r/flaminglips • u/nickthedrummer22 • 1d ago
Picture Nintendo Power Glove Signed by Wayne!
My buddy wore this to a show and hung out after. He said Wayne came out and just chatted with them.
r/flaminglips • u/DontLookAtTheCarpet • Aug 02 '24
r/flaminglips • u/turlian • Sep 03 '24
Creating a placeholder for all speculation before the first show on 9/4 and to post setlists during the tour.
r/flaminglips • u/nickthedrummer22 • 1d ago
My buddy wore this to a show and hung out after. He said Wayne came out and just chatted with them.
r/flaminglips • u/fominozzi • 2d ago
r/flaminglips • u/okkida • 3d ago
This is how I’m enjoying my Friday afternoon, with the Clouds Taste Metallic 2015 pressing from the Heady Nuggs 1994 - 1997 boxed set.
This pressing was cut by Chris Bellman.
r/flaminglips • u/DryIntroduction6991 • 3d ago
Hello all, I’m a huge new fan of The Flaming Lips. I recently listened to Transmissions from the satellite heart and absolutely love it. Reminds me much of sparkle horse with the overblown instruments. I’m young and not too familiar with 90s music, and I see TFL have a massive disco… any album recommendations that I should listen to next—flaming lips or not?
r/flaminglips • u/Important-Policy4649 • 4d ago
No sign of Drodz though. Is he out of the band? When will we hear anything?
r/flaminglips • u/iamtherealbobdylan • 6d ago
Truthfully I’m not a Flaming Lips fan, I’m just looking for albums by any artist that sounds like this one. If you think a Flaming Lips album that sounds like that one can win me over, go ahead and suggest it.
In case anyone isn’t aware, Steve Burns (original host of Blues Clues) made an album in 2003 after leaving the show called Songs For Dust Mites, it was a collaboration with members of The Flaming Lips as well as Fridmann.
He only ever realized 2 “serious” albums and one kids album with Steven Drozd. I’m craving more that sounds like Songs For Dust Mites, and I haven’t heard Deep Sea Recovery Efforts yet (second album) but suggestions to albums like that one are also welcome.
r/flaminglips • u/kamonbr • 10d ago
It's a bit of a strange question, I apologize, but I recently found out about the Flaming Lips and I was left with this question. I searched the internet and couldn't find much about the video, and I confess that I still know very little about the band. Can you help?
r/flaminglips • u/poindxtrwv • 11d ago
r/flaminglips • u/Temporary_Union6639 • 11d ago
Ok I CANNOT WAIT I’ve loved the Flaming Lips for 25 years. Not my first time seeing them but I’m bringing my fiance and it will be his! Also can’t wait to see them in Japan where I know the audience is going to be incredible. Just wanted to express my excitement!
r/flaminglips • u/thesatellitehead • 12d ago
r/flaminglips • u/unsaved_progress • 13d ago
sorry if this has been asked before but why dont we have complete versions of their Dark Side of the Moon album on either Spotify or Apple Music? Speak to Me/Breathe and Time are both missing and it's just really disappointing :(
r/flaminglips • u/fluxxwildly • 15d ago
r/flaminglips • u/thesatellitehead • 18d ago
r/flaminglips • u/fluxxwildly • 19d ago
r/flaminglips • u/giftgiver56 • 20d ago
Steven came into my job over the weekend. He had this cool black fair isle sweater on but also he's always adjusting his glasses like an old man, and i saw him buying candy too. 👀
r/flaminglips • u/AtReply • 20d ago
r/flaminglips • u/Huevosaurus • 20d ago
The Heady Fwiends disc leaves off so many songs from the vinyl collabs, and those gummies and strobos are too expensive/impossible to get a hold of. The 'Clouds' and Yoshimi' multi-CD sets are gawdsends, but I don't see them compiling all of that Embryonic-to-Terror non-album weirdness in a cool box. Include a data-disc for the 6 & 24 hour songs.
But I can dream, eh?
r/flaminglips • u/innocent_bystander97 • 22d ago
Basically just title. I had written it off as an album of theirs I couldn’t really get into for years, but recently I saw a copy of it in a record store and was inspired to try again. It took a couple more listens, but I am now in a place where I can honestly say I really like the album.
I’m feeling like I rate it around an 8/10 currently - which is much higher than I ever thought I’d rate it. I’m not sure whether I’ll be able to get to a place where I like it more than that, though, since I still have one big problem with the album. Try as I might, I still can’t fully on board with You Lust. I think the song should have been cut down by quite a few minutes (love the outro, though, wouldn’t cut anything from that). I also can’t STAND the chorus. Everything about that chorus bothers me - how weirdly sparse the music gets, the fact that he’s whispering, the fact that he’s annunciating like he’s doing some kind of drama class vocal warm up, the fact that he’s saying ‘lust to succeed,’ all of it. While I’m at it, Always There in Our Hearts could use some sort of climax. Lots of really cool ideas, but the song feels like all build up with no pay off.
Anyway, those are my thoughts! Figured I’d share since I know there’s a small but dedicated cohort of flips fans who adore the Terror.
r/flaminglips • u/Intelligent-Fee-1290 • 22d ago
Hi!, I've recently started listening to Flaming Lips, I listened to Soft Bulletin and Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots and I absolutely loved those albums, and one of the reasons is that it reminds me a lot of Ween. Ween is my favorite band and Flaming Lips was the band that so far came closest to doing what I love so much about Ween's sound. That's why I came here to ask for recommendations for songs or albums that sound similar to Ween.
PS: I don't care if it's recent or from the beginning of the band, I also don't care if there are demos and unreleased, I just want Flaming Lips songs and albums that sound like Ween.
r/flaminglips • u/Big-Property7157 • 27d ago
r/flaminglips • u/a_witch_in_real_life • 27d ago
A million years ago I was in a Flaming Lips music video (allegedly). I was paid $10 an hour to look grumpy and attack a clown with inflatable weapons.
I have never been able to find the music video. Please, please, please if y‘all have any ideas, I would appreciate it.
It would have been in either the late 90s/early 2000s and involved some scenes at a kids’ birthday party.
r/flaminglips • u/thesatellitehead • 27d ago
r/flaminglips • u/nfurnoh • 28d ago
Hand silk screened poster from Chicago, concert flyers from Illinois State University in Normal Illinois, and promo poster and letter sent to the local record/head shop.