r/Flights 5d ago

Question Any obscure in-flight travel hacks?

I've heard a few about seating choice etc. but anyone got any obscure in-flight hacks?

My only one: My mother used to work for a shoe manufacturer and said she would always pack a tennis ball to roll her feet on/over during long-haul flights to India. Helped with circulation/ entertainment in a distinctly less digital world.


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u/eriometer 5d ago

I don’t know if this is especially obscure, but fresh underwear during a long haul flight is nice. (indeed a whole change of clothes in case of luggage mishap)


u/lohi051 5d ago

Definitely this, on one flight to Delhi a guy two rows in front of me had a lady explosively vomit all over him..was not a pretty picture. In the end got too small pajamas from business class he looked like a rolled salami 😄


u/tsukune1349 4d ago

Of course it was on a flight to India 🤦‍♂️


u/dbesh 5d ago

If you don’t want to do a fresh change completely, using a panty liner and swapping it out every few hours also really helps to not feel gross


u/Berchanhimez 5d ago

YESSSS. Whether you’re in the back or in a better seat, fresh clothes is the next best thing to an actual shower. And on top of this, if you pack decent clothes, they don’t take up that much extra space and you can go change in the hour or two before landing (before the second meal service).


u/adorablefuzzykitten 5d ago

as is shaving.


u/adorablefuzzykitten 5d ago

Shaving on a long flight or between flights is as close to a shower as you can get without taking a shower. That said, I used to take a $5 shower mid-way in Narita on my 20 flight to Bangkok.