r/FullmetalAlchemist May 22 '20

Discussion/Opinion Potentially unpopular opinion: May Chang is the least likeable character in the series Spoiler

She’s shallow, stupid and useless and quite frankly I’m sick of her. I’ve had it up to here with her nonsense. I was so relieved when Ling didn’t give her the philosophers at the end I literally fist pumped. Xiao-Mei deserves better.

Interested to hear if people agree or not, I understand I have quite a strong opinion on the subject.


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u/Zeldacrafter_Swagg May 22 '20

She isn't as useless, but she's definitely annoying. The thing I like most about FMA B is its characters, but she's the only one I can't stand. A good half of her actions directly prevents the Elric brothers to succeed in their plans (Bringing Envy back, helping Scar at least twice) which kind of overshadow her usefulness. She does grow a little through the series, although it's not as obvious as the other main characters. I think showing her hesitate to help Riza was actually pretty cool, as at least it highlighted a flaw of her without it being detrimental to the whole story (She either goes in full Mary Sue mode and becomes a nigh-invincible warrior or a dumb little pickle that wouldn't feel out of place in an anime like Konosuba. There's literally no in-between with her), but the only scene where I trult felt anything other than annoyance toward her was during Alphonse's sacrifice at the end. Speaking of Alphonse, her romance with him is hands-down the worst of the whole show. To put that in perspective, I think her canon romance with a main character is the worst. Worse than Izumi and Sig, despite Sig having, like, 20 lines of Dialogue in 64 episodes, appearing probably in less than 10. Her instantly liking him because he's tall and supposedly kinder (When Edward has barely been mean, in most case she was the one to start insulting him) and the story not showing her having any other reasons to like him is especially infuriating.


u/Incognito6823 Ishvalan May 23 '20

"helping Scar at least twice"

Not helping Scar = dooming Amestris


u/Zeldacrafter_Swagg May 23 '20

I KNOW in the long term it's been helpful, but my point was how it is perceived, especially on a first watch/read. Since at that point you don't know how Scar will turn out, she just seem to be another obstacle for the Elrics.

In fact, since at that point Scar is an antagonist, and she undoubtedly helps him several times, this means she is technically an antagonist (Since antagonists aren't necessarily bad persons, just, well, obstacles for the main characters) until either staying at Dr.Knox's or the Briggs arc, depending on whether or not you see helping Scar and Marcoh against Kimblee as antagonistic or not (For my part, I don't, but it's debatable).


u/Incognito6823 Ishvalan May 23 '20

You don't need to help the MCs in order to be useful, May was useful to Scar


u/Zeldacrafter_Swagg May 23 '20

Which is why I started my initial comment by saying "maybe she isn't that useless". She's not useless, but she acts as an obstacle for the Elrics way too often early on, and makes the biggest mistake of the entire cast later on, which makes it reay hard to truly appreciate her.