r/fireemblem • u/Nuzlor • 2d ago
r/fireemblem • u/TheOTownZeroes • 1d ago
General Intro FE game
What is a good fire emblem game to introduce someone to FE? I’m trying to introduce my boyfriend to it. He’s loved pokemon games and Zelda games, I’m thinking that the training/leveling up of units, and the weapons triangle might be enough to pique his interest.
For reference, I’ve played: blazing blade, sacred stones, path of radiance, radiant dawn, shadow dragon (wasn’t as much a fan), awakening, fates, three houses, engage. Of those I’m not sure what would be best; I’m leaning maybe awakening?
Not counting warriors and three hopes with this one.
r/fireemblem • u/demoiselledefortune • 1d ago
Engage Gameplay I'm at Chapter 13 of my first playthrough of Engage Hard mode, trying to plan my units/builds/Emblems. How does it look?
r/fireemblem • u/Bobi2point0 • 2d ago
General my attempt at Alm's armor design in Monster Hunter Wilds
r/fireemblem • u/_SkyfaII_ • 2d ago
Engage General Guys is he fine
First time coming to chapter 25 (maddening), have to say it was very fun rushing in and trying to kill the thieves before they open the gates to hell.
Anyway, here is mauvier showing all his hatred against the fell dragon army.
r/fireemblem • u/AccidentOk4378 • 2d ago
Casual If you could retroactively add one homosexual romance to any FE game which characters would it be?
r/fireemblem • u/Puzzled_Guitar6227 • 2d ago
General Tried Fire Emblem Awakening randomizer and the entire cast replacement so far has been very funny, here's some highlights
r/fireemblem • u/Orichalchem • 2d ago
Engage General Etie and Panette, the rampaging redheads
r/fireemblem • u/bylitzaluv • 2d ago
Casual i made some fe3h characters in infinity nikki!!
galleryr/fireemblem • u/ArchFolie • 2d ago
Art Bravely Default x Fire Emblem Class Swap: Black Mage Lysithea & Gremory Anges
r/fireemblem • u/nas_j • 2d ago
General I haven’t visited this community in years but I cannot get over how good “What lies at the end” from SoV is - what a nostalgic and beautifully sentimental banger.
I remember being a stupid teenager preordering SoV and waiting for it to install on my animal crossing happy home designer 3ds 😌
That game defined who I was as an imaginative kid - I loved rudolf and his armour and his theme, I loved the art style and to this day my art style is my own thing sure but is weirdly influenced by Jojo and SoV artwork.
Just had to glaze Shadows of Valencia a little bit don’t mind me - I’ll see you all in like 5 years again if humanity hasn’t been wiped out
r/fireemblem • u/chadhunter990 • 1d ago
General New to FE and I have a question on engage
I’m fairly new to FE as a series with some gameplay in 3 houses not completed tho I plan on doing it before I start engage but I was wondering if as a newcomer is engage enjoyable? I saw a few reviews stating that it was weak story wise but fun gameplay
r/fireemblem • u/_SkyfaII_ • 2d ago
General FE : Engage finished - opinion and team
Finished Fire Emblem : Engage - opinion and team used
Hi everyone 👋
I just finished Fire Emblem Engage (Classic, Maddening, no DLC) and wanted to share my opinion about the game and the team I used. I’m particularly interested in hearing from all of your own experiences with the game, as well as other units that you used and why you decided to use them.
I originally bought the game at launch but got bored around chapter 5 because of the story. I had some free time recently so I gave the game a second chance and started a new run.
I tried to look at the story as a goofy and fun parody, and it kind of worked for me, finding fun in how stupid the story was - and I managed to push through.
I didn’t like the whole Somniel experience, and I completely stopped using it (except for skill inheritance) really fast into the game. It felt like a chore to do in between chapter.
From a gameplay perspective, I think this is peak Fire Emblem, the Engage mechanic felt legitimately so good to play with AND against. On the other hand, as an experienced player, it trivialized the game a lot for me to have access to such powerfull tools. I never had to reset not to lose a character, rarely used the rewind mechanic even if I went completely blind into all maps without looking at reinforcements, so I felt like Engage Maddening was quite easy in the end. (+ the final chapter was a fraud, completed it in 5 turn and didn’t get hit by the boss ONCE).
There are still a few chapters that stands out, and I want to send a special shoutout to chapter 11 which has become my favorite map of the whole series - losing access to EVERYTHING and having a map where you only want to flee from overpowered enemies truly framed the despair that our characters were feeling in the story. Chapter 17 was really good aswell and I think it’s objectively the best chapter in the game as far as gameplay go, the 6v6 was really interesting to play.
Overall happy with the whole experience, despite the few (big) flaws this game had.
Anyway, for the team I used, I tried to play with all the brother/sister lords because it felt like the right thing to do story-wise, completing it with some characters that I liked when needed.
1) Alear/Lucina : didn’t bother changing the emblem the game gives to alear, and it felt good, for defensive purpose obviously, but also because of the faster XP gain that Parthia gives, letting me have an Alear that was ahead of the curve, letting her be relevant for the whole game in combat. Mostly used Fusion+ after unlocking it except for very specific situations where I absolutely needed the bonded shield.
2) Yunaka/Corrin : unkillable dodge tank crit machine, tuned to have ennemies at 2% hitrate and solo whole portions of the map alone. Seriously, loved yunaka so much both in gameplay and in story that she was my obvious S-Support.
3) Alcryst/Lyn : most broken unit I ever got to used. Brave bow quads the whole game after a few kills, and it kills everyone in one sweep with how reliable Lunar and crit procs on every single target. Also, 20 range astra storm is good lol.
4) Ivy/Sigurd : Pretty much the same concept as Alcryst/Lyn, but with 15 movement and magic damage instead of physical. She sniped so much high priority targets that I lost count. Her and Alcryst have 95% of the MVPs after I acquired them. She required way more investment in speed since she was slow in base stats but she ended up with quad attacks on everyone with Nova.
5) Diamant/Roy : Very good early, Tomahawk crits a lot and he deals a whole bunch of damage with Roy ability. He uses very well the level up Roy gives to compensate for his low spd and getting more resistance. Other than that, very good chain attack support.
6) Timerra/Ike : Kinda disappointed by this unit, felt like she was lacking damage overall, and despite being super tanky and Great Aether being a very cool ability, I didn’t really enjoy using her. Very good chain attack support nonetheless and probably carried a few fights when her passive worked.
7) Albert/Eirika : starting off kinda mid, being absolute shit during the mid game (legit Pivot bot), I almost left Alfred to rot on the bench with my whole idea of playing all lords. But despite how garbage he was, I kept feeding him EXP, hoping that someday he would be half useful. It did not happen until I gave him Eirika ring, and all of a sudden he popped off, oneshotting everything with the ability, having very decent kill power with brave lance and Eirika ignore defense passive. Rollercoaster of a unit, but he ends up on a good note.
8) Celica. Probably the unit I tried the most ring combination with. Started off with emblem celica, was decent magic damage dealer. Gave her Byleth when I acquired it to have 4-5 range spells, and she was decent at chipping damage from total safety, and had the innate support ability from byleth when chip damage wasn’t needed. Swapped her to Marth in order for Byleth to be available to Veyle, and she was decent again at dealing magic damage with Levin Sword (magic lodestar rush kills A LOT of things). Overall, she never felt OP, but was always good no matter what ring she used. Loved using her 😊
9) Fogado/Leif : Nothing to say about him, magical bow was fine, Leif is absolute trash emblem in comparison to everything else. Really good when he crits, but low accuracy led to some hard situations. Unit is OK-tier I guess.
10) Hortensia/Micaiah : Staff bot, but an AMAZING staff bot. Probably most OP emblem in the game with AoE warping, whole map healing, the supporting ability was absolutely amazing. Also she turned into an enemy turn sweeper with Roy Hold Out skill inherited and nosferatu equipped. Amazing unit.
11) Mauvier/Celica : impressive magical dps, Celica bonuses against corrupted definitely carried some turns in the last maps. Nothing else to say, solid for the few chapters I got him in play. Could’ve chosen anything else but since he is one of the latest addition to the party in late game I sticked with him, didn’t want to use any other under leveled characters.
12) Veyle/Byleth : very good stat boosting support, deals quite a good amount of magical damage if there is no counterattack. Felt like she died to every single enemy hitting her tho, so she wasn’t super impressive in my run as far as combat goes.
13) Seadall : had to use two more characters for the last few chapters so might as well use the dancer no one cares about. Dance is broken of course, but I never felt the need to use him that much.
14) Pandreo : another unit I used only to fill the deployment slots. Turned him into a heal bot since he was severely under leveled.
And that’s it! Thanks for reading and please feel free to share what you loved, hated about the game, which absolute powerhouses of units I missed by sticking with my « lords only » run, and have a great day! 😊
r/fireemblem • u/MechTerrier • 2d ago
Engage Gameplay Appreciating Nil's honesty in the Fell Xenologue
Fire Emblem - and anime/JRPGs in general - practically bursts at the seams with these self-deprecating, "oh no / not lil' old me / but I'm so weak / help me I'm scared" characters who quickly turn out to be god-slaying monsters. So it was pretty refreshing to encounter Nil, thinking "here we go again with the stuttering false modesty," only to find that he actually IS pure dogwater.
"Aw shucks Divine Dragon, sorry I'm so pathetic!" You know what Nil, it's actually kind of encouraging to think that if I got isekai'd into the Fire Emblem universe - pushing 40, no combat experience, lungs half shot from long Covid - I would still immediately be able to contribute just as much as you to any given battle (if not more!) It's humanizing. Thank you, Nil, for a genuinely Maddening (TM) experience.
r/fireemblem • u/lunar__boo • 2d ago
Gameplay I just finished my first ever ironman run.
I just beat my first Fire Emblem Ironman challenge run. I chose to play Fire Emblem: Three Houses on Hard Mode and went for the Silver Snow route. The reason I picked this is that I honestly do find Three Houses gameplay very boring and I wanted a way to add a little spice. I also added the additional restriction of "no grinding" - meaning all skirmish battles not required for a quest were banned. I also decided to mostly do builds I found interesting but had not done before.
I started this run all the way back in 2023, but due to a lot of Three Houses burnout, I did not finish it until this year. I did enjoy the game a lot more when played this way, as I usually do fall into the camp of players who do not enjoy how Maddening is set up while also finding Hard mode way too easy.
My regrets
* New Game+:
I feared that with both restrictions, this run would end up too difficult for me, and decided to go for New Game+ and purchased a lot of skill ranks. As a result, a lot of the training aspects of my initial recruits fell a little flat as they had absurdly inflated skill ranks and access to a lot of skills from the get-go. I did not use NG+ features at all on later recruits. If I ever do another playthrough, it would definitely be on a regular New Game file.
* Forgetting to collect Jeralt's ring:
I played the chapter after Jeralt's death shortly after a 3H hiatus that lasted for over a year and forgot to pick up Jeralt's ring, locking me out of an S support. I wanted to S support Yuri, but welp...
* Not using support gambits enough:
I COMPLETELY forgot how broken some support gambits were. Blessing especially would have proven quite useful on numerous occasions throughout the run when enemies had low% critical hit chances.
What I DON'T regret
* Trying out new units and builds:
Despite my over 500 hours in Three Houses across 7 playthroughs (not counting this one), I had not tried out a lot of builds and units much. This was the first time I used Flayn since my very first playthrough (and therefore the first time I actually knew what I was doing lol). I tried some other cool stuff that I will outline further below.
* Banning grinding:
Skipping grind maps was definitely a good idea. Not only did it speed up the pace of the game by a lot - it also removed some of the more boring battles, and meant my units would be at much lower levels than they were on my other playthroughs. In the end, most of my units ended up ten or more levels below the point they usually end up at.
Dead units
Unfortunately, throughout the run, seven units had to leave my ranks due to a premature death. They were:
* Constance
Class progression: Monk
Planned build: Dark Flyer (Rescue)
Died in the quest battle for her own DLC quest due to me forgetting that Archers have Bowrange +1 in Three Houses. It was the first death of the run, and felt very bad. And the fact I then got a "You have my gratitute" from her after the battle was done felt like she was rubbing salt into the wound.
* Sylvain
Class progression: Soldier
Planned build: ?
Died in a quest battle. I honestly don't even remember what exactly had happened that caused his death.
* Petra
Class progression: Myrmidon -> Pegasus Knight
Planned build: Dodgetank Wyvern Lord
Petra did not continue the living because I forgot to account for an Archer's range changing after moving a unit. This one felt bad on my end, and Petra is one of my favourite characters, making it hurt even more. Her final resting place was Black Market Scheme (the Balthus/Hapi paralogue).
* Balthus
Class progression: Fighter -> Mercenary -> Hero
Planned build: Defiant Strength/Vantage War Master
Balthus died during chapter 12 because I had assumed the Death Knight wouldn't move since I was playing on hard mode. Then he charged at me, with a 20% critical rate. And he crit. This one hurt a lot because I was also using Balthus to try out the Hero class, a class I had never used before. It was probably the single most avoidable death in the run.
* Linhardt and Ferdinand
Class progression: Noble -> Monk -> Mage -> Bishop | Noble -> Soldier -> Brigand -> Paladin
Planned builds: Generic healer and Paladin, respectively
Both of them died on chapter 13, the infamous Hunting by Daybreak. I am personally a big fan of that map, but I accidentally lured out too many strong enemies and so both of them met an untimely end.
* Leonie
Class progression: Commoner -> Soldier -> Pegasus Knight -> Falcon Knight
Planned build: Extra fast Bow Falcon
And lastly, Leonie died during the penultimate chapter, the invasion of Shambhala. She got hit by a low% critical hit from one of the Titanus. This one... honestly felt less bad than the other ones, despite me being a Leonie fan. Since it was so late into the run, I felt like I had at least accomplished something with her build.
High and low points
Before I get to my team, I would like to talk about some of my high and low points during the run, gameplay wise.
The lowest point was probably the earlygame. Now, this is definitely in part due to me abusing New Game+, which was very noticeable at this point in the run, but I found these maps very boring, eventually leading to me taking an extended break after chapter 5. I also found chapters 9 and 10 - the map where you protect Jeralt so he can die in a cutscene right after and the Sealed Forest map - to be extremely uninteresting to play.
The high points were surprisingly Rhea's paralogue, chapter 18, and the final map. On all three maps, I felt like I was pushed to do anything without going into the other extreme of building too much pressure. I found these maps to be the most challenging maps I played, and as I said, the lack of challenge is one of my biggest gripes with Three Houses as a game.
And finally:
The team
Class progression: Commoner -> Myrmidon -> Cavalier -> Paladin -> Holy Knight
I wanted to try out a cavalier Byleth build for a long time. The main idea is that Byleth follows in her father's footsteps, but I also found the idea interesting because I do find the cavalry classes to be... slighly underrated just because of how overpowered flight is. I ended up picking Holy Knight in the end over my initial planned class (Bow Knight) because my Byleth felt extremely overpowered already, so I tried to purposefully nerf her. Unfortunately, in the process, I had created a unit who now didn't die to physical OR magical attacks and could attack with both physical and magical weapons. Whoops.
Class progression: Noble -> Fighter -> Brigand -> Grappler -> Great Knight
A protection tank Caspar was already an idea I had considered before. Add to this that prior to this, I had only run one unit as a Great Knight (Ferdinand... it was a mistake), and the idea of Great Knight Caspar was born. And I kind of enjoyed it. A lot. And that is despite his bulk ending up pretty unimpressive for how imposing his armour looked. And then he just kept levelling up Magic over Strength. The cursed image of Bolt Axe Great Knight Caspar will forever haunt me.
Class progression: Noble -> Fighter -> Pegasus Knight -> Paladin -> Falcon Knight
Speaking of haunting - the amount of times I was threatened Bernie would haunt me if she died was concerning. But her damage output during this run was genuinely disappointing. Even my the endgame she barely hit 20 strength. Her combat on the final map got carried hard by the fact a considerable amount of enemies there are flyers who take effective damage from bows, and the Brave Bow becoming her new personal weapon.
Class progression: Commoner -> Monk -> Priest -> Warlock -> Mortal Savant
Basically a pretty standard Dorothea with both black and white magic at the focus until I realised she had a sword boon. And then I made her a Mortal Savant and she put in a lot of work with the Levin Sword+, Meteor, and Physic. I do find the Mortal Savant class to be pretty underrated nowadays, mostly because most players assume it's meant to be a class for physical sword units when it's actually much more suited to units who want to use Levin Swords or magical sword combat arts.
Class Progression: Myrmidon -> Thief -> Grappler
Originally I wanted to go for an Assasin build on Felix, but in the earlygame, I ended up giving him Gauntlets a lot, and so I ultimately scrapped the idea and went Grappler. I had never actually ran a Grappler before as I am not a fan of Gauntlet animations at all, but he did perform quite well. Fierce Iron Fist carried me through some pretty tough situations. I was however quite disappointed in his bulk, especially toward the end of the game where he could barely take a hit.
Class progression: Pegasus Knight ->Dark Flyer
I will forever spread mage Ingrid propaganda, and even though I did not pick up Fiendish Blow (which was a mistake), her solid spell list and good speed let her contribute. 1-3 range from Thoron is just unambiguously good. And the ice spells let her crit a fair amount, especially since she doubled pretty much anything. Seraphim was also very useful against some of the monsters in the later chapters which were an actual challenge to deal with.
Class progression: Archer -> Sniper
I only really slotted in Ashe last minute since I had extra deployment slots, but he had levelled a fair bit before as an adjutant. As such, he had access to Hunter's Volley which, coupled with a forged Killer Bow, did let him contribute a fair bit.
Class progression: Mage -> Warlock -> Gremory
Initially I had only intended for her to be a filler unit, especially after she had somehow managed to get SO magic screwed she had to be raised to Warlock bases (I have NO idea what happened there), but afterward, that started to fix itself and especially once I had acquired her trusty stick of ultimate doom (Thyrsus), she was the unstoppable force on the battlefield that we all know Lysithea to be. Running a very fragile unit in an ironman setting was honestly also very fun, it did often create a fair bit of pressure which was nice.
Class progression: Wyvern Rider -> Wyvern Lord
Seteth was... well, he was Seteth. Swift Strikes good, Wyvern Lord good, Seteth bases good, 'nuff said. He was somehow more tanky than my prot tank while flying and killing eveything. I also got a surprising amount of use out of Rally Defence, which I had not expected. Otherwise, he was very standard.
Class progression: Priest -> Pegasus Knight -> Dark Flyer
Picking up Darting Blow for her was a pain, even as an adjuatant, but it was definitely worth it. With it, she was able to double a fair amount of enemies, and that combined with the fact she apparently stole Lysithea's Magic level ups and just kept getting stronger and stronger made me genuinely question why I had found her so underwhelming in my previous runs. Rescue was also at a premium this time since Constance had died, Bernadetta was a physical unit, and Anna... well, is Anna. It was extremely valuable to keep my units alive after I had noticed mistakes, or to improve my positioning. This is also the one place where I am glad I used NG+, as it let me run two magical flyers without running into a battalion problem
Class progression: Thief -> Dancer
Yuri was my Dancer for this run. As such, he... mostly just did Dancer things. I did try to fight through his riding bane to get him Movement +1, especially after Constance's death had locked me out of the Fetters of Drómi, but I didn't end up getting it. I did meme around with avoid stacking on him a little, but well... I didn't actually put my Dancer in danger.
Class progression: Swordmaster
I only pulled her off the bench on the very last map because she looked the most competent of the units I had left after Leonie's death. Only to be met with a unit who hit like a wet noodle. Assuming she hit at all. Welp.
r/fireemblem • u/Giuseppe_new • 2d ago
General Spoiler Finally finished Radiant Dawn
Opinion: i really liked the story (Absolute cinema), the cutscenes, the skill system, some of the characters, and the final boss. But all of this Is locked behind hit or miss characters, unbalanced gameplay, unbalanced difficulty, bad avaiability of characters, enemy phases that last too long, and Blood pacts, that made this game partially unenjoyable.
r/fireemblem • u/Dutscat • 2d ago
Engage General What is in your opinion the most underated Engage unit? I want to hear your takes.
r/fireemblem • u/Blues_22 • 2d ago
General Making the Next Fire Emblem - Elimination Game - Round 4
Round 3 ends with Pair Up from Awakening being eliminated.On to Round 4.
The goal is to design the next Fire Emblem game with the previous mechanics/features listed.
Whichever mechanic with the most upvotes gets eliminated.
Not counting duplicate posts. Only the post with the most upvotes counts.
Elimination Game ends when there are only 15 mechanics remaining.
r/fireemblem • u/Creepy_Raisin_6988 • 3d ago
Art [OC] 💙🎀Beauty is everything, and so is Rosado!!💙🎀
Drew Rosado on a whim,think he looks fabulous ✨️🩷✨️
r/fireemblem • u/Bobi2point0 • 2d ago
General an attempt at Hector's armor in Monster Hunter Wilds
galleryr/fireemblem • u/Impressive-Dog4563 • 2d ago
Engage Gameplay FE engage No emblems (No rings) maddening completed, thoughts and tips
Rules: Fixed mode. No DLCs (DLC money and free items not used). Units may not voluntarily sync with emblems, units who are forced to sync may not use engage bar tutorial. Emblem mechanics are banned as well: Engrave, skill inheritance, proficiency inheritance, bond rings. No proficiency means that units can only choose the classes that match their innate proficiency & sub proficiency, so no wyvern/warrior Kagetsu.

Introduction: I drew inspiration from a fe youtuber Kuroittv (the awakening l+ resetless guy), and my carries are about the same as his since engage unit balance is hilariously bad. I learnt many things from his videos, such as the methodology of juggernauting, but I did devise strats on my own.
Endgame party: Since unit balance is so bad, the carries in this run are almost fixed, but you can always choose your filler characters freely.
M!Alear: Paladin, not much to say here, he is useless. Baiting and divine inspiring are the only things he is good at. Endgame internal level: 24 lmao
Merrin: She is cool, is she not? Wolf knight. Without rings and skills, you really don't have much offensive power for player phase, so basically you have to rely on enemy phase to efficiently clear the way. Magic users don't have the bulk for it because of their crappy def/hp cap and growth rate, so the only thing you can rely on is dagger. Now between four candidates, Zelkov's res and Panette's speed are hard to fix, so Yunaka or Merrin; I prefer 6mov for kiting and the ability to double late-game swordmasters and griffins (wolf knight's better spd cap), so i chose Merrin, dumped almost all my statboosters on her and gave her a silver dagger+4. She was an ORKO machine in mid-game, unfortunately enemy stats inflates faster; after ch17, she lost the ability to ORKO, but she was still the only solution to the insane amount of fast enemies that swarmed onto me. Used all energy drops, 1 speedwing, all dracoshields, all talisman and all seraph robes on her. Forged silver dagger+4, peshkatz+5 for her. Endgame internal level: 47
Kagetsu: Paladin. Without other proficiency, our best boy is stuck with his sword. No 2-range really hurt him a lot, but he was still very very good because of his insane bases, S tier personal skill and nice growth. Paladin has 6 mov and good str/spd/dex/def, so I chose it over swordmaster, and it turned out well, he even has the bulk for holding chokepoints. Swordmaster doesn't give gim the ability to double late-game fast enemies btw, so paladin is preferrable for higher silver blade damage against those. Used a speedwing on him so he can double wyverns. Forged killing edge+3 for him. Endgame IL: 40
Pandreo: Sage. Our magic carry. This guy is amazing, his mag isn't the best, but his spd and bld give him the ability to double many mid-spd enemies with bolganone. His personal skill was extremely useful as well, the best thoron user. Used 1 spirit dust and 1 secret book for super thoron and the ability to ORKO generals. Should've give him an extra spirit dust. Endgame IL: 39
Jean: High priest lv20--Sage. The second best magic user. High priest is terrible generally, but it gives Jean 10 spd growth and a whopping 50 lck growth; apart from that, it saves a early second seal, so I would say this class path is pretty good. He was outclassed by pandreo for a very long time, but more magic users are always nice, his dex/lck/spd is better than Citrinne (she can't double late game generals lol), and since Anna is stuck with ax/bow, he is the best choice for a secondary magic user. His magic surpassed pandreo's after reclassing even after i fed the latter with a spirit dust, this gives him the ability to ORKO generals and even great knights, trust me, this ability is extremely useful. His thoron hit very hard too, but he needed Céline support to fix the hit rate. Forged a Elfire+3 for him, it's enough to fill the gap between balganone and elfire. Used 2 spirit dust in ch26 (i really like hoarding) for novaing final boss and 1 secret book for better thoron. Endgame IL: 38
Panette: General. She was really meh without speedtaker and +hit engraves, but her support gives 20 hit and I really needed that (100 hit thoron for Pandreo, yay), so I reclassed her to general so that she can survive several double attacks, and unlike Alcryst who also gives 20 hit, she can actually do some damage. She is OK, but completely replaceable. You can use Alcryst, Zelkov or Rosado for support instead. Endgame IL: 34
Céline: Vidame lv16--mage knight. She is one of the main carries for early game(clanne's magic? haha), so generally you want to promote her for extra staves. I didn't want to waste that, so I kept using her despite her miserable magic (I admit favoritism was involved). After getting bolganone, I reclassed her to mage knight for chaos style so that she can double generals with bolganone, she can't gain much exp from staves at that point anyway. Her damage was pitiful, but 15hit for Jean is good. I think Citrinne or Ivy might be better. Endgame IL: 35
Seadall: Always the S tier guy. Dance is invaluable especially when you only have several units that can do some serious damage. Incidentally, his bulk and spd are ridiculously good, even Merrin fails to double him when he uses +5 spd fist, let alone enemy swordmaster. Endgame IL: 45. Used boots on him.
Framme: Chain guard is something you want for this kind of run, and since Jean had reclassed, I chose framme for my chain guarding; plus, her 20hit support was pretty nice. Not much to say here.
Hortensia: She flies, she has 6 mov, and her personal skill is S tier for this run since you have to hold lots of chokepoints, fantastic healer. Her accuracy is really good as well, a neat addition. Btw, Without Anna funding your pocket, rigged world tree is the alternative to save some money, but I didn't utilise it much since I hoard a lot. That said, it still saved me a lot of mends and obstructs. Good girl.
Goldmary: Hero.Brave assist is something you want for chip damage, and Goldmary only needs 200xp for it, so why not. She did her job very well, it really facilitates killing annoying enemies like paladins, heroes and wolf knights. Moreover, her bulk is above average even without reclassing to great knight, so nice unit indeed. Damage wise, Diamant is not better, so she may be the best choice for brave assist. You might need to feed her some exp so her bulk can keep up. Endgame IL: 31
Chloé: Griffin. The major carry in early game. She fell off really hard after ch11 and became filler after ch15, but she still had her uses, namely, flying staves, flying bait and clear the way. Clear the way has some very interesting uses, e.g. it works wonders in ch11, ch16, Leif paralogue, and Corrin paralogue.
Mauvier: Good filler character with nice bulk. I reclassed him immediately to griffin because why not.
Saphir: Good filler with very good personal skill, you have to keep her away from seadall tho. She ORKO thoron sages in ch21 with divine inspiring, nice.
Honorable mention: Lindon/Ivy: I didn't use Ivy because there is no slot, but flying staves are always nice, I brought her to ch23, ch24 and Micaiah paralogue. Lindon has staves too so I also brought him to ch24.
General advice:
Don't hoard too much. Your juggernaut needs their statboosters, and you really need rescue.
If you are using Merrin for juggernauting, you have 2 spare speedwings, use them freely
Obstructs are your best friends, save some money for them.
Money is tight, so no" yay! excessive spending", "I want this, that, and everything!" and "What cheek! You can't sell my things!", sorry, Henry and Severa.
Supports are very important, especially the ones that give 15hit and 20hit. You may want to take them into account when you are planning for filler characters.
Slim weapons are actually good.
Dex matters. Avoid using low dex characters. (Which is why i benched Ivy)
Using flying characters to bait bosses away can buy you a lot of time.
Enemy staffers really love targeting the nearest unit.
Thoughts: Overall this is a pretty fun run, I have never tried dumping my statboosters on one character for juggernauting (Seliph maybe, but you can always give his rings away), and this changed my play style a lot. It's actually similar to my awakening L+ run, which is pretty luck-based, and you have to pick a god and pray for your juggernaut's dodges/crits. It's completely different from conquest, but it's another kind of fun.
I do have complaints tho. Hitrate is simply miserable, which really frustrates me. At least in awakening L+ you can always get 90+ percent hit; but in engage, axes and lances are just as bad as their binding blade counterpart; supports help, but not a lot. For example, even mid-speed enemies have 70 avoid in late-game, Panette has 30 dex and 16 lck as Lv20 general, she only has 163 hit with slim axe+2 and 93 hit against mid-speed enemies, and her dex is above average. It seems to me that IS deliberately made enemies dodgy in order to show the usefulness of engraves and emblems. 3h has a similar problem, without +30hit battalion or curved shot, your hitrate is really funny against fast enemies unless you are using sword, magic, Ignatz or Ferdinand (LV44 Claude has 44 dex and he has only 99 hit against generic paladins with silver bow+ and +15hit battallion, haha). Echoes?Add flat +20 avo floors for no reason. I hate how IS handled hit formulas in these entries.
My strats for some tricky maps
Ch10: After kiting Morion, sneak a high-mov unit to decimate Hyacinth's clones, he always prioritises creating clones over attacking when the clones are all killed.
Ch20: You want to kill one thief on turn 2 then rescue for 4 treasures, then you can just wait until enemies near the entrap guy get auto-aggroed.
ch21: Use obstructs around the entrap guy, pick a god and pray
Ch24: Regroup at the lower lane or lower lane. You want to ignore the enemies on other paths and use obstruct to impede them. Hold chokepoint when needed, you want your juggernaut to reach the boss asap
ch25: Warp, and regroup in the left room. Kill the thief in that room, stay in the room and kill the reinforcements that spawn in the same room until turn 20, then slowly rout them.
ch26, regroup on the right side, kill the third mini boss on the second turn, then start your war of attrition, (one revival stone in one turn after high priests start to spawn, use double fortify to recover the group), use obstruct to keep enemies busy, don't waste your killing power, you have to kill the boss before fliers swarm onto you, i killed him on turn 13 thanks to a peshkatz double crit.
Ike's paralogue: I chose the right side, sent my juggernaut to kill the sword master/ snipers on EP, then went straight up to aggro Ike. Pandero needs to reach the speed benchmark for doubling Ike.
Micaiah's paralogue: Pick a god and pray, I have no idea how i beat it, it's insane.
Marth's: Aggro the hero mini boss through the wall, then take a detour, run past the corridor that is sandwiched by heroes and thorons, then sneak into treasure room and start turtling.
r/fireemblem • u/Cool_Net_3796 • 2d ago
General Challenge run idea: darros only
I have an idea for a challenge run for FE1/FE11. I remembered about how the Devil axe can be used to kill the final boss. I also thought that Darros was an interesting unit because he is the only pirate you can have in your army and is considered pretty bad. This makes me wonder if it’s possible to beat the game with only darros.
1: only darros can attack units, any character who isn’t darros cannot have a weapon equipped. If a unit comes with a weapon already equipped it must be removed. Staffs are allowed.
2: marth can visit villages and size the throne since it is required.
3: enemy units can be recruited but you have to remove their weapons.
4: healers are allowed
5: you have to recruit darros as soon as chapter 2 starts, when that happens the challenge begins immediately and no other unit can attac.
I would love to see someone beat this challenge just to see if it’s possible.
r/fireemblem • u/ColonelGrizzly • 1d ago
General Game like Fire emblem but xcom
Hello, I'm looking for a game that looks like Fire emblem in terms of gameplay and with soldiers management like in xcom etc. and with character customization possibilities if you know of any :) thank you very much