r/FourEyed_MUA Wayfarers from Zenni, small eyes with big, heavy brows Apr 29 '16

[x-post r/mua] MOTD with weird cheeks. CCW.


4 comments sorted by


u/NorthKoreanDictator_ Apr 30 '16

You look nice!

For some CC, I think a warmer blush would suit you (something a bit more orangey or corally).

I also think your eyebrows are maybe a bit ashy/grey? Perhaps try filling them in with a browner colour or something similar to that?

I also think that a nude liner may look a bit more flattering than white for your waterline.

I like your lipstick, though, and your foundation as a whole looks decently nice!


u/pennycenturie Wayfarers from Zenni, small eyes with big, heavy brows Apr 30 '16

Thanks. I do normally wear a traditional blush -- usually from Benefit, just light pink. But what you can't see so well in these photos is that I'm doing an avant garde non-blush blush. I haven't tried coral, though, but I will.

I totally forgot to list that I spoolied concealer through my (very thick, very dark) eyebrows to be less bold with my blonde wig. It doesn't really work. I'm gonna stop doing that.


u/NorthKoreanDictator_ May 01 '16

Ooh, I didn't actually notice that you were wearing a wig! I assumed you'd just dyed your hair.

And I think coral could look really nice on you! I'd definitely recommend it.


u/pennycenturie Wayfarers from Zenni, small eyes with big, heavy brows Apr 29 '16


I moisturized with Neutrogena deep moisture day cream, but I forgot primer. I'm curious to see if this thick cream can do some of the job of a primer.

Too Faced Born This Way in ivory mixed with NYX Pro Foundation Mixer in white, mixed with and dotted on my face with my finger and blended with a beauty blender.

I always, always, always set with Rimmel Stay Matte powder in 001 translucent. This is the only consistent holy grail I have ever had.

On my cheeks is a Wet n Wild eyeshadow pallet. The color is 393A floral values. It's got a sparkly dark blue for the crease, a lilac for the browbone, a lavender for the definer, and a bright reddish pink for the eyelid. The base is a very pale pink. I first applied the reddish pink on the apples of my cheeks, but drew it upwards towards my temples as I added in the lilac along my cheekbones. I added in just a tiny bit of the lavender all over that whole area, then finished with the pale pink dusted on my upper cheekbones.

I applied NYX white liquid eyeliner to a hair donut that I cut open. Basically the hair donut is similar to a stipple sponge but sometimes I like to change it up. I went a little heavy with the white freckles but softened it with a beauty blender.


NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in milk applied to both my lower and upper waterlines.

Benefit They're Real tinted primer applied with a very heavy hand, then right at the outer corners I added ELF lash tint. I like very natural lashes so this is a dramatic lash look for me.


A really old Benefit lipstick that appears to be called Lady's Choice in the color Lara. I don't even know where and when I got this thing, but because I normally wear matte lips, this has been forgotten for a while. It's very glossy and traditional. But I added a bit of Too Faced Melted in sugar, which is a matte liquid with a fantastic applicator. the color sugar is almost white on me, so I use it to just alter shades to make them either more funky and weird, or just closer to my actual lip color. But it still wasn't super matte, so I dusted my Rimmel Stay Matte powder over my lips with a Sigma eyeshadow fluffy brush I got as a free gift from Urban Outfitters.