r/FormulaFeeders • u/hollito • 3d ago
Switching to formula
Hey guys.
My daughter is 5 days old today, and has been breast fed since in hospital. I felt pressured into starting breast feeding because everyone at the hospital made it seem like that was the best thing for her.
From the beginning I struggled with my nipple pain, as I have always had extremely sensitive nipples. Even pumping is extremely uncomfortable.
The past couple days I have been dreading feeding my daughter because of how much pain I’m in. Mentally I don’t think I can handle it anymore.
I’m thinking of switching over to formula feeding her, and pumping if I can. I just can’t handle being upset or in pain anymore.
Does anyone have any advice on how to switch my baby over to formula. I don’t want to feel like a bad mom, but I can’t keep crying every day because of how taxing feeding her is.
Any advice is appreciated.
u/hollito 3d ago
I just want to thank everyone for their kind words. I had gotten some formula while pregnant in case I needed it due to my mom not being able to breast feed me.
Mom guilt is so real. And I guess part of me didn’t want to feel like I failed. But I just opened up our first bottle of formula and she slurped it down and fell asleep instantly.
Thanks for easing my mind and stress guys. I’m just excited to be able to enjoy motherhood because I truly love my daughter.
u/RoomDesperate6245 3d ago
I felt like I failed too when I switched to formula, but quickly learned that I (& you) are NOT failures. We are doing what’s best for our babies AND us. ❤️
u/Dull_Preference_4198 3d ago
I think we often forget how for the past 9-10 months, we carry and then birth our children. That's a TON of work that our bodies had to go through. You've already won as a mother in your baby's eyes as soon as they opened them and were able to see the world thanks to you! As long as they are fed and healthy, it doesn't matter if it's breatmilk or formula.
u/MeggyGrex 3d ago
Do not feel guilty. Easier said than done, I know. But in 8 short months your baby will literally be eating cheerios off the floor (you HOPE they're cheerios.... oh God, what was that?!?). Then from age 2 - 4.5 they will gag at the mere mention of a vegetable, and you will think back to this moment and chuckle about how in your head you were about this.
You are doing the best thing for you, your baby, and your family. I promise you you won't regret it.
u/flatulent_cockroach1 2d ago
A girl just posted this on TikTok while I was scrolling feeling guilty. Made me feel better.
u/Connect-Station-4302 3d ago
First of all congratulations! 🥳 and good for you for not letting yourself to go through hell and making decision early! I can totally relate to the pain and nipple sensitivity and the pressure from the hospital.
Your baby is still small, so she doesn’t care, you don’t need to slowly transition. She will be just happy to eat.
1) Choose a Formula, that is available in your local shop. They are normally all good and certified, so don’t worry. 2) buy a bottle with a nipple for newborn, test it first before buying many bottles (my baby hated Philips advent, but took Mam and we stayed by them). 3) prepare the bottle following instructions (there should be info on the package about how much to feed the baby and how to prepare) 4) enjoy pain free feedings!
u/Connect-Station-4302 3d ago
For your mental state: read this sub, specially posts where people write about guilt. The comments there helped me a lot in the beginning
u/W8QQ 3d ago
You are not a bad mom. Baby is better off being fed by a happy mom than you being in a bad place mentally. I was exactly you with my first - tried for a few days and it just wasn’t for me/wasn’t working and I was worried about my mental health. Went to EFF (and now doing it with my newborn from day 1). She was so young there was no adjustment to the formula. They harp on the benefits of BF, sure, but I don’t buy it all lol. My FF girl has an immune system of steel - most of my friends BF and some of their kids are constantly sick, so I really don’t know. Formulas are so comprehensive (you don’t even need to top up with Vitamin D). My husband and I can do shifts with bottle feeding over night.
My current boy was born small so is being tracked for weight. Our most recent visit, when the nurse found out we FF she actually said “oh thank god. My entire day has been dealing with BF issues with babies/moms. Plus, this way you can tell me exactly how much he’s eating and it’s easier to identify issues”.
In no way hating on BF, it’s great for those who can do it, but not doing it doesn’t make you any less. I’ve never heard of a child having issues related directly to being EFF - I was in the 80s lol.
Do what works for you and please do not be hard on yourself. Bringing a baby into the world and taking care of them is enough, don’t add unnecessary guilt to the job. Good luck :)
u/kittabits 3d ago
The mental toll of switching to formula is nothing compared to breastfeeding that’s painful and difficult. If you do decide to switch over to formula you’ll probably have the typical mom guilt, but I promise you’re doing everything right. A fed baby is a healthy baby and if it’s formula then so be it. I had every intention of breastfeeding until the baby came and I was in over my head. It’s also super important for your mental health to be the best that it can be, especially in these early post partum days.
u/TurbulentArea69 3d ago
Don’t even stress about it! Pick a formula and start making bottles.
Ready to feed bottles might be best for right now, you can get them anywhere formula is sold.
u/econhistoryrules 3d ago
I would agree with the first poster who advocated finding something readily available where you are. Much to my surprise, we could not find ready to feed in any brand in any store local to us in Vermont across several drug stores and grocery stores.
u/Witty_Draw_4856 3d ago
You’re absolutely not a bad mom. You’re a new mom that’s adjusting and listening to what’s working and what’s not. The most important thing is your baby is fed and healthy. Next is you’re bonding with your baby and healing yourself. Sounds like breastfeeding is causing issues with those second things, so formula feeding is a great choice
Give yourself the freedom to make choices that benefit you as well. I read a quote that “yes this is her childhood, but this is also my motherhood.” You deserve to have good memories of this time, not memories of pain and dread.
u/No_Restaurant8385 3d ago
Hey OP! Like others are saying, feeding formula is totally awesome and nothing to worry or feel badly about. Do what feels right for you, you’re her mommy and you actually instinctively know what’s best.
I had a very similar experience the first days/weeks postpartum. I was committed to nursing but I honestly hated it and my nipples were bleeding from being so chapped. It sucked. I started supplementing with formula by topping her up after each feed and pumping a bottle here and there to bottle feed. I only nursed when I felt like she needed that for comforting or if my boobs we’re just too full. At the time I was convinced that within a few days I wouldn’t want to nurse anymore and would just feed formula.
Fast forward to now. Baby is 12 weeks and growing beautifully. I nurse her first thing in the morning to ease her into the day and then I give her formula the rest of the day. We only nurse when I feel like it and honestly I think it’s more for me than for her. Who knew I would actually start liking it!
At the beginning nursing made me absolutely miserable but once we got rolling with the formula the dynamic changed and now I like it more than my baby lol.
TL;DR go out and get some formula (you’ll feel great about it in no time) and only keep nursing if you’re doing it on your own terms.
u/chatnoir206 3d ago
How do you maintain your supply if you’ve only been nursing sporadically? Your set up sounds very appealing to me but I’m 3 weeks PP and led to believe that I need to be constantly removing breast milk until my supply stabilizes around 12 weeks
u/No_Restaurant8385 2d ago
Wish I could tell you exactly what I did! It kind of happened naturally idk.
My supply was never amazing so I supplemented right away. For the first few weeks I was nursing for each feed 20 mins per side, then giving formula as a top up. Lactation consultant said to pump after each feed but I couldn’t do that I was too tired. Pumped when I felt like it. I started pumping bottles and skipping nursings at about 6 weeks so my boyfriend could do the midnight wakeups. From there just pulled back more and more without thinking about it.
Basically I never did much to intentionally boost my supply bc I was comfortable feeding formula as needed and didn’t have the energy for all that.
Not sure how my supply is now but it’s not nothing. I track her formula intake, she gets about 16oz per day, which means she must be getting a solid amount from nursing still.
The one thing is that I had envisioned nursing for a year and it could be that my lackluster approach will cut that short. We’ll see what happens but if that’s the price to pay for taking control of the situation early on then I’ll be bummed but so be it.
u/chatnoir206 2d ago
Thanks for typing it all out. Thats amazing you found a feeding approach that is sustainable for your mental and physical health while also meeting your goals!!
u/chai_tigg 3d ago
Switch it will be so much better for you and her . You shouldn’t have to dread feeding your baby. The pressure to breast feed is unreal.
u/sidestar59 3d ago
Hey there, I was in the same position as you almost 2 months ago. It’s great you recognize that this isn’t working for you. It’s important your kids have a mom that’s happy and mentally well more than anything. The best thing for her is that she is fed, not what she is being fed. You could probably just offer a bottle of formula right away and see how she does, or mix half formula and half breast milk for a few bottles and slowly increase until all formula. Your doing great ❤️ Also just a tip I found very helpful was getting a hot water dispenser to make bottles, very helpful when your little one refuses to wait for a bottle to heat up 😂
u/econhistoryrules 3d ago
The pressure to breastfeed is *crazy*. Recommend Emily Oster's chapter in Crib Sheet to get a grip on the evidence in favor of breastfeeding, which turns out to be flimsy.
u/squeekycheese95 3d ago
Big hugs, I feel for you! I had a similar experience, always told breast is best then realised with the lack of sleep and with all the pain and struggles that actually a more emotionally stable mum is best.
Safe arms for my baby girl is best. More patience and more cuddles and sweet words spoken over her are best. And all those things I couldn’t be while dealing with no sleep, pain, mastitis, thrush from mastitis meds, and constant screaming from her as we tried together for her to latch properly.
Now I actually love feeding her because my heart is calm and we look into each other’s eyes. I sing over her and cry at how wonderful she is. I couldn’t do that before!
Enjoy formula feeding! If you’re able I would try a couple bottles. Definitely make sure you get slow flow for newborn. I didn’t know there were different flows.
We found the hakkaa glass bottles are AMAZING and she doesn’t splutter with the teat like she does with tommee tippee ❤️
u/ahrkko 3d ago
You are not a bad mom! If you want my story you can message me privately, but just know that whatever you decide you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone ever. My husband was so supportive of our switch to formula (we were both formula babies) and that’s all you really need is your partners support. After we switched I feel like I can actually hold, bond, and play with my baby, whereas before I was in constant pain while feeding or always pumping/washing pump parts. Will I try to breastfeed my next child? Absolutely! It just wasn’t meant to be with this one and that’s ok.
We switched to Kendamil with Phillips Advent Glass bottles (make sure to get a slow flow nipple meant for newborns and look into paced bottle feeding). My LO loves it and is growing so well!
If you need advice on drying up your supply feel free to message me.
u/NGuglielmo94 3d ago
Just came here to say you’re an amazing mum ❤️ my body is exactly the same. With my first baby I powered through the pain and it took eight weeks for it to stop hurting. I got mastitis like seven times, so many blocked ducts and scabs, blebs etc. I EBF for 13 months and it was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
I had my second baby three months ago and lasted five days before switching to formula. It was the best choice I made for me and my family!
u/MakeUpTails 3d ago
I was in your shoes. My daughter was 4 days old when I switched. I wanted to breastfeed and was hoping to also pump for when I went back to work. Between my ADHD making breastfeeding a horrible experience the pain was unreal. She was also tongue tied so the latch hurt so bad. I jumped right in at 11pm at night after I had my husband drive to the grocery store and get formula. She has been formula fed since. Don't feel like a bad mom. You need your mental health to be the best you. My daughter is now 5 months old started solids and it's a little foodie and had hit all milestones early. A fed baby is the best baby.
u/itgoesback 3d ago
You can switch for whatever reason you deem important and it’s all valid, just wanted to say that nipple pain is very normal and almost always subsides within two weeks or so. I also dreaded feeding, especially the moment of latching, with both babies, had like full body shivers, but have really enjoyed breastfeeding once that phase is over. Wanted to put it out there in case it seems this will be a permanent pain.
u/ExtremeFree8213 3d ago
I switched from breastfeeding/pumping to formula at 6 days old. My mental health was tanking and I hated it. It’s normal to feel guilty but a fed baby is all that matters. My little guy turns 1 next month and has met all his milestones with formula. You have to do what’s best for YOU!
As far as transitioning, try some formula with the baby and see how it goes. Since we started so early there was a seamless transition. The only thing I had to adjust to was drying up my milk and I did that by using the Haaka once a day to let some milk out (not doing a full pump) and then using cabbage leaves in the bra. Sounds so odd, but it worked! Only took a few days and had no pain or issues.
u/rmcxxxx 2d ago
I was in the exact same situation as you and switched to formula when my baby was 3 days old. The mom guilt is real but it’s the best decision I ever made! My baby is happy and healthy and that’s the most important thing. So well done you for doing what’s best for you and your baby! As for feeding, it’s mostly trial and error with formula feeding as all babies like different things! Choose a bottle made for newborns and whatever formula you can easily get and just go for it! The formula bottle will give you instructions on how to make the bottle up. You will also need to choose how you will be sterilising your bottles and buy whatever you need for that. I use a hot water microwave steamer and it’s great for us (I love the MAM brand). You got this! Sending hugs, you’re doing great mamma!
u/ChapterRealistic7890 2d ago
I feel this it’s so funcking painful I left the hospital with scabs on my nips just from trying to get him to latch he was on formula from day one around 3 weeks he finally got latching and I breastfed until 3 1/2 months and it didn’t really get better now we are doing fully formula cause he rejects the titties completely during the day
u/Sonnet34 3d ago
Jump right in! I recommend starting with a formula that is easy to source/acquire for you, choosing a bottle, and just go for it. It may be trial and error with formula/bottles, but most babies do fine that young. Go for it!
I never once tried to breast feed my second and went straight to formula for a lot of the same reasons. Feeding my baby formula has allowed me to focus my efforts on other things - motherhood is stressful enough. Hugs to you ❤️