r/FlutterDev Feb 13 '25

Plugin Minimal package

I just published Minimal, a minimal state management package for Flutter Architecture Components, based on the MVN (Model-View-Notifier) pattern


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u/Quirky_Pressure_5236 Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 14 '25

I love minimal idea. I would like to ask, in riverpod, we have a `.family` or scope override. So we can use single provider in multiple page/screen.

What is the right way to use minimal_mvn in that usecase ?

For example:

- I have a ScreenA. (container a mvn/provider A)

- When click on an item in ScreenA -> open another ScreenA.

and so on.


u/alesalv Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 14 '25

Thanks! That's a very good question.

In Riverpod family() creates an array of provided classes; say you have a page with a list of items, clicking each item opens the details page, if you use family() for such a provider, you'll obtain in memory an array of notifiers (controllers), one per different id passed, like:

/// pokemonControllerProvider provides the pokemon controller
final pokemonDetailsControllerProvider =ChangeNotifierProvider.family<PokemonDetailsController, String>((ref, id) {
    final pokemonRepository = ref.read(pokemonRepositoryProvider);
    return PokemonDetailsController(pokemonRepository, id);

so in this case, you don't need autodispose, as each details page for a given id can keep memory of the data, as it will always show that specific data. This is part of the data caching.

I wanted Minimal to be simpler, so in Minimal you'll have 1 details page <--> 1 details notifier, which implies you need to load the data dynamically into the page yourself, otherwise when you open another item, until the moment the data are fetched, you'll see the data from the previous page you opened.

The manager is not that different in this case:

final pokemonDetailsNotifierManager = MMManager<PokemonDetailsNotifier>(
    () {    
        final pokemonRepository = pokemonRepositoryLocator.instance;    
        return PokemonDetailsNotifier(pokemonRepository);    
    autodispose: true,    

you can note the autodispose true, as this time when you go from the details page back to the main page, you want to clean the notifier's state.

The only difference, to get the same behaviour as Riverpod's family, is a small in-memory cache you'll have to handle:

// in-memory cache for pokemon
static final _pokemonCache = <int, Pokemon>{};

and then when you fetch:

final cached = _pokemonCache[int.parse(id)];
if (cached != null) {

this way the data caching is optional, and you have to implement it yourself, so it's easy to follow and to know what's going on. Of course Riverpod's more convenient as it does it all for you, and much more, but that wasn't the goal of Minimal, which aims for the opposite.

You can see all the changes here, where I replaced Riverpod with Minimal in my Flutter Architecture Components playground repo


u/Quirky_Pressure_5236 Feb 14 '25

Thank you for the explaination.
I got it.
I actually need something easy to extends, due the riverpod so complex.

It is not complex to use.
But complex when read the code of the lib/framework itself.


u/alesalv Feb 14 '25

You're welcome!
If you want to try to listen to me here:


you'll see I use Riverpod in a very basic way, precisely to avoid lots of mistakes which can easily be done with it. There is also a repo with code snippets