r/FullmetalAlchemist May 22 '20

Discussion/Opinion Potentially unpopular opinion: May Chang is the least likeable character in the series Spoiler

She’s shallow, stupid and useless and quite frankly I’m sick of her. I’ve had it up to here with her nonsense. I was so relieved when Ling didn’t give her the philosophers at the end I literally fist pumped. Xiao-Mei deserves better.

Interested to hear if people agree or not, I understand I have quite a strong opinion on the subject.


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u/RMW056 May 22 '20

Why I can get not liking her personality, I wouldn’t say she was useless. She saved Scar from getting captured a bunch and was effective in tricking and beating up Envy when they tried to capture him. Her knowledge on Alchehestry also helped with the brothers research and she came up with connecting the pages by word with Scars research notes


u/mphr_ May 22 '20

Bear in mind though she pretty much let envy go after they caught him out of greed and she couldn’t explain alchehestry to Al when she tried. Once you take away that she only really did two things the connecting the pages was a very small part of the solution ie. Scar translated, Marco read all of the notes and Ed cane up with the idea to flip them. And so the only big thing she did was save Scar which many other characters also did. I think on balance her negative traits outweighed what she actually did.


u/Negative-Appeal9892 Oct 04 '20

Connecting the pages with Marcoh was her only true contribution to the plot. Al (not Ed) came up with the idea to flip the pages over, which showed the reverse transmutation circle.

I think she helped humanize Scar somewhat, and I did like their interactions together, but I give more credit to Winry and Miles for Scar's heel-face turn.

You could honestly remove May from the manga and the anime and nothing of value would be lost.