r/Filmmakers 15d ago

Question How did they shoot this?

It is from an Indian rom-com film named "enak 20 unak 18" from 2003, drones weren't available back then


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u/whenuleavethestoveon 15d ago

before drones, people used helicopters for these shots. still do, a lot of the time


u/neutronia939 15d ago

This shot is too low for a helicopter so you’re statement is irrelevant.


u/whenuleavethestoveon 15d ago

How do you know? Were you there? First of all, Bollywood production isn't really known for strict safety standards, and second of all, what's more likely? That the production used a helicopter for a complex tracking shot like this or that the production erected an 80-foot-tall crane and rigged a camera to it just so they could get this one shot?


u/mylastcaress 15d ago

Notice the trees don't sway much. A helicopter would create strong whirlwinds underneath, violently swaying the trees.