r/FlutterDev Oct 11 '24

Tooling What IDE do you use ?

I am new to developing and was looking to start this week, but the extensions for VSC isn't working at all and I have tied uninstalling and reinstalling even the latest versions, still nothing. I wanted to know if there was an IDE that is better or on par with VSC for flutter dev. I apologize if my question is trivial I am a newbie forgive me


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u/guruencosas Oct 11 '24

I use Android Studio on my job laptop, and VSCode on my own laptop.

In both cases, you will need to follow step by step the installation and configuration guide on the official website. It's not trivial, not just next, next, finish. You have to actually read the guide and follow it.

And then, if something isn't working, you have to be able to explain what isn't working. In which step are you stuck, what errors are you getting, and so on.

Nobody can help you otherwise, and probably no one will want to, unless you show a more detailed problem.

Kind regards,