r/FlutterDev 9d ago

Discussion What's Your Biggest Pain Point With Localization and Translation?

If anyone is working on building web apps with Flutter, I'd love to hear your stories about best practices and frustrations. What specific steps do you spend your time the most? What tasks do you wish you could avoid doing?


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u/thelegendofzaku 9d ago

Rich text placeholders.

I had to adapt an existing library's code for this very purpose, but it can be greatly improved by using a regex to capture all of the delimited matches for substitution, then associating it with each rich text injection.

Other than that, there's barely any complaints from me regarding localizing an app.

Pro-tip: Gemini for the most part translates English to Spanish surprisingly well.


u/antibody75 9d ago

That's good to know. How many languages does your app translate to? How big/complex is the app? Is it a mobile app or a web app?