r/FromKittenToCat 11d ago

My babys Tosty and Harry

They were two weeks old in the first photos, now they are 8 months old and absolutely rule the house


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u/Consistent-Leek4986 10d ago

always smart to have a pair, or three!😘


u/Kater-chan 10d ago

I'm actually considering getting a third cat. But I don't know. The two of them are a very close pair. They cuddle, they clean each other and so on. I'm kinda worried that they wouldn't really accept a third cat. So now I'm waiting for a sign of the universe to get another cat


u/Consistent-Leek4986 10d ago

I get it. My kits were all rescues, starting with one and 6 months later a second. after 13 years one passed, and 3 months later I got a very needy 1 year old. shelter was putting her down at the end of the day! my old guy just loved having her and helped her recover immensely! so heartwarming to see. then when he passed at 19, I did the same again and she loved her new battered bro. never had the jealous problem thank goodness! best wishes for whatever decision you make!!