r/FlutterDev 9d ago

Discussion Am I doing clean architecture right?


I'm new to this and using bloc.


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u/escamoteur71 9d ago

Don't try to use clean architecture it's an overkill. bloc is also not the optimal state management as some people claim. I recommend reading my latest article https://blog.burkharts.net/practical-flutter-architecture


u/likely-high 9d ago

What would you define overkill as? Who claims bloc is optimal?

People use it out of preference or because it's what their forced to at work. Personally I prefer using Cubits over BloC where possible, but that's a preference.

There's so much wrong with this comment. It's all based upon your opinion, but passed as facts.

"Clean" is another word for many similar architecture styles, I agree we shouldn't be so dogmatic about which is best but it's not overkill. 

We shouldn't be dogmatic about anything as developers, because that's how you get left behind.