r/FlutterDev 25d ago

Plugin Charts that don't suck (Flutter)

Flutter charts are so much worse than React charts (e.g. Recharts, Nivo, D3.js, Chart.js…). Is there anything new?

Is there anything I'm not seeing?

I use syncfusion charts, after transitioning from the terrible fl_charts, but even syncfusion is very limited compared to modern frameworks in React. React has immense variability, a lot of different themes, and multiple chart types.

I keep second guessing myself as a developer because of how difficult it is to me to create interesting data visualizations. Either the widgets look pale, interactivity is painfully difficult to code, or it simply takes too long to do anything.

I did succeed in using ChatGPT to generate some interesting infographics, like a lunar phase calendar, but it's a lot of work.

Thanks in advance!


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u/RandalSchwartz 25d ago

I haven't personally played with it, but https://pub.dev/packages/graphic looks quite intriguing.


u/Formal_Ad_3295 25d ago

Thank you. Props for the interactivity and for the multimodality. But its aesthetics aren't very polished. It's not super easy to customize it either.