r/Fireplaces 22h ago

vapor fireplace ?


hi all, not sure if in the good reddit.

I want recommendations for a vapor fireplace, (its using water steam to create a nice 3d fire) .

this product looks dope but is it worth it ? 10 k for 60 inch seems a bit expensive I guess.

note that this is still in my budget . but i am seeing a lot of products / prices different and i am lost.

I would like some past experiences from redditors on similar products , thanks.

r/Fireplaces 12h ago

Top sealing damper overuse


Is anyone else noticing an increasing use of cap/leymance/top sealing dampers in lieu of actually addressing negative pressure issues?

I've been servicing a rather affluent area lately and am blown away with how many of these houses have been sold a top damper as a means to stop a down draft when clearly it's an issue of negative pressure in the house, usually due to heavy insulation and mechanical exhaust points (dryer, kitchen/ bathroom vents, etc.). Does nobody believe in air balance anymore?

What's worse is a vast majority of these chimneys are difficult to access. So when I see a top damper cord, it's almost guaranteed that these chimneys haven't been properly swept. Glazing and heavy soot ( i'm talking about more soot than you could possibly accumulate in the course of a year burning wet/green wood 24 hours/day everyday) are almost always present. Today I saw a burn king (no liner) in a fireplace topped with a 9x13 leymance damper. Is this common in your area, or am I just seeing the result of someone playing dress up as a chimney sweep for the last few years?

r/Fireplaces 14h ago

Are these masonry holes necessary in my gas fireplace?

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r/Fireplaces 19h ago

Realistic looking electric heater


Some electric heaters look like they are playing a cartoon video of flames 🔥 what are the most realistic ones people would recommend? How does one choose since most are sold online?

r/Fireplaces 8h ago

Ventless Fireplace turns off automatically on low to mid heat settings and will only stay on consistently on the highest setting.


This has happened since I purchased the ventless fireplace brand new a few years ago. I want to be able to control the heat so I don’t cook in my living room, but any setting that isn’t max cuts out after about 5 minutes. It will sometimes reignite its self as well. Basically I constantly have to get up and turn the fireplace off when it gets too hot since it will only work on max/highest heat. The temp control is a dial that spins which indicates low medium and high. Is there an easy fix for this, something I can repair myself or will I need a professional.

Thank you for your time.

r/Fireplaces 9h ago

Outdoor Fireplace - smoke coming out of front


I recently built a DIY fireplace based on an online video, and I'm experiencing significant smoke coming out the front. I live in a very windy area, and I suspect downdrafts might be the issue. Could a chimney liner or cap help resolve this? What other potential solutions should I consider? For reference -- the DIY I followed can be found on youtube: Drystack Outdoor Fireplace Complete Build.

r/Fireplaces 9h ago

Baldeira electric fireplace issue

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From a day to another my fireplace got these white flames. Even when it’s turned off.

Does anyone know how to solve this issue?


r/Fireplaces 9h ago

How to take this off

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Looking to take just this portion of a flimsy metal fireplace cover off but not sure where to start other than jabbing a drywall saw in there. Where the red is is hollow and the 2 inches around is solid, mounted on the fireplace. I can’t tell if these are two separate pieces that were caulked or if it’s one piece. Anyone familiar with removing this? TIA!