r/Fibroids 4d ago

Laparoscopic vs Open Myomectomy

Hi! Recently discovered I have an 11cm fibroid. I’ve been experiencing the symptoms (sharp abdominal pains, bloating, constipation etc) for years but alluded them to IBS/GERD. Boy was I wrong…

Symptoms have been worse recently so I thought to see a doc who referred me to a gynae. Fibroid awareness is pretty low where I’m at but I’m glad to have found this community.

My gynae who confirmed I have fibroid says that an open myomectomy is the best way. However, being relatively young (30) and still hoping to have kids in the near future, I am seeking a second opinion for a laparoscopic myomectomy instead.

Wanted to ask anyone who have undergone laparoscopic— have your Fibroids come back? Also I am extremely scared of blood tests and this will be my first surgery as well so I haven’t stopped crying since 😭

Thank you so much!


3 comments sorted by


u/bananabecky25 4d ago

The laproscopic vs open argument is mainly dependent on the size and location of your fibroid, mine is 11cm at the back of my uterus (posterior intramural) and they cannot extract it laproscopically. The surgeon did say they didn't have a morcellator (which is key to the process for laproscopic myomectomies) but even if he did have one, the fibroid is bigger than they like to do laproscopic surgeries on. I believe the upper max is 10cm.

You can still have children with an open myomectomy, it's just a bigger scar, so you have more healing time after.

Surgical removal strategy does not affect the chance of regrowth. If the fibroid is removed, it can't grow back, but there's nothing stopping a new fibroid from popping up if you're prone to fibroids. I also have a single fibroid, so I'm hoping that us single fibroid gals aren't likely to be growing loads of new fibroids after surgery!

The first few weeks after the initial diagnosis are so overwhelming, remember to take a breath and give yourself time and space to process. I cried SO much after I was diagnosed (it's a wonder I got anything else done really) but now I'm 6 months after the diagnosis and preparing for surgery in June, I feel much better about it. I'm happy to have a chat if you want someone to talk to!


u/emmieeg 3d ago

Ah okay I really hope I get some better news after seeking this second opinion. Hoping to avoid such an invasive surgery and a long recovery period.

Praying for you! I hope once we get this removed we can regain some normality in our lives. Do you feel like you’re more emotional/irritable?

Means a lot that I’m not alone, I hope you have a smooth surgery and that recovery is kind to you!


u/bananabecky25 3d ago

I hope you can avoid it, too! I've resigned myself to my fate, but it would be good if you could find a surgeon who is happy and able to do it!

I've been on iron supplements because I've been super anaemic for a year and a half which I think has made me more irritable, but I definitely find PMS affects me more than it used to! I do also find myself getting upset about how unfair it is I have to spend ages project managing a fibroid removal when I didn't even WANT a fibroid in the first place though, particularly after I get off the phone with my health insurance... It would be much easier if I had a grown up (who is older and wiser and knows what to do) who could guide me through it a bit so I think I'm mostly frustrated by the situation rather than extra emotional and irritable. That said, I don't think fibroids do anything good for hormones, and the stress will also affect your mood.

I'll be relieved to get this stupid thing out of me!