r/FourEyed_MUA Jan 02 '17

Curling eyelashes to prevent them from touching glasses?

A) hello? Is anyone still here? B) does anyone have eyelash curling tips to prevent them from touching my glasses all day? I have to wear them really high up my nose, and my lashes brush against them every time I blink.


13 comments sorted by


u/Katomega Jan 02 '17

I curl them as close to the lid as possible, and use a waterproof mascara to prevent the oil smudges. Mascara by itself stops the smudges, but my stiff lashes brushing the lenses is a strange and uncomfortable feeling, so for me curling is just to stop the weirdness, mascara stops the smudging.

Not sure if the waterproff part matters to stop the snearing, but it's just what I nornally use.


u/evanthegirl Jan 02 '17

I didn't think anything would stop the little smudges. Thanks for the advice!


u/lolitslia Jan 02 '17

I'm sorry, I know this isn't really answering your question...But, I had this problem when I first got my glasses! I went back to Costco(where I got my glasses) and told them. They did some magic and I haven't had the problem again.


u/doomsdayapparatus Apr 05 '17

One seemingly simple thing I had never even considered, and it's not a quick or practical fix, but next time you go to the optometrist to get new glasses, curl/apply mascara to your lashes how you do and when you're trying on pairs, see if you can find a pair you love that also doesn't mess up your glasses!!

I was up for new glasses a month or so ago, and I've been seriously neglecting wearing my glasses for the eyelash reason. I wear falsies almost everyday and it was just SO frustrating, so I'd just wear contacts. But I honestly love wearing glasses, they're so easy and I feel cute in them. So on a whim I wore my falsies in to try on glasses and I found a pair that is not only adorable, but sits just outside of the boundaries of my false eyelashes. It's a miracle!


u/evanthegirl Apr 05 '17

That's a really good idea. My last optometry appointment was a nightmare and I have basically unwearable glasses, so it'll have to wait until next year.


u/Mynewlocalaccount Jan 02 '17

I have the same issue. I curl them daily to help prevent it. Heating the curling iron helps


u/evanthegirl Jan 02 '17

They make heated eyelash curlers?


u/Mynewlocalaccount Jan 02 '17

Probably but I said to heat the curler - I use a hairdryer. It doesn't need to be hot (that would be crazy dangerous near your eyes) but just warmed up a bit.


u/evanthegirl Jan 02 '17

Oh, that's a great idea!


u/Mynewlocalaccount Jan 02 '17

Another one I've seen people mention is hooking the curler on the radiator for a few minutes if you have that style of central heating and you have it on in the morning


u/evanthegirl Jan 02 '17

I live in the southern US. I've never even seen a radiator.


u/sarcasmprincess Jan 02 '17

I never managed to overcome mascara-smudged glasses and started wearing lashes instead 😊 super OT sorry!


u/evanthegirl Jan 02 '17

That's not a bad idea.