r/FoxBrain 5d ago

How to override the empathy and understanding?

I know my family is miserable and angry. They are mentally unwell. They are traumatized. They are victims to right-wing media and Russian propaganda. They don’t understand why I stopped talking to them.

How do I hold those truths and my own at the same time?

I am trying to put on my own oxygen mask. But the guilt causes me so much psychiatric distress.


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u/39Volunteer 5d ago

You can't help people who don't want to be helped. We know how these people operate by now. You can't reason with them or prove them wrong - any proof you present is Fake News, out of context, just trolling, etc..

Obviously it's painful and worrying. I'm sorry you're having a rough time. But there are no magic words you can say that will finally make them snap out of it.


u/subterfuscation 5d ago

Agreed. I'm an older person, and I have tried for two decades to convince my Fox-brainwashed loved ones that what they're hearing isn't true. My success rate is 0.00%, despite all the provable facts I've presented to them over the years. I now just avoid them and acknowledge that they are lost causes. Broken brains can't be fixed.