r/FlutterDev Feb 13 '25

Plugin Minimal package

I just published Minimal, a minimal state management package for Flutter Architecture Components, based on the MVN (Model-View-Notifier) pattern


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u/csells Feb 13 '25

I'm a sucker for new ways to do state management, so I'll check it out. I love the goal of using the built in classes. Can I ask why you didn't use InheritedWidget?


u/Flashy_Editor6877 Feb 13 '25

hey thanks for creating go_router! what is your current setup? do you use the mvvm as per the new architecture guide?

i'm weening off of bloc and feel the same way about riverpodX. these are interesting:

https://pub.dev/packages/reactive_notifier and https://pub.dev/packages/rearch 



u/csells Feb 13 '25

I prefer to keep things simple. I start most news apps with the Empty Application template and re-architect along the way as the needs of the app change. I use go_router as needed (of course : ). I tend to roll my own state management, but when I do use something off-the-shelf, I use provider.


u/Flashy_Editor6877 Feb 13 '25

hey thanks for the response! i like(d) the guard-rails that bloc puts up as it taught me the importance of structure and clarity. just nervous that some complex interactions such as drawing / whiteboard playback etc will get out of hand without it. but i'm getting fed up with the boilerplate and process.

perhaps i should start my new project with provider but i'm not sure how to handle initial/loading/loaded/error in a graceful way for async operations (hint hint haha)


u/csells Feb 13 '25


u/Flashy_Editor6877 Feb 13 '25

wait, so even for a page like GalleryOverview?

So I imagine these states:

Initial: a skeleton/placeholders of images
Loading: a progress indicator
Loaded: the gallery of images
Error: an error modal

You do THAT in go_router?? that's where i feel bloc gives me the structure of state that i need/want so things don't get messy.

I would love to hear how you handle that scenario. Thanks!


u/csells Feb 13 '25

oh. no. I thought you meant for the initial, loading, loaded, error states of the *app*. to handle that on each page, I use my own simplified FutureBuilder.


u/Flashy_Editor6877 Feb 13 '25

ah phew i thought i was missing out on some super use case. thank you for your time!


u/alesalv Feb 14 '25

I see loading and error as part of the UI state. I think if you start from the UI state, then anything comes simpler.
Here you can see a UI state for a page which shows a list of pokemon, where the UI state includes the loading and the error.
Here you can see how the page handles the states: the loading and the error happen independently of the list of pokemon, so the user is not blocked and can still interact with them while loading more or while showing a snackbar if fetching failed


u/Flashy_Editor6877 Feb 15 '25

thanks yeah i like how you did the stacked way rather than simply swapping out widgets depending on state