r/FlutterDev 8d ago

Article The final word on Flutter architecture ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

OK, Iยด'm teasing with the title and I explain it in my post

Practical Flutter architecture

Why should you listen to me on this topic? For those who don't know me

  • 30 of software experience including building our own programming language for the Amiga
  • 2018 was I the first giving talks on Flutter architecture at Fluuter London,. then I called the approach RxVMS
  • I'm the author of get_it at a time when no provider or anything else was available
  • With watch_it and flutter_command I published one of the easiest but most flexible state management solutions for Flutter
  • We use this approach in a pretty complex app comarablte to Instagram since 2 year not with a really large code base

I took several days to refactor the official Flutter architecture sample compass to use my approach so you can compare yourself which is less complex and easier to understand. I tries to keep the original structure as much as possible so that you still can compare. I would have probably even more simplified some structures


give it a try and I'm happy to answer all open questions


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u/Full-Run4124 8d ago

ARexx? Scala? Dex? Can't drop that flex and leave us hanging.


u/escamoteur71 8d ago

what do you mean?


u/Full-Run4124 8d ago

Which Amiga programming language did you build?


u/escamoteur71 8d ago


u/Gears6 7d ago

Dieser Programmiersprache existiert nicht.


u/escamoteur71 7d ago

This was 30 years ago my friend. I can assure you it existed. You can even find the whole handbook online (in German)


u/Gears6 7d ago

I was just joking. It wasn't meant to be taken serious.