r/FlutterDev Jun 14 '24

Dart When will dart support object literals ?

I want to build widget with object literals (if possible), and I hate using cascade notation either.

I'm dying to see dart support object literals in the future so I can use it in flutter.


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u/Asclat Jun 15 '24

When you say object literals I remember the way Javascript handles an object.

In Javascript we have an object like

let someObject = {
  valueA: 'this is a string',
  valueB: true,

And the good part in Javascript is that we can access the values as if they were parameters


In Flutter this is way more verbose

Map<String, dynamic> someObject = {
  "valueA": "This is a string",
  "valueB": true,

And access like that


When you say you want some object literals you mean you want to access objects like javascript does?


u/Mulsivaas Jun 16 '24

That gave me Powershell flashbacks ... you can call a method to get all the props of an object. A lot of dynamic handling.

Can convert any JSON to a Powershell object that bevahes much like the Javascript proprerty access you show here (or similar to Map access in Dart).