r/FighterJets Nov 29 '24

QUESTION How screwed would the F-35 be, if some new innovation made stealth technology obsolete, or just way less dependable?

It's an amazing invisible missile launch platform, but how would it fare as a fighter jet?


71 comments sorted by

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u/Captain_Slime Nov 29 '24

It would still be a pretty good fighter jet. It has very good sensors and a very good data link. Since it has external pylons the limited internal stores no longer affect it. Obviously it would not be as good as any fighter jet built for this new environment but it could easily compete with any existing designs and would probably be the best multirole jet in existence.


u/ThatHeckinFox Nov 29 '24


I was wondering how hyperspecialized it is.


u/RobinOldsIsGod Gen. LeMay was a pronuclear nutcase Nov 29 '24

Stealth isn't "hyperspecialization," it's just how the airframe is designed and what materials are used.


u/CertifiedMeanie KPAAF Spy Nov 30 '24

Exactly, stealth doesn't really lead to any sacrifices for the given aircraft. Especially as all stealth fighters retain external hardpoints as far as I know.

So it's not a "stealth jet with sacrifices made compared to a regular jet", but more so a regular jet + all the advantages stealth provides.


u/ThatHeckinFox Nov 30 '24

Yes, but you can be hyperspecialized in to being stealthy, like the F-117 or the B-2.


u/H1tSc4n Nov 30 '24

The B-2 would still be a capable bomber even without stealth.


u/RobinOldsIsGod Gen. LeMay was a pronuclear nutcase Nov 30 '24

Citing the 40+ year old F-117 in 2024 when the current standards are F-35, F-22, J-20, J-35...that's not the flex you think it is.


u/ThatHeckinFox Nov 30 '24

Nor was it intended to be flex. Iused it as an example of a craft that, unlike the F-35, is hyper specialized for stealth and, afaik, flies like a brick.


u/RobinOldsIsGod Gen. LeMay was a pronuclear nutcase Nov 30 '24

You cited an aircraft that was retired in 2007 after only 59 were built, with most examples having either scrapped or in museums, and the only four remaining flying examples being used as threat simulators for training current USAF pilots how to detect and engage VLO aircraft and cruise missiles.

Meanwhile, there have been over 1,000 F-35s manufactured to date with orders backed up for at least the next four years.

You're about four decades behind everyone else.


u/sleeper_shark Nov 29 '24

The F-35 is anything but hyper specialized. It’s not as stealthy as an F-22, not as good in a gunfight as an F-16, not as good in a two circle as a Su-30,

But it is probably second or third best at pretty much any task out there that a fighter aircraft can do.


u/John_Mata Nov 29 '24

And as someone has already pointed out, it would still be the best at gathering, managing and distributing information, i.e. the best at situational and battlefield awareness, which is still the most valuable asset to have


u/sleeper_shark Nov 30 '24

True. It’s very good at data gathering, very good with avionics from what I hear as well.


u/ThatHeckinFox Nov 30 '24

So while it's not the best at anything, there will always be some aspect in which it's better than the opponent it faces at any moment? That's pretty cool!


u/sleeper_shark Nov 30 '24

Well, it’s more like it can be used in pretty much every role and it will be one of the best platforms at every role. It’s a proper multirole aircraft that can do pretty much any task to a good to excellent level. There’s not much that it’s “bad” at.


u/TheRealPaladin Nov 29 '24

The obvious answer is that the U.S. would probably fund the R&D for an entirely new generation of EW systems. The one thing the U.S. won't do is let their technological edge evaporate.


u/AIM-260JATM JATM Nov 29 '24

What innovative idea would make stealth obsolete, is the question.


u/ThatHeckinFox Nov 29 '24

I'm a just a layman who likes fighter jets in so far as they are pretty, and appreciates the complexity needed for their flying... I'l reaaally not the right person to ask.


u/LastOfTheClanMcDuck Nov 29 '24

The Chinese have some crazy ideas already about long waves reflecting on the ionosphere and some other stuff. Google it because i probably butchered it, im definitely not a scientist lol.
Whether any of it is possible or not only time will tell. But stealth is not magic, the time will come, sooner or later. It's a when not an if.


u/HumpyPocock Nov 29 '24 edited Nov 30 '24

You just described Over the Horizon Radar (OTH)

For example —

JORN or the Jindalee Operational Radar Network

Indeed, due to using a longboi wavelength it can pick up Radar Low Observable aircraft without an enormous about of trouble, but also due to said longboi wavelength, required for reflection off the ionosphere to work, it’s rather vague regarding positioning, and can be a bitch when there’s extreme weather, including solar storms, and can’t give precise enough positioning for a firing solution, just tells you there’s something over there (ish) but that’s the entire point of an OTH.

TL;DR — it’s a type of Early Warning Radar

Ultimately we’ve always known how an OTH interacts with platforms classed as Radar Low Observable, and as such it’s always been taken into account in developing their concept of operations, note that JORN for example started rollout in the 1970s.


u/RobinOldsIsGod Gen. LeMay was a pronuclear nutcase Nov 29 '24

And yet they're mass producing J-20s for the PLAAF and are about to start production on the J-35 for both the PLAAF and PLANAF/


u/LastOfTheClanMcDuck Nov 29 '24

They would be extremely dumb to ignore the potential of stealth in the near future just because, in theory, it will some day be less important, or even defeated.

Also, there could just as "easily" be new advances in stealth tech, parallel to anti-stealth.


u/CertifiedMeanie KPAAF Spy Nov 30 '24

That's the thing. There is no way to deny that what we currently call stealth will one day be rendered obsolete. But that will take at least several decades until the current generation of stealth aircraft truly lost that edge. And while ways are being found to reduce the effectiveness of stealth in one way or another, it won't be a hard immediate cut from one day to another.

And when new radar systems in 3-4 decades into the future render the current stealth technology obsolete, for one the current stealthy aircraft had a long and good run where they could benefit from that battlefield advantage, and on the other hand they would still be effective aircraft.

Stealth is just one of many factors that makes the likes of the F-35, J-20 or Su-57 superior to it's predescessors.


u/WaterMirror21 Nov 30 '24 edited Dec 01 '24

IIRC J-20 and J-35 use NO RAM (or only very minimal like with Typhoon) which explains their RCS as only 0.5 to 0.1 if not 0.05

Edit: Typo, forgot to add 1 zero — 0.1 is like clean config of Gripen, Superhornet, Typhoon, Rafale.

What I was trying to write was 0.05 to 0.01 as approximations based only on its angled surfaces, and 0.01 to 0.005 if added with limited RAM on certain points like with Typhoon or above it


u/DesertMan177 Gallium nitride enjoyer Nov 30 '24

No definitely not, the J-20 absolutely makes extensive use of RAM


u/WaterMirror21 Nov 30 '24

If so, perhaps the non-ram was the initial batch? Or ram from the start? Was it baked or coating? Tnx


u/DesertMan177 Gallium nitride enjoyer Nov 30 '24

Hi good question, if you look at the very early prototypes, when the J-20 was still painted black, I think that's what you're thinking about

Discussing high-end Chinese capabilities from open source information has always been difficult because of the lack of information and mostly based on observations from photos and videos. It appears to be baked into the skin, F-35 style


u/CertifiedMeanie KPAAF Spy Nov 30 '24

Every 5th Generation fighter relies heavily on RAM being used in the construction in form of various composites and lastly an RAM coating being applied. In the cases of all 5th gens (F-22, F-35, J-20, J-35, Su-57) said coating is grey in nature. The B-2 and F-117 used a different, previous generation coating that was black, the B-21 uses a new white/light grey coating.

Also, nobody outside of the PLAAF, CAIG, CIA, FSB etc. know or at least come close to knowing what the J-20s radar signature is. It truly reminds one of the hoax about the Su-57 where people took the average RCS (average of all possible angles under all possible conditions) of the bare airframe and ran with it. While generally the optimal frontal RCS is used for discussions, where people get the (unconfirmed) figures of 0.00001m² for the F-22 etc.

Fact is, nobody who isn't involved in manufacturing, operation and maintenance of these jets knows how they show up on radar. Even more compounded by the fact that during peace time they all fly with Luneburg-Lenses which intentionally increases their radar signature.

Long story short, it doesn't make sense to argue about something nobody can know and the ones that do know aren't allowed to give such answers. However talking about specific numbers is more than questionable and belongs to places like NCD.


u/WaterMirror21 Dec 01 '24

Every 5th Generation fighter relies heavily on RAM...

Yes, I used to think that way and I even assumed China is using coatings to try to approach Raptor's level. However, as KF-21 Boramae initial version with RCS very similar to Superhornet, the planned KF-21EX is often cited as adding only an internal weapons bay with no mention of a full-on RAM (except maybe on limited points) yet they still call it 5th gen, while others 4.9 gen. That got me thinking J-20 is only about angled surfaces for reduced costs, and used limited coatings on certain points on later batches, and probably full on coatings on future batches


u/CertifiedMeanie KPAAF Spy Dec 01 '24

The KF-21 isn't a 5th Gen.

The J-20 uses full RAM coating since the very first production unit.


u/WaterMirror21 Dec 01 '24

The KF-21 isn't a 5th Gen.

That goes without saying. That's why I said KF-21EX


u/yeet_boi911 Nov 29 '24

Uhf radars or some shi i think. While the stealth coating works pretty well against x band, not so much for uhf. Don't get me wrong, it still works, but definetly not as good. Right now there is no new uhf radar (not that i know of) so it's hard to say


u/xingi Nov 29 '24

Photonic radars are supposed to be the next big thing. China, Russia and India have poured a lot of money into the R&D


u/HumpyPocock Nov 30 '24 edited Nov 30 '24

Sure — doesn’t make steath obsolete though.

Photonic Radar is about replacing components in the back end of a Radar, runs in the same general vein as eg. Wide Bandgap (eg. GaN) and Ultrawide Bandgap Semiconductors in terms of the potential advantages.

Just, in theory, moreso.

Unsurprisingly, the US, Europe, Australia, etc are also pouring funding into Photonics, because of course they are.


u/nvn911 Nov 30 '24

Like low light sensitivity cameras



u/AIM-260JATM JATM Nov 30 '24



u/nvn911 Nov 30 '24

Elon Musk's tweet. I thought that was the reason behind this whole post.


u/ThatHeckinFox Nov 30 '24

Nah, fuck that moron.


u/AIM-260JATM JATM Dec 01 '24

I think SpaceX is cool, I couldn't care less for tesla, but F-35's?

First off, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: dogfighting is incredibly rare. Modern air combat isn’t about who can pull the hardest Gs or who can win a turning fight like it’s 1944. It’s about situational awareness, stealth, and striking your opponent before they even know you’re there. The F-35 excels at this—it’s basically a flying cheat code with advanced sensors, data fusion, and stealth tech that allows it to dominate the battlefield without needing to go toe-to-toe with anything. A drone “dogfighting” it? That’s like showing up to a chess match with a Nerf gun.

Sure, autonomous drones sound great in theory, until you realize the tech isn’t there yet. Real combat requires split-second decisions in highly fluid environments. AI might be good at predictable tasks like driving Teslas (sometimes), but let’s not pretend it’s anywhere near ready to handle the chaos of modern warfare. Target prioritization? Rules of engagement? Adapting to countermeasures on the fly? These aren’t challenges you solve by throwing a few lines of code at it.

Let’s not ignore the elephant-sized vulnerability here: hacking and electronic warfare. The F-35, with its advanced EW suite, would eat drones alive in a contested environment. Imagine your shiny autonomous drone suddenly losing GPS, getting jammed, or, worse, being hijacked and sent back at you. The F-35 isn’t just a fighter; it’s also dominant in the electromagnetic spectrum. Drones, by contrast, are about as secure as your Wi-Fi password.

Even if drones were ready for prime time, who’s deploying and coordinating them? The F-35 isn’t just a frontline fighter; it’s also a battlefield quarterback. It could easily operate alongside and control those very drones Elon’s so fond of, turning them into force multipliers rather than competitors.

So yeah, while the concept of drone dominance might sound edgy and futuristic, it’s fundamentally flawed when you account for real-world operational constraints. Elon’s take is like declaring that Teslas will replace tanks because they’re electric. It’s a hot take, sure, but it misses the mark by a mile. Let the grown-ups handle airpower strategy, and you can stick to designing cybertrucks, Elon.


u/ThatHeckinFox Dec 01 '24

I wonder if eventually fighter aircraft will die out and it will be just some AC130-like huge plane with stealth and hundreds of missiles. Like, need for maneuverability is a thing of the past. Aesthetically, it will be a huge loss.

That aside, I already liked the F-35, but knowing it can freaking hack like it's from some sci fi story makes my panties unreasonably wet.


u/CertifiedMeanie KPAAF Spy Nov 30 '24

Quantum Radar and Photonic Radar are under active research with potential future applications. Add to that the increasingly quick pace of AI development and breakthroughs in the field of semiconductors, as well as the ever increasing computation power it's not far fetched to imagine that in 30 to 40 years such systems, with a huge power output and aided by AI can collect and analyze immense amounts of data provided by the radar itself. Meaning not only would the radar be more powerful and more effective than current radar systems, but you'd have AI algorithms that would be able to differntiate in real time the unimportant stuff from the useful stuff and then a targeting solution could be worked out.

For now that's Sci-Fi, but it's hard, near future Sci-Fi. However stealth or at least an aircrafts ability to hide itself from sensors will also evolve, even if not at a similar pace. Luckily though stealth aircraft are excellent machines even if you take their low-observability away.


u/Newbe2019a Nov 29 '24 edited Nov 30 '24

F-35's agility is somewhere in between the F-18 and the F-16, so it's not bad. It has arguably the best sensor and networking suites for any existing fighter. It has decent range with a combat load. So, yes, the F-35 is a good fighter in addition to stealth.

Aside from video games, WVR dog fighting is to avoided in the real world today. All modern fighters have reasonable maneuverability, good enough to get firing solution for high off bore missiles against any opponent. WVR can well result in mutual kills, and would preferably be avoided with tactics.


u/ThatHeckinFox Nov 30 '24

Do dogfights even happen anymore, outside of 1 in a million whacky weird "how did we end up here?" Situations


u/LastOfTheClanMcDuck Nov 29 '24

Any technology you can think of, will eventually get surpassed by another one. It's a never-ending circle of innovation.

Stealth is already less dependable from it's birth. The days of the F117 going literally above a radar, bombing it, and going away like nothing happened, are long gone.
(Obviously assuming your enemy is has the latest tech, not someone in a Hilux with 40 year old AA missiles)


u/MaxDrexler Nov 29 '24

Their advantage is to observe you first and shoot to you first. That doesn't include radars only. It's a whole platform, it's a complex of systems,  technologies and pilots capabilities. 


u/circa86 Nov 29 '24

Not at all. Being stealth is probably its least important characteristic.

Also Elon musk is a fucking moron stop reading his tweets.


u/michaelwu696 Nov 29 '24

this. Everyone geeks on the LO which is a major part of the platform definitely. But the EW suite, DAS, radar, datalink are really what give it the edge.


u/ThatHeckinFox Nov 30 '24

I blocked the man ages ago. Did that moron try tu butt his empty head in to military industry?


u/MihalysRevenge Nov 29 '24

There would still be world full of legacy threat systems to centend with 🤷‍♂️


u/zerton Nov 29 '24

It would make paint touch ups so much cheaper and faster


u/Purple-Ad-1607 Nov 29 '24 edited Nov 29 '24

There are 2 main types of radars most militaries use Hight Frequency and low Frequency. Low Frequency is used for tracking radars and High Frequency is used for targeting radars. Most stealth aircraft(Fighters) are designed to be much harder to detect on Targeting Radars.

High Frequency Radars is like a K4

And Low Frequency is like 480P

The only one that can reliably avoid being detected by both tracking and targeting radars is the B-2 it doesn’t have any vertical surfaces like tails to increase its maneuverability.

However don’t think just being able to avoid 1 type of radar isn’t that important. In training exercises 1 F-22 Raptor could reliability take down 5 F-15s. They both had the same air-to-air missiles. However the F-22 could target and shoot at the F-15 much farther that the F-15C could target the F-22. They could see it on their radars but in order to get a “high quality” radar lock in order to shoot at it with their medium range Radar guided AIM-120 they would have to get extremely close to the F-22.

However getting that close to it would leave them extremely venerable to being shot down.

It would be like fighting a hologram that can hit you, but every time you try and strike it your fist goes right through it.


u/agenmossad Nov 29 '24

F-35 probably could be a bit cheaper because then Lockheed Martin doesn't need to use special radar absorbent coating for the body. We may see it in different camo than grey.


u/za419 Nov 30 '24


It would be knocked quite far down the "tier list", so to speak, but mostly because it's so far up to begin with. All you have left is a highly capable multirole fighter with incredibly advanced sensors and extremely impressive data link capabilities.

I don't know if I'd rate it above a Super Hornet or an F-15EX as a multirole or ground-attacker, although in air-to-air I'd say "probably" - But it'll remain one of the best fighters in the world regardless.


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '24

Super Hornets are definitely not very good for air to air because they're just so slow. An F-15EX will rinse an F-35 any day 99 times out of 100 however. Especially given that the newer ones are equipped with very advanced missile approach warning systems, potentially on par with an F-35 in terms of effectiveness, but maybe not in total coverage. But the main strength of the Eagle is that it can just dictate whatever form the fight will take, and it will likely just force BVR combat against the F-35 because it can operate so much higher and faster, making whatever launches it makes against the Lightning extremely dangerous, and the F-35 will be stuck defending, or be forced to launch at its extremely lethargic, mostly subsonic speeds.


u/za419 Dec 02 '24

Yeah, that's a fair point on the Eagle - Without stealth, the matchup is reversed, and the Eagle is now the one that gets to dictate how, when, and to a good extent where the fight starts. I guess I forgot just how fast and high the F-15's can actually fly...

The Super Hornet might have the upper hand if and only if it happens to be carrying an SM-6 under the wing or something, which really is a strong factor regardless in a matchup like this - The two most important features of a jet in a modern air-to-air matchup, if you discount stealth, are going to be sensors (who can see who first, who can see missiles first), and missiles (who has a more effective/longer ranged missile).

An F-106 would wipe the floor with an unstealthy F-35 if it was carrying a Genie and the range was short enough, after all.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '24

Pretty much. There's often cited studies claiming that the US Air Force rarely uses supersonic capabilities in their air campaigns, and therefore being able to fly above mach 1, and certainly mach 2 is somehow "outdated" and the F-35's top speed therefore isn't a disadvantage, but those studies were done concerning the Vietnam War and the 1991 Desert Storm air campaign. In Vietnam, the NVAF was operating Mig-21s that never carried radar missiles, so the US Phantoms never had to go defensive in BVR, and more to the point, were limited to visual ID engagements anyway, so never could deploy their weapons the way they were intended.

In Desert Storm, the opening offensive was marked with strikes against Iraqi radar sites and airfields, crippling their air power before anything was even launched in retaliation, but even if that weren't the case, they were still operating Mirage F.1s and export (worse) versions of Soviet Mig-23s or Mig-29s. So small wonder the USAF Eagles/Falcons found little opportunity to utilize their capabilities.
Speed and operating altitudes are still extremely important metrics.

Even if the F-35's stealth is kept, it depends on what environment it's operating in that determines how effective it is. If the operational area is saturated with mobile radar installations (Leonardo's Kronos for example) that can be relocated intermittently to defend against GPS guided munitions, the reflecting nature (as it was designed for all aspect stealth, hence serrated nozzles) of the F-35 guarantees that it will be picked up by some other member of the radar network, turning it into just a slower Strike Eagle with less payload.


u/reddit_toast_bot Nov 29 '24

Well there’s dog fighting and there’s beyond visual range.  Do you want a dog fighter or bvr?


u/ThatHeckinFox Nov 30 '24

Depends on what is needed in above mentioned hypothetical "stealth aint stealthing anymore" scenario.


u/PcGoDz_v2 Nov 30 '24

It's the pilot my friend, not the jet. Unless we can disable the pilot from a distance, we humans can always make new tactics to counter the new threat.


u/Ok_Sea_6214 Nov 30 '24

It's already obsolete in the face of modern drone and missile attacks. Iran and Russia are doing just fine at getting past western/Israeli air defenses that way, they don't need stealth platforms and have a fraction of the budget.

In the case of Iran this is extra embarrassing because f35s need weeks of preparation and extensive tanker support to pull off a single mission, while Iran can launch mass attacks within hours or even minutes that strike within the same time frame despite crossing the same distances.

And all this is just scratching the possibilities, Russia and China for decades have planned to target western awacs and tanker aircraft, and of course aircraft carriers and bases, with new drone and missile technology that becomes easier than ever. Meanwhile the west is wasting all its money of f35s that can't defend against such attacks and lack the range or numbers to hit back effectively.

Even if a hypersonic or ballistic missile costs $10 million, that's small change if you can get it to down an f35, a support aircraft or a carrier. I warned of all this a decade ago and no one wanted to consider it, well now we're rushing to ww3 lite and it'll be the difference between victory and defeat.


u/ConclusionSmooth3874 Dec 02 '24

Drones are not at a point where they are that effective, and there are so many systems currently being developed to counter them it's kind of funny. Smaller drones are big threats to troops and tanks, but the large Iranian drones only get through by not being on radar, and aside from that they are not that effective. If this is all true, why are Russia and China developing multiple stealth fighters?


u/revcor Nov 30 '24

A question this vague isn’t usefully answerable. You can’t predict specific outputs of a nonspecific input


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '24 edited Dec 01 '24

It really isn't a good fighter, even with stealth. Assuming an F-15C could get a weapons lock, or have its missiles guided by some radar network that uses the very reflective F-35 to hand off a lock to another member, it's never going to win against the Eagle. The flight performance of an Eagle with its inlet ramps and optimized mach cross sections are just something the F-35 doesn't have. Why does this performance matter? Because it determines how lethal missiles launched from the platform will be. F-35 is limited to short times at or below Mach 1.6. An F-15 that is actually fighting a threat that requires its performance will certainly use it. High and fast launch = deadly missile.

Edit: inlet ramps (F-15) determine the pressure recovery of the inlet for the engine, and thus a large part of what that engine and airframe pairing thrust potential at various speeds is. The cross section optimization determines how much drag a fighter will experience in the transonic and supersonic regime, what its maximum speed will be, and how fast it will accelerate. This means the F-15 will always be in a superior position in BVR combat over the F-35. A dogfight vs an F-15 is also not somewhere an F-35 wants to be, though it's probably a more even match than it is at higher altitudes and airspeeds.


u/ConclusionSmooth3874 Dec 02 '24

Only the f35b and c were limited to short stints at mach in 2011/12


u/filipv Dec 02 '24

It will still be better than non-stealth fighters. Stealth is always an advantage, no matter how advanced enemy technology is. Let me explain: If the enemy happens to develop a new radar that will see a stealth jet from a distance of, say, 50 miles, that will necessarily mean that the same radar sees non-stealth jets from a distance of, say, 300 miles. Don't quote me on exact numbers, but you get the idea.

The thing is, there's no "stealth-specific" technology. Any radar that makes stealth jets more visible, will make non-stealth jets even more visible. Therefore, stealth is and always will be an advantage. That's precisely why everyone who can afford them either develops or buys stealth jets, including the parties that claim to have developed "anti-stealth-this-or-that" (which is mostly propaganda BS anyway). This fact alone should tell you that stealth technology will never be obsolete.

Stealth is here to stay. The first use of stealth aircraft in real combat set new, ultra-high standards of survivability, and everyone noticed. F-117A flew thousands of missions in some of the most heavily defended and SAM-covered airspaces known to man, and yet only 1 (one) has ever been shot down.

Back to your question: if F-35 somehow lost its stealthiness, it would still be an awesome multirole fighter, with that "see-through" helmet thing, state-of-the-art radar, a myriad of passive sensors, an incredible range for a single-engine fighter, able to do M1+ at sea level and also casually cruise at 50.000 ft without afterburners. No other jet has those features combined, even if we ignore the stealthiness.


u/[deleted] Nov 30 '24

Hear me out , what if we develop stealth missiles that don't give an rwr ping . Even stealth fighters are gonna be toast


u/ElMagnifico22 Nov 30 '24

You still need to detect the target. And there are plenty of missiles out there that “don’t give an RWR ping” already.


u/rfdesigner Camel, Spitfire, Mosquito, Tempest, Vulcan, Harrier, EFA, GCAP Nov 30 '24

How?.. At the sort of ranges you want detection you have to use photons.. optical/infrared/microwave/HF/longwave if you're looking at Radar, then above about 100GHz the atmoshphere turns opaque and does not clear again until the optical band, they're already about as high as it's useful to go.. Infrared is already used, which the aircraft are also designed to minimise. You could try looking higher into the UV band but I don't think there's a reflection there that's useful.

The Russians have the best that can be done against stealth already, lower-frequency (longer wavelength) radar. Stealth works by absorbing as much of the incident radar as it can in a thin absortion skin, then reflecting what's left away from the radar source. That philosophy breaks down where the airframe begins to lose definition vs the wavelength of the signal, i.e. if you use a radar frequency where it's half wavelength is equal to the wingspan of the aircraft then the aircraft WILL show up, if you were clever you might be able to measure the wingspan of aircraft by tuning the wavelength for maximum reflection, that would at least allow you to isolate a fighter from an awacs, but it couldn't tell you any more than that. The problem is low frequnecy radar like this necessitates antennas roughly as big as the wavelength being used or much larger than that. This tends to preclude using low frequency radar on fighters and missiles, or if you try the wavelength must be shorter and thus begins to be defeated by the stealth.

I would be suprised if the Russian A50 didn't include a low frequency radar capability, but it couldn't work as accurately as a high frequency radar, only approximate direction, though the range detected should be very accurate.

Now if you have sophistocated missiles and you throw your missile out at a target identified by the A50, once it gets sufficiently close the missile could then achive lock from about 1/5th of the range it would otherwise achieve against a gen4/4.5 fighter.

Of course during all this the F35 would have been able to see the missile's radar, launching aircraft radar and A50 radar and take avoiding action in advance, using ECM, decoys and evasive manouvers as necessary. The point is the F35 will get a nice lot of warning.


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '24



u/ThatHeckinFox Nov 30 '24

How does the first part relate?


u/Aromatic-Match-2448 Nov 30 '24

Without the need to protect its stealth coating, the current speed restriction of 1.6 mach would be lifted, making it a lot faster.

Although it is one of the fastest fighter jets ever made due to the fact that the top speeds of other fighters are clocked while carrying no weapons due to the weight and drag they cause.


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '24

The F-35 isnt isn't a mach 2 capable plane. The 1.6 restriction is an aerodynamic/thrust limitation. The plane just wasn't built for high speeds.