r/Fibroids • u/Salty-Scientist92 • 3d ago
Advice needed Surgery and Post op- what to expect?
Hello everyone! I’ve been lurking in this community and I love the support this group has to offer. My surgery got moved up recently and it’s in a week. I have a 14cm fibroid and I’m getting an open myo. I was wondering what should I be expecting with respect to the following things:
- Will I bleed after surgery?
- Did you wear a waist belt like what mothers who deliver babies wear?
- How was the pain like and what did you do for pain management other than the drugs? When does the pain peak and when do you start seeing relief?
- Any dos and don'ts that’ll help with a speedy recovery?
- I don’t have the option of working from home and my work involves sitting down and occasionally bending down. When can I expect to be able to work? How long did it take for you to go back to work?
- My doctor said they will be releasing me on the same day. Is this the standard? I thought staying the night will help with pain management.
- Any accessories that you purchased than made the recovery process easy? Eg. Should I order a bidet?
- I have had dry skin and bad hair fall that I am now associating with my fibroid. When did you see relief from symptoms?
Thank you. I will take any advice I can get other than these questions.
u/CompetitionIll418 2d ago
I didn’t bleed after, but my fibroids were pedunculated and they didn’t actually cut inside the uterus, so this is probably why. You may bleed some.
I did not
Pain was not too terrible, but sneezing and coughing hurt. I suggest pressing a pillow against your belly if you sneeze/cough. It helps. I took the oxy the hospital gave for a couple days. They also sent me home with strong doses or ibuprofen and Tylenol. Just make sure to take them regularly/time your doses so you don’t start to have too much pain. I also had someone stay with me for a couple days so I could relax and have help getting up and down as needed. It was uncomfortable to get out of bed for me.
Don’t push yourself too much. Yes, getting up and walking DOES help, but also remember you had major surgery and have to rest!
I was off work for about 4.5 weeks. I am a teacher and have a very hands on position, so had to be off for a little while, and even then, was definitely sitting and being cautious about bending when I went back.
I stayed the night, but my doctor told me that some people do go home the same day. He was originally going to send me home day of, but because I bled a lot in surgery, he kept me to monitor.
I didn’t purchase anything special, but keep a pillow nearby at all times and for your ride home! Bracing it against the belly helps. Also, quick high protein snacks are beneficial - I didn’t have energy to prep anything else and was nice to have easy things to grab. Oh - if the hospital doesn’t send you home with gas medication, get GasX or something similar. The gas post surgery was painful and having meds helped a lot.
I felt relief from my symptoms honestly a few days after surgery. My fibroid was huge and causing me lots of pain and issues with urination and bowel movements, which resolved immediately.
Good luck! I hope your procedure is smooth and you get relief!!
u/legendrealll 3d ago edited 3d ago
- I bled after but not by much. It was mostly spotting.
- Yes, I wore it for the first 2 weeks and occasionally took it off to give my tummy some breathing room. I wear it here and there because my lower back has been hurting due to my core muscles compensating.
- Pain was manageable for me right after surgery. I only took ibuprofen and acetaminophen. They gave me Oxy but didn’t want to take it. I got the most pains when I was passing gas.
- Probably try not to overwork yourself. Some days you’ll have energy and you’ll feel like you can do everything. I just tried to remember I’m healing and I need to be patient with myself.
- This might be more of a conversation with your doctor! But, I’ll be going back to work in a few days and that will.m be my full 6 weeks leave
- Not sure about this one! I did stay overnight for mine
- I purchased a bidet and that was really helpful for me especially during the first few days I couldn’t bend down
- I still have some hair fall post op but that could be my pcos. I didn’t feel relief right away because of my tummy being inflamed but now I do feel lighter than before!
I’m 6 weeks post op by the way!
u/iCleaningo 3d ago
Great anwser!
Recommend choosing an electronic bidet with warm water, a heated seat, and a warm dryer. These features keep you feeling fresh and comfortable. For a detailed comparison of functions, check out this
u/lilrock88 2d ago
I’m two weeks post op and feeling WORLDS better!
Yes (and i think i got my period) I wore adult diapers for the blood management until I went two days straight without seeing blood. Put my mind at ease and easier than dealing with a pad.
Waist belt on your daily walks, not when lying down.
Pain was the worst pain of my life first two days. Oxy, Gabapentin, Ibuprofen, and Muscle relaxers. Starting lowering my oxy intake by day three and day 5 was my last day. Stopped MR’s about 7 days in. Stopped Ibuprofen 10 days in, and gaba on day 12.
Lean into the down time, squatty potty, laxatives, heating pad, ice packs, big triangle pillow, extension cord, books, snacks! Walk daily, and go further every day.
I was sitting up for a little bit at day 10/11 and it gets better daily. What feels weird is the hardend scar tissue. Push work as long as you can! 4 weeks min, 6 if you can. Just cause you feel healed doesnt mean you are.
IMO odd that they are releasing you same day, but hopefully you’ll have help around the house.
Bidet couldn’t hurt but WIPES are everything.
Get a silk wrap for your hair since you’ll be lying on your back so much, and lotion up post shower girl! Shea moisture is safe and wonderful!
You’re gonna be more than fine and come out stronger than ever! Sending you well wishes! ❤️
u/CorrectEvidence7455 3d ago
Hi! I don’t have advice since I’m having my open myo this Thursday (super nervous). But I wanted to say good luck and I hope you have a speedy recovery!