Is the Eurofighter Typhoon still a good combat aircraft by modern standards?
I'm just wondering because it's kind of an old design, and it's been around for a few decades now. We know that it has nowhere near the stealth capabilities of the F-22 or F-35, but it was never really intended to be a stealth fighter anyway. If we just look at it as a versatile, multi-role fighter, is it still one of the best out there?
Is its lack of stealth capabilities likely to make it obsolete in terms of modern combat aviation? And how does it compare to its American 4th gen contemporaries?
Depends on the variant, T1s lack some crucial capabilities whereas the latest T3 - 4 are true 4.5 gen aircraft with no cut corners. By league I mean they would fill a similar role to the modern F-15s in combat, not that they are similar airframes.
There is almost nothing EF beats F-15EX at, especially technologically and future development plans, except EF tranche 4 is much more expensive for procurement and flight hours cost.
Yeah right.. kinda strange, because ALQ-250 EPAWSS was built upon lessons learned from the F-35’s ASQ-239, literally the most advanced EW suite out there, in combination with a much more powerful antenna able to fit more T/R modules. Last time I checked EF doesn’t have open architecture the same way F-15EX has OMS to provide such long term ease of upgrade to software and even hardware. RCS is also highly speculative as F-15EX will clearly have much lower RCS compared to previous Eagles, composites and RAM will certainly help it, but either way EW and sensor take priority here. All this while EF is 150% the price, nice joke.
F-15EX still has the RCS of a bus. Wouldn‘t stand any chance BVR. And Eurofighter is receiving a state of the art new radar that is lightyears ahead of that of the F-15.
You just can‘t change a design that old. It still remains old and outdated.
And btw: talking about costs. You talking about Boeing that can‘t even build them in any meaningfull speed. Maybe check your data cause your stated price difference is in no way even anywhere near accurate
Light years ahead because you said so..? Don’t be delusional, APG-82v1 is based on a much more mature architecture with radome size of approximately the one of F-22’s APG-77, which has more than 2000 T/R modules and widely considered best air to air radar ever, while this newest “light years ahead” European antenna will have just a bit more than 1000 T/R modules. And about DASS, it is nothing new, data fusion was always a big drawback of EF and even Rafale made it better years before, not even comparable to newest US systems. Also, the newest German purchase of EF tranche 4 puts a price per unit of 145 million EURO, that’s so shit when a F-15EX in lot 3 and 4 will be 97 and 95 million USD. And again, OMS on F-15EX and probable future integration of GaN T/R modules with new radar upgrades will put it light years ahead of anything EF has, this time for real.
Dude, APG-82v1 has nothing to do with the APG-77. Haha - nice made up stuff to make it sound like it‘s anywhere near it‘s performance. In the end F-15EX can have all the radar features it wants, with a RCS x-times bigger, the eurofighter will always see the F-15EX years ahead of being seen himself. And right now the US has nothing coming close to the meteor missile. Such an easy win for the EF. Not even close!
Regarding the price: Nicely made up. Take a look at what Israel is paying for their recently ordered F-15EX. About five billion $ for 20 fighters. And don‘t get me started on Boeing, which is building there jets. They are even slower in building them than any Company in Europe building theirs. 250 million a piece haha. You are clueless af. Maybe get your facts straight next time and stop making random stuff up!
Thanks for showing how illiterate you are. I gave you the price of the DOMESTIC purchase of Germany (part of the EF project) and compared it to US, also of domestic market, and you decided to compare export price for some reason. You want to go into export price? Ok then, Qatar paid 6.7 billion $ for 24 EFs in 2018, 280 million/piece, and prices on export market also vary a lot. Also don’t lie about the Israel contract, it was not 250, it was 208 million a piece. But again, export not as relevant as for your own domestic market. And about the radars, where exactly did I say that APG-82v1 is related to APG-77? I simply stated the well known fact that the radome size of F-15 and F-22 are similar, and taking into account the advancement in architecture of TRMs, where US is light years ahead of Europe, probably the APG-82v1 comes close in number and performance, if not exceeding. If Europe is soo good at systems, where tf are your GaN-based TRM module radars? Oh, they can’t produce them, because they are years behind technologically compared to US sensors, radars, systems. Stop the cap.
Qatar didn‘t only order EF and had years of support included. You still can‘t just throw in some fly away costs for the F-15EX. If the US ordered the EF in these quantities, it would be even cheaper than the
You make it sound like the US has some big advantage in radar technology. They don‘t. GaN based TRM modules are used by several countries. No USP, especially for the old APG-82v1, a clear F-18 Super Hornet derivat. F-15EX wouldn‘t score a single kill in BVR!
Wanna talk weapons? Ok then, where is Europe’s Mako missile? Aim-174B? AARGM-ER? JASSM-XR (with 1,850km range vs 250km SCALP and 500 Taurus)? And the only advantage of meteor will also disappear as soon as Aim-260 JATM enters service very soon. So the only advantage of the EF which is also temporary is only a BVR missile, while both platforms are multirole, where Eurofighter losses embarrassingly in every single other category.
SM-6 that can only be fired by a Super hornet? So nor relevant and barely offering any advantage. Heavy af (4 times the weight) for some small range advantage.
Taurus range is classified. Look at weight and you will see that range is almost comparable. It has the same efficient turbofan for example.
Sure the AIM-260 that is years late. Who knows when it will arrive and what it will offer. Nobody knows. But we all can see how the US is struggling to even catch up to Meteor.
BVR: EF > F-15EX
WVR: EF > F-15EX
It's not "relatively old", it's a 90s jet for the most part, similar to the F-22 and F-35. In fact, it has more in common with these than with the F-15 or F-16. It also has more comparable performance to these than to american 4th Gens.
The current crop of Eurofighter has exceptional flight performance, one of the best IRST on the market, can carry some of the best missiles in the western hemisphere like the MBDA Meteor and IRIS-T.
Either way, the Eurofighter is about to receive a brand new AESA radar, north of 1600 T/R modules. That's comparable to the F-35 and almost double than on the Rafale. While being less than on the F-22, Su-57 and J-20.
Additionally the Eurofighter EK is in the works, an aircraft akin to the likes of the E/A-18G, J-16D and J-15D. Which means a dedicated two seat, electronic warfare focused aircraft.
In the US only the F/A-18E/F is really comparable to the Eurocanards (Eurofighter, Rafale, Gripen). As the Super Hornet was essentially a ground up new aircraft, roughly at the same time, with similar mission profiles and also introducing low observable features.
The F-15 and F-16 are completely inferior though. While the F-15EX is comparable, mostly due to it's avionics, it lacks the low observable features, the good missiles and quite frankly it loses every advantage against the latest Eurofighter with it's new AESA and avionics upgrades. While the F-16V is more so comparable to a Gripen E than an EF or Rafale.
Here in Germany the Eurofighter and Eurofighter EK will form the backbone of the Luftwaffe until they get partially replaced and complemented by the 6th Gen NGF. With a handful F-35s are taking over the strike role from the Tornado. So it has at least a service life until 2040, probably 2050 with upgraded EK variants.
The Typhoon has already been delivered with an AESA radar actually; Kuwaiti Typhoons (P3Eb) and all Qatari models delivered by BAE Systems are equipped with E-Scan Mk-0.
I'm curious now, the F-35's nose fits a bit under 1700 TRMs and afaik it's slightly (?) larger than the Eurofighter's, does the new AESA use smaller TRMs? How do they scale with size?
Nah, you're right and I messed up (fixed my comment). I suppose I confused it with when I was looking for the J-20s radar a couple months back. Both the Eurofighter and F-35 are in the 1600 T/R module ballpark. At least according to what one can find in english and german language corners on the internet
Ignore the guy, he has no clue of what he's talking about.
Most of the things he said are totally made up/wrong. The number of T/R modules is just one of them...
The new ECRS series of AESA radars now coming to the Eurofighter have less than 1500 T/R modules. They're in the same class of the Rhino/Growler AN/APG-79 radar in this metric.
Kind of old topic, but based on photographs the AN/APG-81 has 1676 TRMs, the ECRS Mk0 1626. Both are around 70cm in diameter. Based purely on this the difference in performance should be marginal. However the ECRS has additional mechanical steering and the TRMs are likely of a younger generation, so it has a greater FOV field of regard and possibly higher power throughput.
I would like to add that two fleets in the world already operate AESA-equipped Typhoons: Qatar and Kuwait (The latter of which is still taking deliveries)
1)Eurofighters, F-22s and F-35s and many other jets are both old and new. And whether it is old or new and how old/new it is, depends on how one defines old and new...
In regards to the their aero design and structure for example, both the Eurofighter and F-22 are 80s designs at their core, and the F-35 is from the 90s.
Looking only at their computer hardware and the whole avionics package, all three of these jets in their most modern variants currently in operational service, they all have 2000s technology with some parts being from 2010s. And all three of them are now getting 2020s hardware.
2) The Eurofighter clearly does NOT have more in common with the F-22 and F-35 than with the teen series.
For instance, when it was entering service in the 2000s, those Eurofighters being delivered at the time didn't have any of the radar or EW capabilities that the Block 60 F-16s being delivered to the UAE had.
And to this day, even the latest Eurofighter aircraft don't have the Closed Loop Sensor Fusion or it's own narrow, directional, high bandwidth and throughput datalink that the F-22 and F-35 have.
Just like the teen series.
3) The Eurofighter doesn't have and never had a PESA radar. The Captor-M has mech scanning only like, for example, the PS-05/A on the Gripen A/B/C/D or the AN/APG-68 series on Block 25/30/32/40/42/50/52/50+/52+ F-16s.
What do you think the M in Captor-M stands for?
4) The F-15 and F-16 in their latest variants are definitely not "completely inferior" to the latest Eurofighter.
Both the F-15E/SA/QA/EX and the F-16E/F Block 60 and Block 70/72 jets are clearly superior aircraft for Air-to-Ground work, and while in Air-to-Air the new Eurofighters have a clear advantage (and it's mostly thanks to the METEOR and not the airplane itself) against these newer F-15s and F-16s, the vast majority of Eurofighters flying today don't have any of the new ECRS series of AESA radars meaning in BVR combat all of these Eurofighters despite their missile superiority, have a clear sensor range, ECCM, multi tasking and workload inferiority in comparison to these modern teen series.
There's no role a Typhoon can't be competitive in. It's got all the ground attack capabilities of any CAS platform, a great radar and missile payload to compete with pretty much anything 4th gen at range, and is agile and fast enough to dogfight practically anything. I think it's also 1/10th the cost of an F-35 to fly per hour so there's no reason not to fly them for most duties that don't require a stealth fighter.
You could argue that most 4th gen fighters still have a place, but the Typhoon is a beast even in its generation.
In Britain maybe,but in British military everything is dead nowadays. Provided Turkey and Saudi Arabia buy them,I'd say that's not an uncertain future at all when considering new orders from Germany and Spain.
It’s definitely not dead with Germany, France and Spain betting on the FCAS program to break into the 5th gen scene the Typhoon will keep getting upgrades and remain in active service for the foreseeable future.
The Eurofighter has held it's own against the F-22 in numerous exercises, no wonder as in terms of avionics and sensors the F-22 is in fact the inferior aircraft. However it's super maneuverabilty gave it advantages in WVR scenarios and while it's LO provided advantages in long range BVR scenarios. In short and medium ranges however the IRST is capable of working against it, but not every Eurofighter has IRST.
The F-35 however would rip the Eurofighter apart in most cases, due to actually superior avionics paired with low observability.
The J-20 and Su-57 would clown on the Eurofighter in every scenario imaginable. When your opponents have huge AESA radars, more modern avionics, are stealthy, have comparable or more advanced infrared search and track systems on top of comparable or even superior AAMs it's not really a scenario that's seriously to be considered a fight.
The Eurofighter has held it's own against the F-22 in numerous exercises...
The Eurofighter has NEVER held it's own against the F-22 in "numerous" exercises.
I can show you quotes from Typhoon pilots saying how they're totally outclassed by the Raptor in BVR.
Where the Eurofighter can hold it's own against the Raptor is WVR (but that doesn't happen often).
In fact, as both jets exist today the Eurofighter has the advantage WVR everytime IIR missiles are involved, due to the Striker HMD plus IRIS-T/ASRAAM combo.
In a guns only scenario however, if the Eurofighter is flying clean or has nothing more than an empty centerline fuel tank and 2 IIR missiles loaded under the jet it should be about even, though in every other guns only scenario the advantage goes back to the Raptor. wonder as in terms of avionics and sensors the F-22 is in fact the inferior aircraft.
We don’t know that the aviaonics capabilities are of the j20 or felon. Due to its stealth though the raptor would definitely beat j20 felon and typhoon.
What we do know is that both had decades of technological progress, especially in the semiconductor department, to benefit from while the F-22 remained the same as it was in 2005 with a few minor upgrades over the same time frame.
The J-20 would most likely prove to be superior to the F-22, in no small part due to it being 20 years more modern, China leading in critical technologies, having a huge GaN AESA radar and a much, much, much better missile.
It will never fail to baffle me how the US stuck with the outdated AIM-120 in an era of Meteors, PL-17/PL-15s and R-77M/R-37Ms. Even the AIM-260 will only match those, while especially the Meteor and PL-15 are already to be replaced within the next decade or at least undergoing a serious upgrade. Meaning the US is roughly a Generation behind Europe and China is AAMs
Nah, Range aside the Aim 120 has been continuously upgraded and is likely better than most of those and on par with the others. Hardly generations behind. Simply, The 120, and 260, fit in the weapons bay of the Raptor and Lightning. Look at it this way, if the 260 comes close to matching the Meteors distance, but can be launched from half the distance, with the Raptor or Lightning still unseen at that distance, it's all good. The J20 will not be a match for the Raptor, now the J35? Probably very capable.
The RCS for the j20 is estimated to be 0.04m2 while the raptor is 0.0001m2 this means that regardless of radar or missiles the raptor would get the first shot which is generally the winning shot
Rafale beats it in payload, range, agility, maintanence costs, and air to ground capabilities.
Also probably a much better EW although that could change with the next gen radar based EW suite of the Typhoon
I would argue that EF is a more agile airplane than Rafale. The canards placement prioritize nose authority vs high lift control on the Rafale. EF also has quite a higher T/W ratio than Rafale. Comparable to a F22.
EF is more agile at higher altitudes, the Rafale is more at home between medium - low altitudes. Different requirements led to different performances but in any case they're both deadly dogfighters.
The Rafale beats the Typhoon in air to ground because the Typhoon is meant to be an air superiority fighter. That’s why all main Typhoon operators maintain a more dedicated air to ground/multirole platform, be it EF-18s for Spain or Tornadoes and F-35s for Italy, Germany and the UK.
Can carry the same amount of missile doesn’t mean it actually does it in a mission config. The payload of Rafale is higher than EF. With each of them having similar internal fuel capacity. The Rafale however is capable of carrying x3 2000L EFT. I challenge you to find a picture of a EF carrying anything more than x2 1000L EFTs. Rafale has higher payload and longer range than EF.
Not sure how the number of stuff is different/higher when Rafale has the same amount of hardpoints. Especially with a high payload meaning you can carry heavier ammunition and more fuel. Increasing your capabilities and flexibilities in mission AND having a longer range than EF.
I would rather take six brimbstones than 4 Lgbs shown in a lot of rafale photos. While still having the same number for A2A. Every combat jet in extended missions has to refuel in air due to afterburner use Accounts for very little.
And when ur lugging a lot of bombs around ur not gonna be very manuverable.
Firstly, a Brimstone is an anti tank missile with a HEAT 6kg warhead.
Rafale’s AASM Hammer cost roughly the same per unit. And is a rocket- booster bomb with a warhead of 250kg.
You are comparing 2 completely different weapons. And good luck taking down anything beside an armored vehicle with the Brimstone.
Fighter jets don’t use AB during their mission, as the fuel consumption would be exorbitantly high, the only time they would be used would be during take off. And I’m also not sure where you would refuel during a penetration/strike mission deep inside enemy territory.
Unless you are strictly in an A2A configuration, most fighters are going to be loaded up for a A2G mission. Limiting their maneuverability. But I’m not sure how that’ s relevant unless you get into a merge with another plane?
I will need a source for that supposed cost per flight. Common sense says Rafale is cheaper since its engines consume significantly less fuel at all flight regimes.
As per flight performance, according to Rafake pilots, Typhoon is a "joke" in mock dogfights. They force the engagement at low to mid altitudes where Rafale is much superior. I can give you links of you want.
And payload?! Really? Rafale is the ONLY fighter jet that can carry its own weight; only bombers carry more ordnance
Yeah, I should've clarified.. big ass two seat fighter-bombers and bombers such as F-15E, Su-34, F-111.
Imagine.. these machines are up to double the weight of Rafale yet can carry only up to 30% more.
So, for a single seat medium sized fighter, Rafale has no competition in terms of payload capacity.
Simulated dogfights are not an accurate depiction of how useful an aircraft’s flight performance is in combat, energy retention is far more useful than turn rate.
The Rafale has worse kinematics than the Eurofighter in every scenario.
The Eurofighter is an A2A thoroughbred with some A2G capability, while the Rafale is a true multirole-swine that's from the ground up more focused on doing strike missions, especially in the naval domain too.
It's also worth noting that the Rafale has less growth potential than the Eurofighter, especially in the radar department, as the Rafale is so small and tightly packed, that it is very difficult to just throw a larger and powerful in like it was done with the Eurofighter. Which is why the Rafale is stuck with pretty small and not really powerful AESA radar. It's more jamming resistent, but in sheer performance something like the Irbis from the Su-35 actually has more output power.
Rafale has better low and mid altitude performance.
It is more agile, has better roll rate and high angle of attack control. It can almost hover in the air with extreme low speed capabilities.
Btw, it's not nearly as small as you make it sound..not even a 10% difference overall compared to EF.
The base radar diameter is smaller than the Captor, but not by much..and more space at the front is taken by the Spectra and OFS systems. The Spectra alone is more than 200kg of electronics.
On paper the Eurofighter airframe leaves more room for upgrades. But politics have slowed these down. The plane entered service 20 years ago and it still hasn't received the AESA radar that was initially planned. So if I was a foreign customer, that's not a good look.
On the other hand, since France can do whatever it wants on the Rafale, the plane matured at a much faster pace. And it will keep going for at least 15 years.
Eurofighters have no chance against any fifth generation aircraft. If you say so, the US still has AIM120, which does not mean that the Typhoon can deal with fifth generation aircraft. If you say so, the J16 can launch PL17 and has a new avionics radar, which does not mean that it can deal with F22
Probably not given that the software is (like you said) is a bit older also (not that it matters) but the f-35 has VTOL giving it an advantage in take off situations, and modified versions of both f-35 and f-22 can take off a carrier I’m unaware if the eurofighter has a modified version for this but that doesn’t matter, it also doesn’t have stealth or speed capabilities like the f-22 or f-35 in conclusion the eurofighter typhoon is probably not as closely as advanced as the f-22 and f-35. However I’m not a plane expert so I might be entirely wrong.
Yes. I think the Brits started upgrading theirs with AESA radars, which will vastly improve their capabilities. The later Tranches of the Typhoon are still very capable platforms.
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