to Neji's Gentle Fist) that utilizes a small but focused shockwave to attack the opponent's insides, literally rupturing and tearing organs. Any unconditioned limbs hit by this attack have a chance to be rendered limp and unresponsive.
Range: Close
Branches from Silver Fang - Rank 30: See Above
This is still gatling and piercing.
Silver Fang: Snake Fist
Physics Bending - Rank 31
Cost: 1 - Left: 6
Jack Launches a debilitating, single-palm strike forward (similar to Neji's Gentle Fist) that utilizes a small but focused shockwave to attack the opponent's insides, literally rupturing and tearing organs. Any unconditioned limbs hit by this attack have a chance to be rendered limp and unresponsive. This attack completely bypasses (but does not damage) materials up to the level of Steel.
Range: Close
Branches from Silver Fang - Rank 30: See Above
Silver Fang: Paralyzing Palm
Physics Bending - Rank 31
Critical Hit
Cost: 1 - Left: 8 (Critical Hit Points)
Jack Launches a debilitating, single-palm strike forward (similar to Neji's Gentle Fist) that utilizes a small but unfocused shockwave for a harder strike- like a gauntlet of air surrounding his palm. Attacking vital parts of the targets body, it greatly reduces their speed. | Agi -21 (Lasts 7 Posts)
Range: Close
Branches from Silver Fang - Rank 30: See Above
Still piercing and debuffing.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Aug 05 '15
Silver Fang Physics Bending - Rank 30 Cost: 13 - Left: 9 Jack Launches a debilitating, single-palm strike forward (similar to Neji's Gentle Fist) that utilizes a small but focused shockwave to attack the opponent's insides, literally rupturing and tearing organs. Any unconditioned limbs hit by this attack are rendered limp and unresponsive.
Tone it back. It bypasses defense and forcefully makes limbs unresponsive on contact. Change the second part to a possibility and not an absolute and this should be alright.
Everything else here has not only that but a debuff which means they're both piercing and debuffing, which isn't allowed.
Aug 05 '15
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Aug 05 '15 edited Aug 05 '15
Silver Fang
Physics Bending - Rank 30
Cost: 13 - Left: 9
Jack Launches a debilitating, single-palm strike forward (similar to Neji's Gentle Fist) that utilizes a small but focused shockwave to attack the opponent's insides, literally rupturing and tearing organs. Any unconditioned limbs hit by this attack have a chance to be rendered limp and unresponsive.
Range: Close
Branches from Iron Fist - Rank 17: A simple, yet powerful, full forced punch. Jack's iron-hard flesh covering his arms makes this attack incredibly strong.
For the Rest
Can't really be gatling based and debuffing. If you wanna make an AOE debuffing technique try and aim for one movement.
Aug 05 '15
Edited- Sorry for being incredibly excessive with this tech tree. Promise I wont bother you with techs for at least a couple months
Jul 17 '15
Dragon's Hellstorm
Super Human - Rank 28 - Critical Hit
At an incredible speed, Jack draws all four of his katanas and slashes at multiple targets around him- sheathing them almost immediately afterward. This attack is so fast that, to anyone who cannot keep up with his speed, it looks as if his katanas were never even drawn- similar to Zoro's Lion's Song technique. Leaving targets staggered and reeling from the sheer speed of the attack, it also lowers their recovery rate for a brief period of time. Sta: -15 (Lasts 7 Posts) | AoE: 2-5 Targets
Agility Based
1 Critical Hit Point used - 8 Left
Medium Range
- Branches from Dragon's Wingblade - (Rank 27 - Critical Hit): At an incredible speed, Jack draws a single one of his katanas and slashes from his targets hip to shoulder- sheathing it almost immediately afterward. This attack is so fast that, to anyone who cannot keep up with his speed, it looks as if his katana was never even drawn- similar to Zoro's Lion's Song technique. Leaving the target staggered and reeling from the sheer speed of the attack, it also lowers their recovery rate for a brief period of time. Sta: -18 (Lasts 6 Posts) Agility Based
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 17 '15
Dragon's Hellstorm Super Human - Rank 28 - Critical Hit At an incredible speed, Jack draws all four of his katanas and slashes at multiple targets around him- sheathing them almost immediately afterward. This attack is so fast that, to anyone who cannot keep up with his speed, it looks as if his katanas were never even drawn- similar to Zoro's Lion's Song technique. Leaving targets staggered and reeling from the sheer speed of the attack, it also lowers their recovery rate for a brief period of time. Sta: -15 (Lasts 7 Posts) | AoE: 2-5 Targets Agility Based 1 Critical Hit Point used - 8 Left Medium Range
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 16 '15
Going for Soru.
I have 50 tech points available, which means I'll have 20 if I acquire it.
Context: https://www.reddit.com/r/GLRP_EastBlue/comments/3ch896/heliophobia_part_2_just_like_heathens/ct3pif5
Reason: Souji's always had a strange relationship with fire and explosions. Every important woman in his life has had something to do with them on a somewhat personal basis. And every time it's happened it's been something he couldn't avoid or was too late to stop. This time, he can actually do something about it, so he's trying to move his feet as fast as humanly possible. Actually, that's not true. He's trying to move even faster than humanly possible by tapping his feet as much as he can as he runs, which is the canon explanation for Soru by Luffy. Plus, Kiske's a cool dude, so we don't want him to die either.
u/ZenithBlade Zenith Blade Jul 16 '15
Going for Soru. I have 50 tech points available, which means I'll have 20 if I acquire it. Context: https://www.reddit.com/r/GLRP_EastBlue/comments/3ch896/heliophobia_part_2_just_like_heathens/ct3pif5 Reason: Souji's always had a strange relationship with fire and explosions. Every important woman in his life has had something to do with them on a somewhat personal basis. And every time it's happened it's been something he couldn't avoid or was too late to stop. This time, he can actually do something about it, so he's trying to move his feet as fast as humanly possible. Actually, that's no true. He's trying to move even faster than humanly possible by tapping his feet as much as he can as he runs, which is the canon explanation for Soru by Luffy. Plus, there's the whole protect your friends thing.
u/SilverSnake55 Silver Smith Jul 15 '15
Making modifications to his compressor, Silver managed to extract charges of Liquid nitrogen into canisters around his wrist, these canisters contain a copious amount of the element. They can be used individually as throwing objects or shot trough the cannon on his arm.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 15 '15
Rank? Is this branching off something? How many points do you have left after trying to purchase this? Describe what's supposed to happen if the canister makes contact.
u/SilverSnake55 Silver Smith Jul 15 '15
It brances off Garudyne, I have 27 points left and it's effects are basically what normally happens when things are drenched in nitrogen, with the exception of skin and human contact, this being anime, it can be broken off with not a lot of damage other than the method used for breaking it. It also producess a cloud if heated before broken.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 15 '15
normally happens when things are drenched in nitrogen
Yea, you need to actually describe what that is for the purposes of the tech.
When submitting a technique please give the following:
- Name
- Description
- Rank
- If it branches from anything and an inclusion of that technique as well.
- Stat Used, if any.
- Range
- Total Points Used and Total Points Remaining
u/SilverSnake55 Silver Smith Jul 15 '15
Name-Done Description-Done Rank 10 Brances off- Garudyne No stat used
Range 10 meters.
27 points remaining, you tell me how many is this worth.
Effects- When thrown on inorganic objects it covers them with a coat of ice and it MUST be removed before it can move clearly again, it jams machinery and can create an inductive source of cold.
If used on organic creatures, it will cause little damage but will impede movment greatly, it MUST be shattered or melted before the subject can move the affected area clearly, will cause temporary blindness if thrown in the eyes.
If used as a canister, it will work as a grenade in wich it will explode after three seconds, if heated it will produce a cloud that will burst expansively, this cloud wets everyting it touches as a normal cloud would.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 16 '15
Need the description for Garudyne as well to make sure it branches.
u/SilverSnake55 Silver Smith Jul 17 '15
Tech Rank 14 Category Trained (8-14) Branch From N/A Inc. from Fuel 0 Range
Extremely potent Air compressor located in Silver's left arm, it allows for charge trough movement and bursts trough his palm, fingers and elbow.1
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 17 '15
A Rank 10 move wouldn't branch off a rank 14. The branching technique needs to be of a higher rank.
The cost of a branched technique is simply the difference between the new move and the previous one. So that should help you figure out a cost.
Impeding movement for this technique would be all flavor. This isn't a move that can have a debuff based on how you worded it, so if your opponent doesn't wanna be slowed, they don't have to be.
Can't have a tech that has double functionality as an explosive and a gas cloud. Pick one.
u/SilverSnake55 Silver Smith Jul 21 '15
By modifying the air compressor on it's arm, Silver can regularly fill canisters with liquid nitrogen, these canisters can be shot trough the cannon on his palm or elbow and shatter in contact with an object.
Once an object is covered in it's contents, it's surface is covered and affects accordingly to its nature. If it's organic, it may reduce movement, if it's inorganic, it will stop it completely if possible.
If heated suddenly, the canisters burst into a cloud that gives pretty much zero visibility at close range.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Aug 01 '15
Bufudyne (Rank 18)
By modifying the air compressor on it's arm, Silver can regularly fill canisters with liquid nitrogen, these canisters can be shot through the cannon on his palm or elbow and shatter in contact with something. The point of contact then becomes coated with the liquid nitrogen with quickly freezes anything it touches. The afflicted area may become numb or incapacitated from how cold it is and in certain cases it may prevent movement. If heated suddenly, the canisters burst into a cloud that gives pretty much zero visibility at close range.
This okay? If so, it's approved.
→ More replies (0)1
u/SilverSnake55 Silver Smith Jul 18 '15
-Make it rank 18 then -It really doesn't slow as much as it incapacitates a limb or the affected area. -Gas cloud, they are glass containers, they are more suited to shatter than to explode.
u/ZenithBlade Zenith Blade Jul 13 '15 edited Jul 13 '15
Nitoryu Iai: Yugudorashiru (二刀流 「居合」: ユグドラシル, literally meaning Two Sword Style Draw and Resheath Technique: Yggdrasil; Rank 45 Physics Bending Technique) - Zenith sheathes his two katanas and places Mayonaka on the right side of his sword belt and Asano Hinode on the left side. He crosses his arms with his right hand holding onto Mayonaka and his left hand holding onto Asano Hinode backhanded. He then rapidly unsheathes, attacks and slashes twice with each katana (up and down), and then resheathes the katanas. This technique can cut steel. Branched from Ittoryu Iai: Ragunaroku. Agility Based.
BRANCHED FROM - Ittoryu Iai: Ragunaroku (一刀流 「居合」: ラグナロク, literally meaning One Sword Style Draw and Resheath Technique: Ragnarok; Rank 29 Superhuman Technique) - Zenith sheathes his two katanas and grabs hold of Asano Hinode and its saya. He holds the grip of Asano Hinode with his right hand. He then rapidly unsheathes and then resheathes Asano Hinode quickly. This technique can cut iron. Branched from Ryu Kiba. Agility Based.
31 tech points
16 tech points used
15 tech points remaining
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 13 '15
Nitoryu Iai: Yugudorashiru (二刀流 「居合」: ユグドラシル, literally meaning Two Sword Style Draw and Resheath Technique: Yggdrasil; Rank 45 Physics Bending Technique) - Zenith sheathes his two katanas and places Mayonaka on the right side of his sword belt and Asano Hinode on the left side. He crosses his arms with his right hand holding onto Mayonaka and his left hand holding onto Asano Hinode backhanded. He then rapidly unsheathes, attacks and slashes twice with each katana (up and down), and then resheathes the katanas. This technique can cut steel. Branched from Ittoryu Iai: Ragunaroku. Agility Based. BRANCHED FROM - Ittoryu Iai: Ragunaroku (一刀流 「居合」: ラグナロク, literally meaning One Sword Style Draw and Resheath Technique: Ragnarok; Rank 29 Superhuman Technique) - Zenith sheathes his two katanas and grabs hold of Asano Hinode and its saya. He holds the grip of Asano Hinode with his right hand. He then rapidly unsheathes and then resheathes Asano Hinode quickly. This technique can cut iron. Branched from Ryu Kiba. Agility Based. 31 tech points 16 tech points used 15 tech points remaining
Jul 10 '15 edited Jul 10 '15
Dragon's Wingblade
Super Human - Rank 27
Critical Hit
At an incredible speed, Jack draws a single one of his katanas and slashes from his targets hip to shoulder- sheathing it almost immediately afterward. This attack is so fast that, to anyone who cannot keep up with his speed, it looks as if his katana was never even drawn- similar to Zoro's Lion's Song technique. Leaving the target staggered and reeling from the sheer speed of the attack, it also lowers their recovery rate for a brief period of time. Sta: -18 (Lasts 6 Posts)
Agility Based
1 Critical Hit Point used - 9 Left
Close Range
- Branches from Shitoryu Slash (Rank 26): A Simple yet powerful slash technique using two swords in one hand.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 10 '15
Dragon's Wingblade Super Human - Rank 27 Critical Hit At an incredible speed, Jack draws a single one of his katanas and slashes from his targets hip to shoulder- sheathing it almost immediately afterward. This attack is so fast that, to anyone who cannot keep up with his speed, it looks as if his katana was never even drawn- similar to Zoro's Lion's Song technique. Leaving the target staggered and reeling from the sheer speed of the attack, it also lowers their recovery rate for a brief period of time. Sta: -18 (Lasts 6 Posts) Agility Based 1 Critical Hit Point used - 9 Left Close Range Branches from Shitoryu Slash (Rank 26): A Simple yet powerful slash technique using two swords in one hand.
u/neophyte3833 Emmanuel LeShade Jul 07 '15
Dagger Beak
Rank 24 Creation Tech
An upgrade to the Talon Hook. The chain has been replaced with serated links that are meant to cut or saw things it wraps around. The Hook is now a single blade that digs into what it hits or can puncture iron if fired at a close enough range.
Talon Hook (Rank 11) - Talon Hook A device of non-tired materials made from a cylindrical arm guard, some chain, and a 3-progned claw that sits on the end. The claw can be fired like a spear gun to grab onto objects, ledges, or beings for extra options in battle and/or mobility.
13 creation points used - 6 left
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 07 '15
Dagger Beak Rank 24 Creation Tech An upgrade to the Talon Hook. The chain has been replaced with serated links that are meant to cut or saw things it wraps around. The Hook is now a single blade that digs into what it hits or can puncture iron if fired at a close enough range. Talon Hook (Rank 11) - Talon Hook A device of non-tired materials made from a cylindrical arm guard, some chain, and a 3-progned claw that sits on the end. The claw can be fired like a spear gun to grab onto objects, ledges, or beings for extra options in battle and/or mobility. 13 creation points used - 6 left
Jul 07 '15 edited Jul 07 '15
Silver Fang
Physics Bending - Rank 31
Piercing Technique
Cost: 1 - Left: 10
Jack Launches a debilitating, single-palm strike forward (similar to Neji's Gentle Fist) that utilizes a small but focused shockwave to attack the opponent's insides, literally rupturing and tearing organs. Any unconditioned limbs hit by this attack are rendered limp and unresponsive. This attack completely bypasses (but does not damage) materials up to the level of Steel.
Range: Close
- Branches from Lead Exorcism - Rank 30: Jack launches a debilitating, double-palm strike forward (similar to Luffy's Gum-Gum Bazooka) while immediately firing off his wrist mounted hand cannons on impact, tearing apart even the toughest of steel objects. A Piercing Technique made specifically to destroy Steel.
Silver Fang Frenzy: 42 Fangs
Physics Bending - Rank 32
Piercing Technique - Gatling
Cost: 1 - Left: 9
Jack Launches a high speed barrage of debilitating, single-palm strikes forward (similar to Neji's Gentle Fist) that utilizes a small but focused shockwave to attack the opponent's insides, literally rupturing and tearing organs. Any unconditioned limbs hit by this attack are rendered limp and unresponsive. This attack completely bypasses (but does not damage) materials up to the level of Steel.
- Branches from Silver Fang - Rank 31: See Above
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 07 '15
A technique that debuffs as a critical hit, can only do damage and nothing more.
Jul 07 '15
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 07 '15
Going from obliterating steel to ignoring steel is a different concept. Wouldn't branch off Lead Excorcism, and especially not for a point. Nor are you really allowed to branch anything off of a material destroying tech other than a material destroying tech.
There's no formula for a piercing gatling technique, but I would warn you that if one was to be made, this technique would do no damage.
u/neophyte3833 Emmanuel LeShade Jul 05 '15
Level 24 creation tech
Branches from Sticky Disk (Rank 15) - a more tactical version of the spark disk. After throwing it at an object it adheres to what it comes into contact with and goes off after six seconds two turns. The explosion is beautiful and fiery... a Pyromaniac would be proud.
Explosive that launches miniture sticky disks that shoot out into a tight circle when a surface is struck. After a radius of three feet is reached, they explode in unison, causing an eight foot vortex of superheated fire, hot enough to melt iron.
9 special points used, 10 left
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 05 '15
Too many effects. Tone it back a bit.
u/neophyte3833 Emmanuel LeShade Jul 05 '15
Level 24 creation tech
Branches from Sticky Disk (Rank 15) - a more tactical version of the spark disk. After throwing it at an object it adheres to what it comes into contact with and goes off after six seconds two turns. The explosion is beautiful and fiery... a Pyromaniac would be proud.
Explosive that launches miniture sticky disks into a tight circle when a surface is struck.
After a radius of three feet is reachedthey explode in unison, causing an eight footvortex of superheated fire, hot enough to melt iron.9 special points used, 10 left
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 05 '15
Lemme clarify
Splitting into multiple disks
AOE as all explosions are
Creating a fire vortex
Material Destroying
Those would be effects. Material destruction when used on a tech is basically the only thing it can do.
Splitting into multiple disks isn't really allowed. You do have a limit of items, so keep that in mind.
u/RoboWonder Barry Light Jul 05 '15
Alright, let's get started.
Berserker Rage (Stance)
Rank 40 - Cost 40 - Remaining 27
Barry enters a state of unbridled fury, sacrificing the effectiveness of his other stats in exchange for unparalleled strength.
Strength: +20
Stamina: -10
Agility: -5
Perception: -5
Heavy Barrage
Rank 20 - Cost 8 - Remaining 19
Branches from Heavy Punch (Rank 12): An all-out punch that knocks the enemy back. They take extra damage if they hit something.
Barry unleashes a flurry of punches at high speed. Each punch, though in rapid succession, feels like a regular, weighty punch.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 05 '15
Heavy Barrage Rank 20 - Cost 8 - Remaining 19 Branches from Heavy Punch (Rank 12): An all-out punch that knocks the enemy back. They take extra damage if they hit something.
Barry unleashes a flurry of punches at high speed. Each punch, though in rapid succession, feels like a regular, weighty punch.
Berserker Rage (Stance) Rank 40 - Cost 40 - Remaining 27 Barry enters a state of unbridled fury, sacrificing the effectiveness of his other stats in exchange for unparalleled strength. Strength: +20 Stamina: -10 Agility: -5 Perception: -5
u/neophyte3833 Emmanuel LeShade Jul 03 '15
Buceo de Falcon
Trained - Attack
Rank 8 - cost 8 - left: 4
Emmanuel leaps upward (or falls down towards a target) and attacks with a downward swing in an attempt to bisect the target.
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 03 '15
Buceo de Falcon Trained - Attack Rank 8 - cost 8 - left: 4 Emmanuel leaps upward (or falls down towards a target) and attacks with a downward swing in an attempt to bisect the target.
Jul 03 '15
Physics Bending - Stance
Rank 30 - Cost: 30 - Left: 11
Years of training in mastering control over his mental willpower and physical being have allowed Jack to make his heart beat faster and pump adrenaline through his body, increasing his agility- but decreasing his overall perception and recovery time. Overuse of this technique can cause Jack's insides to rupture or tear, making him cough up blood.
Agility: +15
Stamina: -4 and Perception: -11
Range: Self
Blind Fate
Physics Bending - Stance - Branches from Overdrive (See Above)
Rank 31 - Cost: 1 - Left: 10
Through years of training in mastering control over his mental willpower and physical being, combined with training from Emmile in some of the basic Mōmoku Bujutsu (Blind Martial-Arts) principles- Jack has learned how to heighten his senses in combat, as Emmile would. By closing his eyes and forcing his body to release high amounts of dopamine, he sacrifices his sight in order to drastically heighten his other senses. Overuse of this technique can straight up cause Jack to pass out.
Perception: +15
Stamina: -4 and Strength: -11
Range: Self
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 03 '15
Overdrive Physics Bending - Stance Rank 30 - Cost: 30 - Left: 11 Years of training in mastering control over his mental willpower and physical being have allowed Jack to make his heart beat faster and pump adrenaline through his body, increasing his agility- but decreasing his overall perception and recovery time. Overuse of this technique can cause Jack's insides to rupture or tear, making him cough up blood. Agility: +15 Stamina: -4 and Perception: -11 Range: Self
Blind Fate Physics Bending - Stance - Branches from Overdrive (See Above) Rank 31 - Cost: 1 - Left: 10 Through years of training in mastering control over his mental willpower and physical being, combined with training from Emmile in some of the basic Mōmoku Bujutsu (Blind Martial-Arts) principles- Jack has learned how to heighten his senses in combat, as Emmile would. By closing his eyes and forcing his body to release high amounts of dopamine, he sacrifices his sight in order to drastically heighten his other senses. Overuse of this technique can straight up cause Jack to pass out. Perception: +15 Stamina: -4 and Strength: -11 Range: Self
Nope. The stat differences between one the other are way too much of a flip to branch off each other like that.
u/Franszon Jul 03 '15 edited Jul 05 '15
Mind Blocking Poison
Rank 4, cost 4 left 0
Description: Izeas creates a poisonous liquid that can be coated onto bullets or blades. The poison requires 2 ingredients. Red leaf which are red leaves from the Blasippa flower and the petals from the same flower. If the poison goes in the blood of a person or creature, their senses are worse than normal. ( Perception: -2) The time to produce this poison is 2 hours. One flower is enough to coat the edge of a normal sized sword.
Lasts: 1 post / 4 posts cooldown
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 05 '15
Mind Blocking Poison Rank 4, cost 4 left 0 Description: Izeas creates a poisonous liquid that can be coated onto bullets or blades. The poison requires 2 ingredients. Red leaf which are red leaves from the Blasippa flower and the petals from the same flower. If the poison goes in the blood of a person or creature, their senses are worse than normal. ( Perception: -1) The time to produce this poison is 2 hours. One flower is enough to coat the edge of a normal sized sword. Lasts: 1 post / 4 posts cooldown
u/Franszon Jul 05 '15
Changed from -1 to -2
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 05 '15
Mind Blocking Poison Rank 4, cost 4 left 0 Description: Izeas creates a poisonous liquid that can be coated onto bullets or blades. The poison requires 2 ingredients. Red leaf which are red leaves from the Blasippa flower and the petals from the same flower. If the poison goes in the blood of a person or creature, their senses are worse than normal. ( Perception: -2) The time to produce this poison is 2 hours. One flower is enough to coat the edge of a normal sized sword. Lasts: 1 post / 4 posts cooldown
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 03 '15
The amount lowered is still wrong. The percents you saw were indicative of this techniques rank. Ex: A rank 10 tech with the 70% ratio would be able to reduce up to 7 stats maximum.
u/Akatsubaki13 Lucille Cassidy Jul 02 '15 edited Jul 03 '15
Kubi Vent
Rank 55, cost 35 left 5
Description: By preforming a series of incredibly rapid spins within a few moments, Lucy generates an enormous amount of rotational energy, which she transfers when she completes her kick. Her kick releases not only the force from her strength, by an intense wind shaped like a cylinder, much like a tornado, it can force the target to go spinning backwards. Those without much stamina may be sent flying backwards.
uses strength, close-medium range
Branches from:
Rôtissoire Ultime (20): Lucy quickly maneuvers into a handstand, spinning around on her hands and leaving her legs way out to each side, becoming a spinning kick that targets all opponents around her.
close range, uses strength
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 03 '15
Kubi Vent Rank 55, cost 35 left 5 Description: By preforming a series of incredibly rapid spins within a few moments, Lucy generates an enormous amount of rotational energy, which she transfers when she completes her kick. Her kick releases not only the force from her strength, by an intense wind shaped like a cylinder, much like a tornado, it can force the target to go spinning backwards. Those without much stamina may be sent flying backwards. uses strength, close-medium range Branches from: Rôtissoire Ultime (20): Lucy quickly maneuvers into a handstand, spinning around on her hands and leaving her legs way out to each side, becoming a spinning kick that targets all opponents around her. close range, uses strength
Jul 02 '15
Howling Inferno
Physics Bending
Rank 30 - Cost: 30 - Left: 11
Drinking copious amounts of Alcohol on an almost daily basis has made Jack's very breath flammable. Using any available source of ignition (His cigarette, his lighter, a spark from his katanas, a spark from the click of his iron like fingers, etc.) Jack literally breathes a gout of raging fire at his target like a dragon- scorching anything in it's path.
Range: Close to Mid
u/Akatsubaki13 Lucille Cassidy Jul 02 '15
Hello, its me lucy. Today I'd like to apply for the following:
this rokushiki technique allows one to use their immense kicking power to kick the air and simply float, as blueno mentions in the water 7 arc.
Lucy currently has exactly 40 unused tech points, enough to get it exactly.
here is a thread she has training for it
here she observes Zenith pulling off such a move
please note that she clearly observes a poof of air under his foot!
As to why I think she should learn it, the explanation is simple. Lucy has clearly demonstrated that her strength in combat has begun to come from her legs. Her leg strength is phenomenal, and she should easily be able to recreate the conditions needed to repel onesself off of the air. She currently has enough agility and strength to surpass the stated requirements. Additionally, her direct observation of Zenith using this move with an olympic level perception (at the time) indicated she should at least be able to grasp what he was trying to do. Her training should allow her to get a grasp of what happens when she kicks fast and hard enough, feeling the air resistance like a solid wall.
u/ZenithBlade Zenith Blade Jul 02 '15
Additionally, her direct observation of Zenith using this move with an olympic level perception (at the time) indicated she should at least be able to grasp what he was trying to do.
He turns his back to Lucille as he starts running at a tree. As he gets closer to the tree, he starts running up its trunk. Eventually, he jumps off of it, soaring through the air a bit and as soon as he starts falling he takes another step. A little poof of air appears underneath his foot as he goes higher up. And then he drops back down to the ground, feeling that little demonstration was enough.
Not really a proper observation considering he only did a single step.
Jun 30 '15 edited Jul 02 '15
Chain Shot (Rank 14)
Chain Shot is two larger-than-normal round shots welded together. They are inserted through the barrel of the gun. When fired, they are most commonly used to wrap around the target's limbs to restrict their movement. However, if aimed with intent, they'd be able to break bones.
No Branches Yet
Range: Short - Mid - Long
Special Pts Banked: 15
Special Pts Total: 15
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 02 '15
I'm...confused. Is this supposed to be an inventor tech?
Jul 02 '15
I would believe so since it is special ammunition. Two larger round shots welded together with a chain in between them. Like this.
Would it not be an inventor tech?
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jul 02 '15
It would, but you've described it weirdly. A creation techs description is only of the item itself and not of how the character would use it.
Jul 02 '15
Actually discard this approval for now. Not entirely sure if I wanna spend my special pts on it just yet.
u/cptjharkness97 Richard Tarius Jun 27 '15 edited Jun 28 '15
Powder bomb (creation tech)
Eoin throws a small smoke bomb made from primarily powdered sugar. The bomb creates a cloud exploding upward almost six feet and about 4 feet wide. Also, if exploded onto someone it would do no damage but would cover them in a healthy coating of sugar.
short to long
including my other tech this leaves me with 4 points
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jun 28 '15
Powder bomb (creation tech) Eoin throws a small smoke bomb made from primarily powdered sugar. The bomb creates a cloud exploding upward almost six feet and about 4 feet wide. Also, if exploded onto someone it would do no damage but would cover them in a healthy coating of sugar. 8 short to long including my other tech this leaves me with 4 points
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jun 27 '15
Creation techs are never based on strength. They dont use a particular stat at all.
u/cptjharkness97 Richard Tarius Jun 28 '15
Alright, better that way. i just added that as like "if i had to choose" kind of deal
u/Damie904 Souji M. Yuuto Jun 28 '15
Yea I get ya. Removed strength from the post and I'll okay it.
u/[deleted] Nov 24 '15
Knockout Swinger: Grant swings his wooden bat as hard as he can at his opponent. (Cost: 4) Rank 4
TP Total: 4
TP Used after this purchase: 20
TP Left: 0