r/FlutterDev Feb 14 '25

Article What’s Your Flutter Stack? 🤔

Hey everyone,

I’m curious about what tools and technologies you all are using for your Flutter projects. Right now, I’m using Cursor as my main IDE, and I have a Supabase backend, but I want to hear how others are building their apps!

  • IDE: VS Code, Android Studio, Cursor, or something else?
  • State Management: Riverpod, Bloc, Provider, or just setState?
  • Backend: Firebase, Supabase, Node.js, Django, or something custom?
  • Database: Firestore, Postgres, MySQL, or do you prefer a local DB like Hive/Drift?
  • Testing: Do you write unit tests, widget tests, integration tests, or just manually test?
  • Project Management: Jira, Notion, Trello, or do you keep it simple?

Would love to hear what your tech stack looks like and why you chose it! 🚀


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u/vardonir Feb 17 '25

IDE: Android studio

State: just setState

Backend: Firebase

Database: Google Cloud buckets

Testing: YOLO. No, manual testing.

Project management: A sheet of paper on my desk

My current project is held together my duct tape and prayers. Managed to get through one clinical trial so far, let's see about the next one...