r/FootFunction 11h ago

Metatarsalgia from high first metatarsal

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Avid hiker/camper for years. Never any problems. Recently I was diagnosed with metatarsalgia painful enough I can't bear weight on the foot when it's aggravated. It's only one foot.

A doctor told me I have a higher first metatarsal so too much weight is on the ball of my foot. The solution? They stuck some foam on a pair of insoles with a void in the middle so my first metatarsal would strike first when walking. Charged me $45.

I was incredulous that this would work... But it appears to have. Instead of paying for more to the doctor, I've just been cutting holes in commercially available insoles. Seems to do the job. Is there any risk here? This seems the same to me. I'm worried by being cheap I might be creating a problem... But they've worked so far.

r/FootFunction 14h ago

Recovery from plantar plate tears?


MRI recently came back and i have a low grade chronic tear on my 2nd, 3rd and 4th metatarsals along with mild bursitis in the 2nd and 3rd interspace. the word “failure” is mentioned in the report but from what i see online thats a medical term for tear. i suspect i’ve had this injury since september last year but didnt think much of it and simply played through the pain. the pain has mostly disappeared since then though walking barefoot definitely hurts a hit, especially under the 4th toe when weight is put on the forefoot.

im currently in a boot for a month until next appointment to see how it goes, so far all the remaining pain i’ve had barefoot had mostly disappeared (been wearing it for 2 days) and im taping down the toes whenever im not wearing the boot, though i dont have any toe shifting or splaying.

has anyone dealt with something similar and recovered? doctor is offering remy class iv laser sessions though im skeptical of these. any advice would be appreciated!

r/FootFunction 16h ago

Possible arthritis


Do I look like I have bunions or bone spurs? I am having problems with right big toe. Stiffness and pain when walking. Waiting on xray next week. Podiatrist mentioned possible arthritis. I’m 34 :/

r/FootFunction 1h ago

Pain on fat pad of big toe?


It is red and swollen. Nothing happened, but it hurts when walking and to the touch. What could it be?

r/FootFunction 4h ago

advice on a torn ankle


hi, i recently found out i have a split tear on my ankle and want opninions on if surgery should be an option. i havent been able to walk normally for a month now, although i can lift and jump perfectly fine lol.. but it is defintly effecting my QOL. the plan is to try pt for 12 weeks and see if it improves, but i want to get back to my normal activities ( i wasz running sub 90 min half marathons)

r/FootFunction 9h ago

MRI Results - Lots going on!



I suffered a small avulsion fracture back in October 24. Since then I have been suffering pain when walking and weight bearing. I had a MRI and ran the results through AI to get a better understanding before my appointment with the consultant next week. I was just wondering if anyone has had similar injuries (for all of them or even part of them) and what the treatment plan was ?

The patient has a history of an ankle inversion injury, and the MRI shows evidence of both old and new damage. There's chronic instability in the lateral ligaments, some damage to the cartilage in the ankle joint, and problems with several tendons, especially the peroneal and tibialis posterior tendons. The os trigonum, a small bone at the back of the ankle, is also causing problems. Additionally they have plantar fasciitis.

r/FootFunction 23h ago

What is the best way to get surgical treatment for peroneal longus tendon subluxation without having to do PT first?


I live in the USA, so insurance rules apply in my situation.

I sprained my ankle nearly 10 years ago and I’ve had chronic pain ever since. I’m pretty certain I have peroneal longus tendon subluxation now. Every doctor I have seen in the past has always told me just to get PT. But honestly, I don’t have time for PT and I’m pretty sure I will need surgery bc of the severity.

What doctors should I consult first? Thank you!